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Avast 5.0


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Can i just say i have been using avast for some time now , and i have tryed them all AVG Norton Ncafee ect

and never has Avast let me down all the others have let me down by being slow or letting virus get in but now we have the all new Avast 5.0 wow its so much better then 4.8, it runs fast and is better designed this was made for vista and windows 7 as well if you have avast 4.8 go download it now you will not regret it , you dont need to uninstall 4.8 btw when you install 5.0 it dose everthing for you, :) its been getting very good reviews, no real big bug to speak of but its only been out 4 days so maybe alot of update for the first month :)









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oh nice, I suggest that one to folks that can't afford AV software at that moment. :) AVG has gotten pretty bad in the late...it's probably because they have pay software now


I've found that Kaspersky AV is really quite nice ^_^ for when you gotta pay. Not too hoggish...might get a copy for myself, I don't use AV software...never really needed it :thumbsup:

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Tried Avast, Antivir, Comodo, and Kaspersky 2010 in the last year.


Avast seemed to constantly be updating at the wrong times, and either demanding all of my connection, or kicking me out of games. It also failed to detect some of the trojans I keep locked away. It's also only an on-demand scan, as opposed to onaccess, which limits things unless you run a scan regularly.


Antivir was similar to Avast, but was a bit better in the detection and onaccess department. However, the update causes a popup that can interrupt some programs, so it had to go.


Comodo was probably the better of the free softwares. Had good detection and general protection features, updates didn't have any negative aspects. The downside however is that the application and firewall filtering seemed to be too intense, often preventing programs from launching/connecting even when rules were made. While these features could be disabled, it would limit the ability of the program.


Kaspersky 2010 is what I'm using now, with my only complaint being an interface change from 2009. I like having a whitelist that actually works, and not being locked out from normal operation because it doesn't match a known signature.

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Kaspersky 2010 is good but not as good as Avast .... i dont know what you have been doing... but Avast is running a Network sheild and a web sheild all the time when the internet is on also it scans ever file you download and it loves firefox it dose not matter if you get the free one or not if you upgrade you can get avast Sandbox Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown application as well as Silent Firewall Monitors network connections and blocks hacker attacks and Antispam this Keeps your mailbox free from SPAM and scam e-mails. you dont need all that if you ask me, also version 5.0 has a gaming mode now as well, this stops all the updating and other things crashing your games when playing full screen.....


from what everone is saying about it .... it kicks 4.8 bottem ^^ need i say more :)

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I guess it depends on who you ask. I used to use Avast 4.6 but switched to Comodo for a more complete package. Comodo was also one of the 1st free products to protect Windows 7.


I have recommended Avast many times in the past but only for home usage due to how their license works. Comodo however is completely free for use at home or in a company.


Matousec Security Challenge



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Kaspersky 2010 is good but not as good as Avast .... i dont know what you have been doing... but Avast is running a Network sheild and a web sheild all the time when the internet is on also it scans ever file you download and it loves firefox it dose not matter if you get the free one or not if you upgrade you can get avast Sandbox Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown application as well as Silent Firewall Monitors network connections and blocks hacker attacks and Antispam this Keeps your mailbox free from SPAM and scam e-mails. you dont need all that if you ask me, also version 5.0 has a gaming mode now as well, this stops all the updating and other things crashing your games when playing full screen.....


from what everone is saying about it .... it kicks 4.8 bottem ^^ need i say more :)

That may be, but the way their updates seemed to be managed really annoyed me. From what I remember, the whole program seemed a bit too invasive resource wise, and was only capable of detecting anything of consequence when an on-demand scan was called.

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Kaspersky uses that same sandbox technology. I set up my grandma's computer with it. She seems to get virus like no one else, can't really explain it...I somewhat blame Time Warner, but it's just probably her poor searching habits. It's probably mostly to do that she still uses IE...haha.

It works well, but is a real resource hog when you do have to run it. But, overall, from the ones I've "used" (McAffee, AVG, Norton, Avast), it's not too bad of a program for the price.


Avast works good for what it is, I suppose.


Haha, I'm glad I don't have to deal with any of this AV garbage at home.

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thanks for the info LHammonds i will give that one a look :) from what i can tell they dont test avast yet but its on the way :D
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For a free product I've had no problems with Avast, and find it better than Avira and AVG by far.


And while Kaspersky is starting to get more resource intensive it's still the one I most highly recommend.


In fairness I've never tried Comodo, but I've tested McAfee and Symantec/Norton thoroughly and don't recommend either of those.


However, on my machines, I also install Firefox with Adblock Plus and NoScript addons, and forbid IE to the point I hide the links. (Cuz if you want me to fix it, you will use what I tell you.)

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