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CTD with the following mods, and yes, I've tried a clean uninstall/reinstall


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So, subject says it all. I've tried google, I've read countless threads on the subject, and I'm still completely baffled.


I've tried putting the .esm files up the top of the load order, and I think it's not the problem.


I've tried a clean uninstall/reinstall, read all the documentation relating to ctd's and mods.


I think it's one of my graphics mods that might be causing it-- potentially one of the Apachii mods, but I've had it work and then not work. I'm having trouble identifying which ones that might be causing the game to ctd. I'm using both NMM and ModOrganiser, I've used WryeBash and I'm also using SKSE. Not running any ENBs cause I don't understand how they work.


Screenshots should show what my mod order/load order/mods are in. Have even included the load order from my data section of Skyrim's launcher.






As the screenshots show, I'm running a fairly decent amount of mods. I've no idea why the CTD happens on load (will crash just after the Beth logo).

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Uhm. If I may suggest I think your main issue is that you are using 2 different mod managers which have their own plugin managments as well as the data tab. So technically you are managing from 3 programs from which 2 don't share the same plugin managment system. >.< Most crashes after just the logo are due to plugins. For example missing master plugins etc.


For example in your case when you start your game via Mod Organizer I see that all of your plugins are disabled at least those installed via NMM. And most probably only those activated in ModOrganazer left pane are active.


The following should be done:

  • Use one mod manager only!!! Ithink just by doing so everthing should be fixed. I personally prefer ModOrganizer since its capacities surpass those of NMM but NMM is certainly way easier to learn to use.
  • Don't use the original data tab to organize your plugins it is already integrated in all mod manager be it ModOrganizer, NMM, Wrye Bash or TESmodmanager.
  • Launching the Skyrim launcher resets ini files sometimes.
  • Use LooT to auto organizer your plugins. (Trust me you need it badly).

Please read http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.8 or watch https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL96C073B0B8BFC01D to get an idea if how to use ModOrganizer or NMM.


If you get CTD after that please post your entire mod list and plugin list instead of these screenshots.

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First i want to say...pick a mod manager and stick with it....lol You have Wrye bash, try getting used to that....but anyway...


In the first pic i see a bashed patch and looks like the Load Order is UPside down, bashed is first of the ..ESP's , should be Last ESP. (except dynamic patches).


First...Use BOSS to sort your mods, then post the BOSS log here in spoiler tags.


Open Wrye bash , look at [MODS] Tab are any of the plugins colored RED? <<this would indicate a missing master.


Download TESVEdit, install and run , click OK to what ever XXEdit loads at start , if it finishes , good, you don't have a missing master (think you do), if you get an ERROR that is the missing Master.


* side note...you should not be loading the Steam launcher, (ever, unless you need to generate new INI files), it creates havok with the order of plugins and will overwrite changes you make to your INI files. Should not ever need it.

To view your Load Order use Wrye bash. to post your load order use Wrye bash. (right click top header>"list mods" close window, right click here , paste. ( all the work was done by Wrye, it copied the list to the clipboard, Wrye added spoiler tags. all you have to do is paste it in your post.

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Haha funny how we posted 2 minutes apart but I think most if not all of his issues will be fixed just by choosing a single mod manager and by using BOSS or LooT. He might not need TESVEdit at all after that since LooT seems to use something akin to what TESVEdit does when analysing plugins before reordering them.

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Thank you both for your replies. I started off using NMM, but then another google thread where I was having issues with CTD suggested I use MO and Wrye.


