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it was working again for me after you posted so thank you... but it suddenly went back to the same inaccessible problem on the mod's section of the nexus as earlier today.. happened during a manual download and broke the file unfortunately 12:46 am currently.


EDIT: 2:42am currently.. mod section is back..


i'm new to the nexus so i'm just wondering. are occurrences like this a regular thing? or is today/yesterday the exception?

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I have a question.


No matter if it is for Skyrim, and now Oblivion, I cannot download hardly any file manually. Period. It tells me I am not logged in when I am and sometimes it will tell me that the site is for Premium members only, which I am. Here is one of the messages that I am getting. How does this get fixed??





The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...


You must be logged in to download files larger than 2 megabytes


Reporting this error


If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use our bugtracker (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-8-nexus-network-website/) to report it.


Please attach the following link to the bug description:





Sorry for the inconvenience!




I have reported it to the proper link. Here is the link where I posted. Twice so far. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/issue-20943-cant-download-files-when-im-already-logged-im/


Could someone please look into this matter, for half of the files I want to download are manual only and I cannot download them. It is pretty bad when one cannot download Tes4Edit manually.


Please advise




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Ashley just for comparison, I have been trying to upload a 280mb file since midnight last night ( about 18 hours so far )


It takes approx 1.5-2 hours each time, and the fail point is the page refresh when the file has just uploaded. That fail to refresh causes a corrupt file which I need to delete and re-upload.



One thing I find strange - I have that file hidden while updating, but I have to unhide it to do a test download. Even though I am the mod author, the site tells me "You cannot download this file the author has hidden it " no sh..


So I unhide it, people start downloading, I find its yet another corrupt file because the upload did not complete properly, so then I delete and hide while doing the same routine again. Fingers crossed the current upload will work. :sad:



I think the whole nexus has been a bit wobbly for the last couple of days.

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Update on my latest upload :





.. That will be a corrupt file again. Wonderful


Percetage uploaded was 99%, then I got "Waiting for nexusmods.com" then the above replay of my uploading nightmares appears before my eyes.

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In response to post #16410390.

Thanks for the reply. Usually I just click on the manual download and do a save as so that I can have it checked before loading it. Then I just go to NMM and go to that button that says load from file, and that is it. But all I kept getting on any of the manual downloads was that error message. I knew something was not quite right when a person could not download TesEdit.

Thanks again for the info.
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