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Obsession's Habit's lead to a question of Existence.


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Sometimes in trying, you only prevent yourself from succeeding. Often the greatest revelations only come to you when you aren't looking for them.


I find this agreeable and I am letting go of my personal daily accentuation on the core of my daily inquiry when I arise. I am keeping to the daily needs of eating and sleeping, etc., while I let go of trying to exact some sort of understanding.


I had real bad headache yesterday morning from giving my brain so much exercise with all of this reasoning. I haven't thought so much on any subject in quite awhile.


:biggrin: Thanks for the input everyone. :biggrin:

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I have had a recollection from school days.


A teacher said, "I want you all to write your own opinions in 50 words or less on the subject of the book we are reading for class. It must be in your own words. If you use others works or the work from others classical opinions on the book that have already been written and claim them to be your own you wont receive any points for it. The opinion you share must be in your own words!"


I understand how we can easily quote lines and verse of documents from ancient book's. It is a sign we are thinking human beings when we learn to form words, thoughts, and sentences into comprehensible text for ourselves that others can understand. That ability helps make us, "humane".


I don't mind if we all read others book's and give thoughts to their author's meaning's. I realize how we do that and my suggestion is, "Find the meaning that occurs to you from reading others work, in the books of the ancients or more recent philosophers of your era or mine, and place the words that occurred to you in a notebook and sort them out if need be to make sense of them later." Once you have made sense of your thought post them, if you prefer.


I don't mind if you read the books, religious or otherwise, to help you form your opinion's. I just want you to give your own discoveries of the meanings of the topics that are discussed without throwing in the towel and giving someone the credit for your own existence.


If you just want to give someone else 2000 years old or 200,000 years old I ask a simple request from you. Give the credit due to those closest to you first, quote those who made it possible for you to be here first and foremost. Quote the people who maintained the building's you lived in, that put clothes on your back, and fed you until you were strong enough to freely roam about this little planet called, "Earth".


Whoever they were.


I still struggle with the way other philosophers word's effected my thinking. I still wonder when I will be so good as to give their works reference in footnotes so I can give them credit for having aided me in forming my own opinions. That is an observation I have made of the ancient works whom seem to be writing letters back and forth throughout their lives from campus to campus And in some case's the person they are writing to is alive only in text the author to whom they write in their lettes for their own thesis is no longer among the living.


Whom am I? Not who am I, whom?

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I have had a recollection from school days.


A teacher said, "I want you all to write your own opinions in 50 words or less on the subject of the book we are reading for class. It must be in your own words. If you use others works or the work from others classical opinions on the book that have already been written and claim them to be your own you wont receive any points for it. The opinion you share must be in your own words!"


I understand how we can easily quote lines and verse of documents from ancient book's. It is a sign we are thinking human beings when we learn to form words, thoughts, and sentences into comprehensible text for ourselves that others can understand. That ability helps make us, "humane".


Well some books are ancient some are not yet we still read them and learn from them or try escape from the grey reality. The reason why the books were first written was to record the past of humans so next generations can learn what it was to be in the age when it was written but ability to write is not necessary definition of a human being as the letters are just symbols which humans have agreed and used as a form of communication between each other.


Variety of traits are considered important to the biological and cultural definition of human. Some researchers deem language, art, and consciousness as the most important traits, while others point to the origin of two-legged walking (bipedality) as the starting point of the human lineage. The traits unique to human beings arose at different times over a long period. Some important human characteristics are listed below; it's important to keep in mind that these characteristics are in comparison to other primates, the closest genetic relatives to our species:


* Habitual bipedality

* Large brain size (compared with body size)

* Expanded planning and problem solving abilities

* Language

* Art and other forms of symbolic expression

* Complex cultural learning dependent on symbolic information

* Dependence on technology for survival

* Varied diet, including domesticated plants and animals

* Functional hairlessness

* Worldwide geographic distribution and adaptation to diverse climates and habitats

* Greater social complexity



I don't mind if we all read others book's and give thoughts to their author's meaning's. I realize how we do that and my suggestion is, "Find the meaning that occurs to you from reading others work, in the books of the ancients or more recent philosophers of your era or mine, and place the words that occurred to you in a notebook and sort them out if need be to make sense of them later." Once you have made sense of your thought post them, if you prefer.


Yet it's not always important find the meaning when you read books for example I love fantasy genre as that way I can escape from reality to different world which the books open before my eyes. I do not wish search for meaning such books as they lose their charm when the meaning behind them has been found. The reality needs it's mysteries or this life will become boring. I read because it's fun not because I wish to discover meaning of everything I do.


I don't mind if you read the books, religious or otherwise, to help you form your opinion's. I just want you to give your own discoveries of the meanings of the topics that are discussed without throwing in the towel and giving someone the credit for your own existence.