Part of the reason I was using two mod managers was due to conflicting evidence thanks to google as to the veracity of them. :) Also, I am female ;)


Active Mod Files as per Wrye:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  Dragonborn.esm
04  HearthFires.esm
05  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
06  ApachiiHair.esm
07  ApachiiHairMales.esm
08  AzarHair.esm
09  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
0A  TimingIsEverything.esp
0B  AsharaWeddingOutfit.esp
0C  DartHairColorsAll.esp
0D  Facelight.esp
0E  Follower and NPC Overhaul.esp
----> MISSING MASTER: More Hair Colors Vanilla.esp
0F  N_43 Hair Pack.esp
10  MacKom_LoreStylesHairSet.esp
11  LovelyHairstylesCE.esp
12  More Hair Colors Dawnguard.esp
13  EncHorseSaddledBrown.esp
14  EncHorseSaddledBlackAndWhite.esp
15  EncHorseSaddledGrey.esp
16  Shadowmere.esp
17  EncHorseSaddledPalomino.esp
18  EncHorseSaddledBlack.esp
19  EncHorseBlackAndWhite.esp
1A  EncHorseBlack.esp
1B  EncHorseBrown.esp
1C  EncHorsePalomino.esp
1D  EncHorseGrey.esp
1E  SkyUI.esp
1F  EnhancedCompanionGuild.esp
20  Train over 9000!!!! times.esp
21  _admod.esp
22  WeightNoMore.esp
23  Wallofhonor.esp
24  Gildergreen Regrown.esp  [Version 1.2.6]
25  RGMsVanityMirror.esp  [Version 1.0]
26  The Graves of Falkreath.esp
27  The Honered Dead.esp
28  tpos_whiterun.esp
29  Generous Dovahkiin.esp
2A  HoldBorderBanners.esp
2B  LegendarySmithingUpgrades.esp
2C  guardskillcomments.esp
2D  LIAT - NPCs.esp
2E  LIAT - Sounds.esp
2F  NobleFemaleClothes.esp
30  Point The Way.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
31  SkyHavenTemple'sGlory1.3.esp
32  SkyrimBelongsConditional.esp
33  Vanilla Perk Uncrapper.esp
34  TrueSoldiers.esp
35  Lord and mighty talos.esp
36  The greybeards entrance.esp
37  Winterhold Ruins.esp
38  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
39  HeavyArmorTree.esp
3A  Ekkii Spouse Life.esp
3B  OvIbrewing.esp
3C  StaffCrafting.esp
3D  MageRobesChoice.esp
3E  MQDragonbornResponse.esp
3F  Taverns.esp
40  Stealth Skills Rebalanced_COMPLETE.esp
41  Upgraded Weapons and Armors.esp
42  crimedialog.esp
43  Thieves Guild Requirements.esp
44  zzArmormashups.esp
45  weardargonbarnrobsovurarurm.esp


I know I have the vanilla hair colours mod somewhere in my downloads, I just can't remember where. I tend to launch from SKSE now that I've got mods that require it. Have also read through countless, and somewhat confusing threads suggesting various issues. Funny thing, I can mod DAO and DA2 no problems at all, but Skyrim is a totally different beast! :)

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0E Follower and NPC Overhaul.esp
----> MISSING MASTER: More Hair Colors Vanilla.esp


See Wrye knows...Untic "oe Follower and NPC overhaul" and the game should load.


Try to find out what you missed when installing NPCoverhaul...


You still need to use either BOSS or LOOT basicly teh same thing...BOSS is tried and true..LOOT is newer version of same program , but says for testing only , not for game play.


I only use Wrye have 357 installers giving me 237 plugins, No crashes. I did also do the Step install (as linked above) and can say it is well worth the effort.


Ya "Nyquest" we had to be typing at the same time..i type slow..lol both posts say about the same thing too...lol

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Ok then...you have homework to do....


You do need all the UNofficial paches, one for each DLC, run BOSS and clean all the Official plugins, Dawnguard Heathfires..ect. all the plugins BOSS says are dirty. you use TESVEdit for that . a link is in the BOSS log with a link to instruction for doing the cleaning.


When done...post a BOSS log that is sparkling clean.


Have fun.

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Once again, I want to say thank you for your help. :) It's all running smoothly, and I actually do have the unofficial patches for Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn.


I knew there was a reason I loved the Nexus.

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