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Which Perks do you pick and which do you avoid?


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I always take these Perks


Action Boy

Adamantium Skeleton

Almost Perfect

Animal Friend [2]

Ant Sight


better Criticals

Chem Resistant


Child at heart


Escalator to Heaven



demolition Expert [3]

Dream Crusher


Fast Metabolism


Grim Rippers Spirit


Intense Training

Lady Killer

Lead Belly

Life Giver

Light Step

master Trader

Mister Sandman

Nerves of Steel


Quantum Chemist

Rad Absorption

Rad Regeneration

Rad Resistance

Robotics Expert


Silent Running


Solar Powered

Tag -- medicine, explosion, Repair, science


Wired Reflexes

Fortune Finder




I avoid these ones, don't like them or a cheat trainer does it for me


Bloody mess


computer Whiz <--------------------- my cheat trainer does it for me

contract killer


Gun Nut

Impartial mediation

infiltrator <--------------------- my cheat trainer does it for me

Iron Fist

little leaguer

mysterious stranger


Nerd Rage!

Paralyzing Palm

Strong Back <--------------------- my cheat trainer does it for me

Swift Learner

Night Person

Here and Now

Daddy's Boy


I use the cheat trainer from cheathappens for unlimited members only, which I am of course, and thats the MEGA TRAINER 1.7 (GFWL 3.0)


All my perks are unlocked at the beginning of the game, think I have a mod installed that does that, so I pick some with the advlevel console cheat the following perks, Rad Regeneration, Wired Reflexes, dream crusher, barkskin, and nerves of steel!..


There are some quest perks I never take and wait for them to be awarded, like the point lookout perks and Zeta perks



Let me know if there's any perks I'm taken that conflict with each other or you'd advise against taken


Are there any bad perks?

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You sure cheat a lot. :P (then again I use the lockpick cheat mod found here at nexus, so nyah. I don't cheat at terminals though. Just use that excel spreadsheet for em, though I can do em by hand if I have to..)


Personally I've never been interested in Lead Belly. Galloping Gourmet mod makes some foods actually reduce rads, and rad away is plentiful anyway.


I hear ya on Bloody Mess. I tried it for a while on my first play, but removed it with console commands after I got tired of the asploding. Replaced it with... something else. (Did that with several perks actually, tried em out for a while, then swapped with console commands to remove one, add another)


I'm actually trying to avoid perks that add to skills this time around, though sometimes there's nothing else that's better.


As I don't melee I've always avoided the melee-related perks. I don't think I ever took that one that just adds 30hp or something either. Also, Puppies (Broken Steel) is useless to me as I never use Dogmeat anymore.


The Broken Steel perk--I forgot its name--that turns 10 Nukas into a Quantum, that one I like. (Quantum Alchemist I think?) I loves me some nuka 'nades.


And.. that's all I want to think of right now.

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For me, perks have different priorities.


Essential: Comprehension, Educated, Thief, Gun Nut


Good to have: Child at Heart, Fortune Finder, Scrounger, Strong Back, Animal Friend (1 level), Silent Running


Okay if there's nothing better: Daddy's Brat, Toughness, Rad Resistance, Life Giver, Robotics Expert, Light Step, Adamantium Skeleton

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The Personal Terminal mod has a feature in it that let's you set your carrying weight to unlimited or 0 and it also allows you to repair all weapons and armor to 100% and clean dirty bottled water to purified the Personal Terminal mod allows you to do allot a most mod!, I like that you can access your tenpenny and megaton storage containers with the personal portable computer in your inventory easily!..


I could probably go without a cheat trainer, but I'm lozy at hacking computers, I use the skeleton key mod to get through locked doors I can't pick or get through with a key!..

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The hacking's not that hard once you know the rules of the game. Lockpicking I could probably do without the mod now, as after using the mod for so long, I've kinda figured it out too.


Oh, my other minor cheat is a mod I made by editing a mod I got here called Better Drugs. I basically reduced addiction chances to nil since it seemed I was getting addicted every damn time I pop a drug, any drug. Funny story: I didn't mod the alcohol, and the first time I took a swig of whiskey, bam! You are addicted! ....and that was after installing CUTE and making my character a kid. :sweat:

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For cheating, I use to have a trainer that repaired my custom armor, but got rid of it after I ditched the custom armor and started using Tailor Maid. I like my girls to accessorize... shut up, I don't have to be macho all the time ;D


My girl characters are always stealth, so the perks that help with that are a must. My guy characters always get the explosives and heavy weapons related perks.


I wouldn't say I "avoid" any particular perks, since there is a limit it's easy to just pick what's most useful for the current character, but I do agree with EvilNeko about Bloody Mess. It was hilarious for about ten minutes, then it was just annoying.


The perks that give you good karma are pretty pointless since almost everything you do gives you good karma. On the reverse of that, Contract Killer is a must for evil characters, because without it the biggest way to get -karma is to be a jerk. Being a complete jerk all the time is not evil, it's a different word that I can not say on the forums; let's say jerkhole.

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