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What did you think when you played oblivion for the first time


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Gaming since the early 80's, I never played a game before like it. I found it a great experience. The freedom is what I like best. I can't play other games now because they feel so limiting. You can go anywhere! Do anything! I thought I was going to enjoy the Witcher for instance, but when my character was stopped in his tracks by a small bush, I knew that Oblvion spoiled me forevermore.
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"What is this SORCERY!!!??!"


Seriously though, after loving previous elder scrolls I couldn't control the nergasms, triggered by nostalgia and excitement. (The graphics really blew me away at the time too)

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at first, i was like ''hmm... rats... how origina--- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?'' and that was when i encountered the zombie, and got trauma of tunnels in the game ever since, no matter the place or companion i got with me, i was annoyed with the fact there was nothing to tell you how to drop items in the game, it was basicly a hit in the face when i, who was new, picked up -EVERYTHING-. i still haven't gotten myself to do the main storyline quests, as there is so much more fun in just being a insane jack of all trades with no kind of morals and no sense of good and evil, -*thats how i roll in rp*- basicly, he would go over to a guard being assaulted by a group of 2 bandits, kill the bandits, and then slaugther the guard just for the heck of it, also how i played to start with, i didn't know he was on my side to start with, so when i went in town, i was like ''wait, werent the person outside suited like those people...? ''STOP, YOU VIOLATED THE LAW!'' and thats when i learned of the psychotic guards. when i went into a house, and i accidently pushed something on the ground, i would have course try to put it back on it's place, good manners you know, then when using Z to put it up again -*first time in a shop*- then the clerk go screaming that im stealing and stuff, and then the guard came. irony i just wanted to help a person, and get arrested for it. anyways, cheers to an epic game!


(P.S; this is my first post on the forums.)

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Wow, Nice looking game but where are all the mobs to fight. This was before I was fully aware of how the leveling system worked. I came from playing MMO's where there is never a shortage of things to fight. I still ask where all the mobs are, but have found mods to quelch my craving. I should also mention my first taste of Oblivion was on the PS3, and contrary to what people say the graphics were more than adequate. In my opinion even more so than the other console, but not in all aspects. The PC version blows the doors off both of em...
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I thought: WOW! This game is amazing! Who would ever want to mod this perfection of a game? Then I started noticing annoying things like how you level. And how there aren't katanas and wakizashis of every metal class. And how vampires are UGLY and are completely backwards (getting weak as they drink blood and stronger when they stop drinking makes no sense at all). And how mercantile is so stupidly slow to raise. And how bows are weaker than crap (pump 30 arrows into a guys chest and he's still at half hp). And how armor is very bland looking on females (no I don't use bikini armor mods, but at least mine is a little sexier than what they had in vanilla.) I could go on, but really just look at all the mods for this game and you'll understand why they're there.
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First time i played OBLIVION i thought everything about it was fantastic and reminded me a bit of DAGGERFALL especially the outside of Ayelid Ruins which brought back memories of the graveyards in DAGGERFALL. The creatures are also very terrifying from the roaring grizzly bears to the inhuman land dreugh and the ghastly flesh decaying zombies. Oh and the wraiths..the wraiths..


The only thing i wasnt thrilled on was the loot. It was pretty demoralising to clean out a dungeon full of dangerous enemies only to walk out with some sandals and carrots :tongue:


Fortunately Bethesda fixed that big time with the patches and now i can play OBLIVION without mods with no problems if i so choose to. The DLCs and SHIVERING ISLES Expansion also added a ton more goodies to enjoy while not drowning the player in loot like TWO WORLDS and other rpgs do at times.

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Well, I first bought the game a few years ago only to find out it wouldn't run on my crappy 2003-built computer. Of course I was disappointed, but I picked up a copy of Morrowind GOTY a few weeks after and I spent a LONG time playing Morrowind until I got myself a new computer a few years after. I was so excited to install Oblivion that the first thing I did when I brought the computer home, was just that. Since then I've been playing it until now, although I've taken breaks from it to play games such as Dragon Age, Borderlands, The Witcher, etc.


My computer now is still crap, but it runs Oblivion alright (sort of).

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I thought that it was epic d-(^.^)z. It was an amazing successor to Morrowind.

I never got any addons for Morrowind (Blood Moon, Tribunal), But for Oblivion I got Shivering Isles, and that expanded it even more lol.

Taking mods into account, it is easily one of my favorite games of all time XD.

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When I first played Oblivion...wow. The opening cinematic started, and then I saw his face...Uriel Septim. Immediately I thought "wow, something is amazingly off about this guy's face." So I get into the character creation and this is the first time I've done the slider thing for adjusting facial features. My character looked HORRIBLE. But how much so in comparison to the rest of the NPC's in the game I had yet to find out. Meeting Uriel in person I recall laughing a bit because he looked like a cave man with downs. Roaming around the towns it was more of the same. Round faces, mongoloid features...me running around with a full helmet on because I couldn't bear to look at my own face...Also the god damned psychic guards.


I still don't have any issues with the leveling system. The landscapes and all looked amazing coming fresh from Morrowind. The equipment scaling however is just pathetic. I was running around in steel armor with a silver sword and everyone would be attacking me in mithril or something. Damnit! Also the spells cost an absurd amount of mana. I also loved all three of the voice actors. Ah well, at least I don't have to worry about cliff racers anymore. I even fist-pumped when I heard the rumor of some saint who drove them off Vvardenfell.


So yeah, there were many other issues and things that I did enjoy, but this is the stuff that stands out to me. Since then I modded this game to hell and back, which actually made it playable for any amount of time without me groaning or screaming obscenities at the town guards.

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Yeah a lot of people ask me how I played this game on the Xbox for two years, and all I have to say is that it gives me EVERYTHING I am looking for in a game. Open Ended. Knights in shinning armor riding horse back. Intense sword and shield combat. Magic. Its own religion for crying out loud. And for me that was the first time I had a game that answered to all that and that is why I love it so much and could not ask for more. And then I got it for my PC and man did that turn everything about Oblivion upside down. Oh yes I am talking about Mods. For a game where you can do anything, and then on top of that, make anything and CHANGE anything to your liking!!!!! That is epic, and also that is the reason I played it for two more years which me to today. I now play both Oblivion and Fallout 3, which is another great game, and they are both still amazing. I am waiting for Vegas and the next TES game to come out.
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