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Directing users to the lowest-load server means getting stuck on one that's not busy because it isn't working. At least with the list if I pick an overloaded server it's my own fault, now the only choice is to retry relentlessly.

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Thank you so much for adding that new endorsement reminder system! One of my files went from a stalemate of 10-12 endorsements for about a week and after this update, I have been getting about 2-3 endorsements a day! I am now pushing 40 endorsements (which may not seem like a lot but it is for me for a small modder) Anyway it works like a charm!
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I like this endorsement reminder popup thing, but can you link the mods listed so I fast can check out which mod that is? I don't always remember the names of the mods I have but when I read about them, I know which one it is :P
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I owe the mod authors that contribute to the nexus an apology. It would seem that I have neglected to endorse almost my entire mod list and, in my brain, I had already done this a hundred times. This reminder may seem like an annoyance to some, but I find it to be a way to make sure people like me get a chance to say thank you to the author. It also helps me guide new players to my favorite mods. Thank you for the updated feature.
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Ok, I tried to edit a post and add a post for troubleshooting a mod on another page and I've come into an inconvenient issue.


When I edit a post, i have to reload the page to see the changes. Before, like 3 days ago, i could simply edit the reply and the change would be there instantly- no reloading required.


I've cleared my cache multiple times and restarted my browser. So it's not on my end.

Edited by MDeckman
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In response to post #15727915. #15732745, #15737375, #15752755, #15755325 are all replies on the same post.

Even if they download 1 image at a time, upon request? How big are the files people are uploading? A megabyte or two?

The user's cache volatility and relability doesn't come into play since it's not something that should concern the Nexus's ability to operate. It's merely there for you to dump info in and if their browser or internet connection screws with the data, then that's on them.

Some people have their cache turned off, the whole part where their cache is unreliable and volatile is null.

I do have an idea that would be a win win for the feature, but I'm assuming you and your team have already thought of it and said it was "highly inefficient".
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