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Is The Goverment Spying On Us ?


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29 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Think They're Spying On Us ?

    • Absolutely
    • Quite Yes
    • Not Too Often
    • Only By Coincidence / Not Intentional
    • Rarely
    • They Simply Don't
  2. 2. Do You Think it's a Good Idea ?

    • Absolutely
    • Quite Yes
    • Quite
    • I Don't Think So, But I Must Agree
    • Only If The Situation Is So Critical
    • I Would Never Agree
    • I Wish I Could Stop the Whole Thing, That's a Horrible Idea.
    • I Don't Really Care
    • None of These Above Words
  3. 3. How Advanced The Technology They Have Been Using ? (Opinion)

    • More Than You Can Imagine
    • What We Seen on High Technology Sci-Fi
    • Usual Things We Seen on Hollywood, Games and Stuff
    • Very Advanced
    • Not That Advanced
    • Won't Impressed Me
    • Far Beyond Expectation

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Note :

What I meant about "Coincidence / Not Intentional". Example :


You're shopping on a place, a security camera captures your face and voice. BUT what I meant in this choice is that security camera's (and other stuff) primary function is to spy on you, not safety and other reasons.


It maybe a good idea to spy on everyone, maybe the world's greatest crime organization base is just next door. So you could think about it.

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Dont think my government is spying intentionally for the sake of it, although it probably would if individuals were reported for crimes and such. If they were they are so incompetent I would probably notice, or at the least the media would know about it :closedeyes:
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Where I come from, we have become used to more and more surveillance, in public.

That is good I think. First I have nothing to hide, second it has decreased crimes.

In DK all new born also have to give DNA samples, for a register.

Criminals do the same when cought.


The only thing I think that can be dangerous about those databases is securety.

Leaks, thefts and other abuse can cause troubles for honest citizens.

But everything have their pros `n cons I guess.

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Your phone can be used as a microphone and send the data to an undisclosed location. Even if it's not on.

There are security cameras EVERYWHERE.

They can track you via IP address, cookies, and other assorted bits of data.

Several new models of cars are rigged with GPS transponders, supposedly to keep track of your carbon emissions.

You can be tracked via ID, credit card, even library card.

Satellites can see literally anywhere outside.

They're developing a new chip that fits in your arm, in place of a credit card. It automatically logs what you bought, where you bought it, how much it was, and who you are. This will probably replace cash.


Hell yes, they're spying on us. I just pity the poor intern reading this post, looking for those disloyal to big brother.

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They're developing a new chip that fits in your arm, in place of a credit card. It automatically logs what you bought, where you bought it, how much it was, and who you are. This will probably replace cash.


Hell yes, they're spying on us. I just pity the poor intern reading this post, looking for those disloyal to big brother.


Prediction, paranoia or parody?

Alliteration ftw

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Your phone can be used as a microphone and send the data to an undisclosed location. Even if it's not on.

There are security cameras EVERYWHERE.

They can track you via IP address, cookies, and other assorted bits of data.

Several new models of cars are rigged with GPS transponders, supposedly to keep track of your carbon emissions.

You can be tracked via ID, credit card, even library card.

Satellites can see literally anywhere outside.

They're developing a new chip that fits in your arm, in place of a credit card. It automatically logs what you bought, where you bought it, how much it was, and who you are. This will probably replace cash.


Hell yes, they're spying on us. I just pity the poor intern reading this post, looking for those disloyal to big brother.


What are you afraid of? Have you got anything to hide?

The infos are absolutely useless, unless you become a enimy of the state. (wasn´t that a film title?)

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They're developing a new chip that fits in your arm, in place of a credit card. It automatically logs what you bought, where you bought it, how much it was, and who you are. This will probably replace cash.


Hell yes, they're spying on us. I just pity the poor intern reading this post, looking for those disloyal to big brother.


Prediction, paranoia or parody?

