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The War on Iraq


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Wesay, your comment that the U.S. hasn't done anything good for other governments in the past 60 years is patently ridiculous. Can you possibly be ignoring World War II?


As far as the war in Iraq goes I feel the following:


1. Is Iraq better off without Saddam? Yes.


2. Was it necessary for the U.S. to remove Saddam? No.

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Well glad people here like it. I have been banned at another forum for saying things like this... :blink:


Not that that helped in any bit, soon the entire forum was uhh.... well you guess... and they were forced to close down registrations and banned too much ISPs, and banned everyone with a hotmail adress, and the mods were bombarded with at least 500 emails comming from the forum itself, anyway, they were kinda forced to let me come back cause things were getting out of hand :lol:

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Against the war, not going to enter this discussion though - discussed it FAR too much and I know out of expirience if there are any "patriotic flag wavers" here all hell will break loose, and I'm too tired to participate in that. :P


But again, just for the heck of it, let me repost the link I posted in another topic, it explains very thoroughly the corruption within the Bush administration (and other administrations) regarding this and other topics:


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Shakkara you have WAY to much time on your hands :lol: :lol: <refering to .gif> :D


I found it quite strange that alot of pressure was put on countrys to accept the US point of view since September 11

You are either with us or against us.
. For example here in NZ there was an overwhelming outcry about the possiblity or even consideration to send troops to Iraq. Myself I protested outside parliment <no Im not a hippee and yes drugs are bad mmkay>. Our PM Helen Clark decided <thank goodness> NOT to send troops UNLESS the UN was invovled/supported the idea. Since then diplomatic ties between the US and NZ have come "under strain". There was talks off a free trade agrement between US and NZ but that will never happen now because of our stance on Iraq; even though we where one of the first countrys to lend our support <Armed Forces> to the US in Afgainstain. Interesting to point out that Turkey REFUSED to let the US use its airbases so the US packaged together a "compensation" package <so many hundreds of millons of dollars>. Can't get support the first time try agaon with your cheque book.


I must agree this does the tone for other similar conficts. Example: South Korea deem North Korea to be making weapons of mass destruction <which they are>, also the deem the current ruler of North Korea to be a "evil dictator" surrpressing the rights of North Koreans. They invade Nth Korea and capture it. <UN> Do you relise that you have openly declared war on Nth Korea and because you are part of the UN you have committed war crimes. <Sth Korea> Nth Korea is a terroist state and where harbouring WOMD that could be launched and directed at our country. Also we have liberated the people of Nth Korea from the "evil dictator" that was surprissing them.

Just think off other "hot spots" around the world.


Note of interest here. During the early 1980s America inserted Saddam Hussien into Iraq and toppled the exsiting goverment at that time <he was inserted in as a dictator>. They provided him with an army and WOMD to fight agaisnt Iran. Saddum had other ideas and changed his mind. Hence Desert Shield/Storm in the early 1990s. I remember telling my father when George Bush got elected <well "supposidly" anyway> that he would try to finsh what his father started. It was quite early into his term when he started "strategic" bombings of Iraq. Something Clinton had stopped over 2 years earler. I know this angers some americans but I still believe one of the main reasons the US went into Iraq <other reasons being that US has always wanted to be in a country next to Iran or allied with someone on there borders> was oil. Yeah ok Iraq is only the 14th largest oil producing country <hence why Iran was in the US crosshairs after Iraq.> and the US imports its oil mainly from Venuzela <either that or Argentina> but the point is that the US could occupy the said counrty and therefore directly control the oil deposits <worth about 4 trillion dollars>. Interesting point that an Americain company has been giving sole rights to harvest the oil yet the few remaining Iraq owned oil fields are still on the old "oil for food" UN agrement. I also question the timing with the "war on Iraq". The Russians were close to an agreement/contract with Sadam to have exclusive rights to the oil fields to develop them <bring them up to todays oil refinary standards/technolgies>.


If the US is so concerned with terriosm then why won't it intervine in countries which desperatly need help? I know that they can't be every where at once but the seem to spend an awfull lot of time in countries that DON'T need them.


Another interesting bit of information; before 9/11 the US had owed the UN alot of money in aid/fees etc <which the US had no intention of paying (well it seemed that way)> yet after those events they payed up in full.


I have a question for all the US forum going people.

Do you feel patriotic to you country if you don't support the war on iraq/terror?


Why I ask is that Micheal Moore in his Oscar speech critzed the US goverment and partiually Bush about the war on Iraq. Comments about him where made saying "Hes not american." "Hes not patrotic to his flag and country." So is the feeling the same towards pple in the US that don't support the war on iraq/terror?

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I am still struggling to understand why, exactly, we went to war. I'll put the chain of events as I saw them, and maybe one of you could explain it:


1) The US and UK governments started saying Iraq had WMD and therefore Saddam Hussein needed ousting from power so he or his allies (as was claimed), Al-Quaeda, couldn't use them.


2) UN Weapons Inspectors, led by Dr Hans Blix, were sent in to verify whether or not there were any WMD in Iraq.


3) After a bit of mucking around, the Iraqis grudgingly started to co-operate with Blix and his team.


4) The only things discovered that violated resolutions were missiles which went slightly over the maximum allowed range and:


a. The Iraqis claimed the inspection team were mistaken, but;


b. They started destroying them anyway.


5) Hans Blix delivered a report to the UN that said there were still questions to be answered, and that would take only a matter of months, but there was no concrete evidence of WMD in Iraq, and Iraq and shown a high level of co-operation with the inspection team. This seemed to effectively remove any and all WMD connected reasons for going to war with Iraq.


6) The 'coalition of the willing' went to war over Iraq's WMD.




Now, I could be missing something, and feel free to post it if I am, but it seems to me the coalition went to war for a reason that had just very neatly been eliminated as a valid reason for going to war.

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