Like I said before not everything needs meaning after all there is factor of chance and random in this life existence of chaos which breaks order of this world. There is charm in mystery which should not be broken. This life only becomes boring if you do find reason and meaning to everything. For example I still believe in magic as it is surrounded by the veil of mystery. There is no proof that it exists nor is there any proof it doesn't exist.


If you just want to give someone else 2000 years old or 200,000 years old I ask a simple request from you. Give the credit due to those closest to you first, quote those who made it possible for you to be here first and foremost. Quote the people who maintained the building's you lived in, that put clothes on your back, and fed you until you were strong enough to freely roam about this little planet called, "Earth".


Whoever they were.


Credit are given to those who surround us but you should not forget that you wouldn't be here if those people who lived 2'000 or 200'000 years ago would not have been as they might be your ancestors from long ago so they deserve as much credit as anybody else. Yet I think Terra (which is Latin and means earth and in this case planet Earth) deserves most credit out of anything as without Terra we wouldn't be in here as it provides place to live and ways to survive yet we humans are foolish enough to destroy it for our own selfish reasons. All other creatures coexists with this planet.


I still struggle with the way other philosophers word's effected my thinking. I still wonder when I will be so good as to give their works reference in footnotes so I can give them credit for having aided me in forming my own opinions. That is an observation I have made of the ancient works whom seem to be writing letters back and forth throughout their lives from campus to campus And in some case's the person they are writing to is alive only in text the author to whom they write in their lettes for their own thesis is no longer among the living.


The books are the only monument which writers leave for coming generations as books reflect everything what the writer was and thus we can learn form their past.


Some books are more important than others some say but I go against that statement. I believe all books are are as important as any other books if it's not written by yourself as after all books hold everything you are and have been.


Whom am I? Not who am I, whom?


That is something nobody else but yourself can answer as only you know what and who you are.



You might have noticed that I am quite contract to your way of thinking as I do not wish to search for my reason to exists as I know that I will not find solid answer to that thus why to waste time to think something as pointless as that. I exists because I exists be it for greater purpose which we call destiny and fate or be it for no reason I don't really care. That is reason enough for me. Don't take me wrong thought I respect that you have this kind of goal and I don't try convince you to stop this search. Just be ready for search this for your life as nether science or religion will answer to this question as this is both spiritual and philosophical question and both subjects do not have straight, clear or wrong answer.

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Whom am I? Not who am I, whom?


Who is a subjective pronoun and whom is objective case, when people think of themselfs it is natural to be subjective (who) and when people think of other people it is natural to be objective (whom).

So are you saying we should step out of ourselfs and take a look at who/whom we are from a distance? To take a look at all the things that have made us what we are today?

If so then this is something i do myself from time to time and i am not unhappy with the result.

I am not afraid to look upon the reflection in the mirror of my mind.

On the subject of quoting line and verse from documents, this is a habit i have but i only quote if the views within reflect my own view and are put more eloquently and concisely than i can.

"Why put a sausage in the frying pan when there's a stake in the fridge?".

There, MY words ALL MINE.

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I still struggle with the way other philosophers word's effected my thinking. I still wonder when I will be so good as to give their works reference in footnotes so I can give them credit for having aided me in forming my own opinions. That is an observation I have made of the ancient works whom seem to be writing letters back and forth throughout their lives from campus to campus And in some case's the person they are writing to is alive only in text the author to whom they write in their lettes for their own thesis is no longer among the living.


The books are the only monument which writers leave for coming generations as books reflect everything what the writer was and thus we can learn form their past.


Some books are more important than others some say but I go against that statement. I believe all books are are as important as any other books if it's not written by yourself as after all books hold everything you are and have been.



I know of many statements made by studying many books that suggest there are all type's of recorded book's in a few major civilization's. There are books older then some people believe book's go back. A book written 4000 years ago is just a baby book in comparison to a library collection I have learned about. Since I found out I have had a desired to seek old languages to lift the veil of confusion, only to have my own health put the breaks on so I could no longer travel on the path my journey was on, again.


This is not a new thing to me being stopped in my minds journey over and over. The Internet has been the ongoing course to find wisdom since I was made aware of the school I had started learning from in 1978. Their system got temporarily stalled, because of the new heads of office and some members left the school because they thought the new people were acting criminal and pushed my studies with them aside to an end in 1981.


The way I found them and the things that led to them in the first place were as interesting as any mystery novel could get. My first recollection of the school I eventually found myself engaged in home study was back when I was five years old.


An old man had left out some of his study pamphlets when he died and his wife did not know the importance of them, and she apparently could not bring herself to move his things after he died while she was alive. I was a five year old and left in her house to be baby sat while the rest of the family explored the city to see the changes since they left it in 1949.


While off from under her watchful eyes I managed to look in place's to appeal to my adventurous youth. When she twice caught me in the act of some attractions she appeared as if driven by some invisible force to stop me just in time.

She warned me not to get into a couple of things as she would not like it and her expressions force was a powerful sense upon me that thinking twice about it would be unforgiven.