Alliteration ftw


paranoia? its not that he came up with that lol, its actually in the works to replace ids, your nhs id and your cc...

would make it easier to rob the sheeple blind tho, wouldnt need to steal a cc anymore you could just scan the person lol




yes the gov is spying on us and they admit it, officially to protect us but lets be honest, nobody sits behins surveillance cams, they just check em if there WAS a crime hence they are rather useless and only annoy people, no nose picking anymore, no fondling of breasts and such... jeez... all that good stuff...

911 for example was even without our modern hardcore surveillance of citizens known to happen, still they did zip, so how would it improve if we spied on all our citizens who in 99.999999% of all cases are totally innocent?


lets face it, surveillance may have brought 10 or 20 people who were indeed criminals to jail but about 1000 or 2000 million are being observed all the time for no reason, waste of money, energy, infrastructure and manpower...


no i dont agree that every %&$! can watch what i do, where i surf or what i *censored* to simply because that is my private concern... yeah sure i may be a criminal but most of our constitutions have (well in my case HAD) regulations that every defendant is to be taken as innocent until his guillt has been proven

furthermore do i have rights, like the right to privacy and such... you may have heard of it... back in the days... long gone, we had such a thing...


then we have the problem of breach of property, youre not allowed to spray a graffitti on your neighbours wall, fair, but then how come some people i dont even know of have the right to install crap on my pc which is basicly the same, they manipulate my property?


on top of that have we seen countless times that governments can NOT be trusted, its a general rule and you americans at least should know that, your godfather jefferson was one of those that preached it day in and day out...

just take all those thefts of personal info that have occured in the last 2 or 3 yrs... the brits and we krauts had quite some of those... who knows what russian crime syndicate now holds our data for whatever they need it but i doubt its for the better of all...

or what did hitler do with all the data he collected? catch criminals? yeah sure, he prolly did, sadly a few million jews or other outsiders of society too


sorry, you guys really need to learn... icome from a country that is well knwon for its spy methods, ever heard of the stasi? great... we aint far away from repeating exactly that poo, and what was it good for? nothing... not more criminals in jail, still serial killers on the loose, drugs still being trafficed and so on (that wont vhange ever anyway as usually members of the giv smuggle that poo... clinton or carter are good examples of that, though never convicted due to immunity did they have their fingers deep in the honey pot...


also, do you really think you have nothing to hide? never downloaded a piece of music? never smoked pot? never made a graffitti? never had sex before you were 18? always tell your mama the truth bout everything? want us all to know how often you *censored* to furry porn? believe it or not, there is noone who has nothing to hide which doesnt mean everyone is a criminal but if everyone would only live the way which would be appropriate in the eyes of the public or some geek behind a surveillance monitor then we would live in a truly dull and boring place....


no sry, no human being except maybe ghandi or jesus i would trust with all my data...


however the whole business is good money for some security, data analyst and surveillance companies... pity im in none of these businesses

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Wasn´t Stazi something different? I believe it was made by the dictator like goverment in East G. from WW2 until -89

to control "enimies" and fragtions within (and outside) East G.


And NO, I don`t have anything to hide. YES I smoked pot, I had sex when I was 14 (legal in DK) I pick my nose, I tell "white" lies

when the situation calls for it. But I don´t care if somebody writes a whole PHD about it and UL it on the NET.

Who can use it? Ha, ha, Balagor picks hes nose? LOL

Come on. Don´t be paranoid. At lest you will suffer then in a world of more than 5 billion citizens.

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The US and European Government i don't think so.

And and don't see surveillance cam in shoppings, streets, public buildings /ways as a spying.

The Government who has the nearest "Big Brother is watching you" Is probably China , by both technological way and human agents (their Ministry of State Security (the Chinese secret police) is as efficient as the infamous Stazi ).


p.s: about My government, no way, even if want they have a serious lack of resource to an all-operation of public espionage.




The Stazi was an official bureau that official to "protect" the people against the "enemies of revolution" but it's was an office to spy the population to search people who were against the government.

And also is used by some politicians to get rid of their enemies.

The German movie The Lives Of Others (Das Leben der Anderen In the original German) Shows n a great way the power and methods of Stazi.

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