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Functioning Sta/Carry mod


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I'm a little OCD about certain things and one of them is uneven increments to things and the stamina carry weight increase of 5 kills me when I see 305, 315 etc. I looked through the mods that came up in my search but they are out of date. I tried one and it didn't CTD but it did freeze up the game forcing me to end program. So can anyone make me a mod that makes it 10 instead of 5 or tell me how to do this in the CK? Skyrim's CK methods are way different then GECK. I have all DLC (minus Hi Res ones I use the HD 2k custom textures), up to date version, all unofficial patches.


Much appreciated!


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that is seriously just a change of numbers in the CK... I might be able to do this if I have time.


I would appreciate it. I looked through the CK and didn't know what I was looking for but one thing lead to another to another and back again. @.@ I don't like CK lol.



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If you are using Elys Uncapper (needs SKSE to work) then you can open it in notepad and do the following changes.


;Set the number of health points gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.
;Default game value is 10 points per level
; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000)
;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,
; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above

;Set the number of magicka points gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.
;Default game value is 10 points per level
; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000)
;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,
; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above

;Set the number of stamina points gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.
;Default game value is 10 points per level
; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000)
;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,
; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above


Change the numbers on the right side of the = to the number you want to get when choosing health, stamina, magicka at level up.

Note: It's been some months since last time i played and modded skyrim so this might be outdated.

Sorry spoiler tag didn't want to work for me right now.

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In the Creation Kit go to the Gameplay menu, select Settings, locate fLevelUpCarryWeightMod, set the value from 5.0 to 10.0


Awesome Thanks a ton! Just curious do I need to make update.esm and the UnofficialSkyrimPatch.esp masters? (nvm had a dunce moment put it at the bottom of order and it will overwrite any changes :teehee: )


Gamevsreality I don't use the uncapper but I appreciate the info saving it incase I use it later on!



Edited by DaemonGrin
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