One was an old trunk in the attic that I sensed was like a pirate's treasure since it resembled a chest I had seen in a movie. It was not Long John Silver's chest in the old three story house in Portland, Oregon but the way she miraculously appeared and gave fair warning to leave it alone was enough to cause me to look elsewhere for adventure.


I looked at everything and wondered about anything and when I touched one of the pamphlet's she appeared again, as if driven by an unearthly power, and looked like she was going to give me another lecture befitting her last two. Her expression changed before she launched another scene like the last two.


The pamphlet must have held some power over her and the memory of her late husband may have her softened the tyrannical attitude I was beginning to expect each time I fondled anything she was possessive of.


The memory of the pamphlet's got pushed back deep into my subconscious, but because I had, had an usual experience with it, it found its way back to my conscious eventually. When it did it rose up like a spirit calling out to me from the past over and over for four years. Until one day a gal I met in a book store suggested I read a book different then the professor's suggestion on the subjects of my anthology class I was taking to earn extra credits. That book was hard to find and when I did it set me on the path back to that day when I first laid eyes on the pamphlet.

I realized the day I received the first months packets of lessons in the mail that I had never forgotten that pamphlets designed cover that the old woman had fondly lifted off the writing desk and decided it was time to put it away.


The fact that her face had softened and her facial look changed so dramatically lingers on my mind even now. My lesson's saved my mind from a tragedy which was driving me near to sending me into a blind alley of Anthology and I learned of another who may have caused the society to nearly fall into insanity. L. Ron Hubbard apparently had founded the new psychological break through he did while knowing of the societies existence, but since I have learned he may have touched the soul of Psychology he apparently left off where some more studies would have given him even greater insights.


I don't judge him. I read his work with as much enthusiasm as a boy with a new toy while the other school of thought was spinning out of control and found my internal sense's driving me further away from the organization he founded, and back to that room in my Grandmother's house where her love for her husband touched my soul and she was unaware she was giving me the message again.


And it has again after reading, "Do What Thou Wilt". I have found that home with a touch of love so powerful it has me settled back to begin another journey along a path to the future that lays deeply embedded in all of our past. With every stage of growing something of the opposite arrives too. What could be worse?


Because of DNA testing I found that I may not even be related to that woman, the person who I thought was my Mom, making the woman I thought of as my Grandmother the only person I ever felt that sense of love for another from in such a way it transcends the flesh and bonded us in a way I could only barely understand at five years of age. Bringing me full circle back to the moment of the awakening of my mind in ways of mentored brilliance.


Am I a child of the wild, dropped off on a porch, switched in the hospital to replace another woman's loss. Why not?!


1949 was only a short time after World War II and stranger things have happened. The organization is still alive and well and appears now to have regained it stability. If you have a hankering for science, for the unexplained, or just like living outside the norm you don't want to learn from me.


You would be better off checking in at the A. M. O. R. C. and getting your mind focused with the tools they have there, that is, if they still provide it for those who wonder in from the cold harsh world when love doesn't always make itself clear in the way it did for me.

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You misunderstand. To have no ability to reason and think for yourself is to be a creature. Being able to question ones existence, while it might qualify under some doctrines, does not make one human. Likewise being able to acknowledge that the definition of ones existence does not change that existence does not make them an animal. So long as one is able to think, solve, create, dream, plan, form bonds, and advance both for themselves and others around them, they are no mere creature.


How do you know that you're not prewired to "reason" or "think for yourself"?

And if you are, then is it really thinking for yourself? Where do you draw the line between animal reasoning (which I would argue includes thinking, solving, creating, dreaming, planning, and forming bonds - the ability to "advance being less easily defined) and human thought?


Also, I'm amazed no one has brought up physics yet. :thumbsup:

In reply to the original post: Time and distance are both relative, so it is truly possible for that creature to have experienced a great, great journey when we only see a couple inches.

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You misunderstand. To have no ability to reason and think for yourself is to be a creature. Being able to question ones existence, while it might qualify under some doctrines, does not make one human. Likewise being able to acknowledge that the definition of ones existence does not change that existence does not make them an animal. So long as one is able to think, solve, create, dream, plan, form bonds, and advance both for themselves and others around them, they are no mere creature.


How do you know that you're not prewired to "reason" or "think for yourself"?

And if you are, then is it really thinking for yourself? Where do you draw the line between animal reasoning (which I would argue includes thinking, solving, creating, dreaming, planning, and forming bonds - the ability to "advance being less easily defined) and human thought?

I was vague on that point because I didn't think it needed to be said. People have their own beliefs about what separate humans as being higher than animals, beyond a metaphysical component, and frankly I didn't want to get into THAT side of the argument. But to answer the question, I know we're not pre-wired for it because it is possible to behave or think without regard for reason or personal interests. While there is still a basic selfish survival component, humans are unique in their ability to ignore that survival component. But yes, there was a misstatement there as clearly all creatures are not operating by means of some sort of collective mind.

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