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I get Karma loss for killing Midea? What now?


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Midea, the poor woman who has to work as a Slave needs some Help to win back her Freedom. To this End, she endangers the Life of pretty much anyone who works with her with suicide Missions.

She hasn't thought about any Plan for anything, she just has Wernher risk his life by breaking out of the Pitt just so he could lure some poor Sucker in there to be toyed with. Being the super righteous good Guy, i try to help those poor Slaves in there. Midea and Wernher, those Pricks, can't be bothered to think of an Insertion somewhere. No, i have to follow the most idiotic Route ever.


They expect me to turn myself in as a Slave to even get to Midea so that she can tell me i'll have to go work in the most dangerous Part of the City to be attacked by trog and get a huge dose of Radiation. The Slaves they buy from Paradise Falls are better off.

Oh well, Midea finally explains her super great "Plan". I have to fight in the Arena. So, she honestly has Werner to lure some poor *censored* in there so that he'd have to do the most dangerous Work there is, because there aren't many Slaves around there who already did exactly that. Well, not exactly, they had the Chance of not having to gather Ingots on their first day.


So i have to fight in the Arena, which is even more dangerous with even more Radiation. And only then i discover that they weren't being honest with me, after i risked my Neck for them out of the pure goodness of my Heart. The "Cure" is actually a Baby, which they except me to kidnap from the most closely guarded Place in the Pitt.

Judging from the Stuff werner has lying around, they want to cut the Baby into little Pieces. Not very Surprising to me to be honest.

My Advice to Ashur would be to create a better Environment for the Workers (or else i'd have to get a little Help from the Brotherhood in Cleaning up the Place) and to get rid of midea.


I'm not sure if Mideas "Plan" is designed to grind People up who fall for her plea for Help or if she's just stupid that Way.

She tells me that it is surprising how quickly People forget where "they came from". I came from the Capital Wastelands, a place where People will shoot you in the Face and i still consider them to be friendlier and at least more honest then this Midea

And then i got Karma Loss for killing her. I do not understand why.

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So, killing people is a good thing? You expected good karma?


I don't get why people love The Pitt. The only thing you're really doing there is deciding how many people to kill. You start at a bare minimum of 8 or 9 (or just 6 if you're really sneaky like me). You can make enemies of the slavers or the slaves or both, but you cannot be friends with everyone.


Thanks to the "wild men" you're more likely to have a body count in the double-digits, so yay mindless slaughter. What fun.

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I think Bethesda tried to have some moral Dilemma in there but that just falls flat on its behind because one the Sides which are supposed to have questionable Motives are basically pure evil.

If Midea decided to have the outside help do some Diversion and then have her fellow Slaves entrench in one of the numerous easy-to-defend Buildings she could have smoked Ashur out; Either he attacks that building and loses many of his People and most of the Slaves or he gives them better working Conditions.


Midea could have organized a big Escape; Have the Player gather some Weapons, make a Distraction and then the Slaves kill the Guards and just walk out of the Pitt.

That would have been a better moral Dilemma; Help Ashur to create his Dreamtown, for which he needs Workers to build that. Or help Midea to flee that hole and move on to, literally, greener Pastures.


But for some Reason she wants to stay in that Hellhole and develop a Cure for the Pitt Disease.

"You are so extremely stupid that you are a Danger to any living Thing. I'll shoot you in the Head now." That should have been among the Things you can tell her.

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But for some Reason she wants to stay in that Hellhole and develop a Cure for the Pitt Disease.

"You are so extremely stupid that you are a Danger to any living Thing. I'll shoot you in the Head now." That should have been among the Things you can tell her.

Sounds like you have the keynote to start developing a new mod.

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NPCs tend to suffer from both tunnel vision and an inability to do anything for themselves. The former can be fixed with better writing. The latter can't be fixed, as without it, there'd be no game.
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I liked the Pitt. I liked to go on a good guy thing, but the ending made me go more of a neutral kind of kick. I mean, what? You are gonna let someone kill a baby!? It was messed up
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amusingly in the Steelyard there is the possibility for a 3rd option that removes the moral dilemma entirely, of course Bethesda never added it as an actual option and was likely only there for the "gritty irony" or some such thing, Human workers being unwillingly replaced by Robot workers, while in the Pitt the "Workers" there would give their left nut to be replaced by a robot so they can be given medical treatment to keep them in as good health as possible, the Lone Wanderer could easily supply both.



The Factory Protectrons, if my character has 100% repair and 100% science there should be no reason why I can't fix 'em up and reprogram 'em to work reliably in place of the Slaves, Maybe scrap together more regular Protectrons from around the Capital wasteland as well as the Robco facility and reprogram them as well.


that would allow Ashur to have Mill workers without having to use slaves.


but of course the whole point of the Pitt is Grey on Grey Morality, though it comes off more as Grey on Black, and ironically it's the Slavers that are the Grey!

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I have to completely agree here. I've played through The Pitt twice to see the different endings and I have to say I didn't like either ending. The first time I was hellbent on freeing the slave then when I met Ashur and found out the cure was a baby I couldn't just kidnap this innocent child, then Midea sends all of the slaves to their deaths and either I kill them or they kill me. I would've rather tried to keep both parties unharmed but no, this DLC package is almost hell-bent on making you a complete a-hole to one side, which side is up to you however. Definitely the worst of the DLC's in my opinion.
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