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Here's to waiting until the servers calm down and the Steam Summer Sale ends.


Still, I feel instead of seeing "An error occurred", how about "Servers are overloaded right now. Please try again later."

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In response to post #16033580. #16033965, #16034610, #16034765 are all replies on the same post.

If the assumption is that the current spike in traffic levels are due to new game owners courtesy of the Steam Summer Sale, isn't it also safe to assume that many of these users are going to continue using Nexus after the sale ends? Traffic levels may not be where they are currently, but you will have thousands more users than you had before the sale. In my mind, that makes this the ideal time to consider additional file servers. These new download requests aren't going to disappear when the sale ends.
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i think there needs to be a queuing system in place during the sale session. ya know like it tells you how long ya have to wait like (time to wait in line 24mins) and if you stop you loos your spot in line. it would lighten the load during the sale session


(standing in sever room) me: bob whats that smell? bob: oh that just the sever room catching on fire during the steam sale nothing to worry about. me:>_>


also kool pic of the grand canyon

Edited by Rex7Dragon95
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In response to post #16033580. #16033965, #16034610, #16034765, #16064125, #16070960 are all replies on the same post.

By that logic, the number of downloads should never go down. When people get the game, they download a relatively big amount of files because at that point they have no mods yet. After that initial period of heavy downloading, they'll only download a new mod every now and then instead of another big bulk download of a lot of mods.
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In response to post #15940985. #15943120, #15944040, #15946380, #15994885, #16037245, #16052530 are all replies on the same post.

The problem is that you algorithm for choosing servers is wonky. Under the old system, the top servers it would suggest were either a) had more downloads going on than ones lower in the list or b) half-way around the world. With the new system we cannot even tell which server is being pulled.

A list of servers show they are all busy is better than a blank page with no information at all which is what I have been seeing -- even before the Steam Sale I might add.
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In response to post #16033580. #16033965, #16034610, #16034765, #16064125, #16070960, #16072870 are all replies on the same post.

Octopuss, that's one of the worst things you've ever posted (and that's saying something). Who are you to decide when to close registrations? I'm sure it's fine and dandy since you're already a registered member, right?

I swear, some modders are like drug addicts. You have to have it RIGHT NOW! What's the difference in downloading something right now or several hours or days later? If anything, all the kinks will be worked out if there was a flaw in the author's initial upload. And it's not like you CAN'T play Skyrim in the meantime. I'm sure most of the modders here already have a surplus of mods that makes Skyrim look amazing. Plus, this whole server fiasco is actually getting me out of the funk of checking Nexus several times throughout the day. Just enjoy what you already have and download everything later. Edited by ZerOxShadows
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