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Global warming


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I think Global Warming is just complete garbage. So what if for the past 100 years the world has been warming? 100 years is but a tiny snippet of time to the Earth, which, is to the best of my knowledge, around 4.6 Billion years old.


The world goes through cycles and changes all by itself, and that us humans have the audacity to think that our pisspot activity has had any major effect on the climate just disgusts me.


We've had much more serious spikes in temperature before, like the one that MELTED THE ICE AGE, so I really think we shouldn't worry about this little stretch of warm weather.


As for the water, around 97% of it is in the oceans, so if we can't find any clean and pure water on land, I guess we know where to look eh? Desalination plants are already popping up all over the world.


Global Warming is a political scheme to undermine industry, and to PAY other 3rd world nations to NOT develop. It's an anti-Capitalist scheme that, if it succeeds, will ruin the global economy (worse than it's already damaged).

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May I say, that since day 1 temperatures have risen & fallen to the point of searing heat of up to 70oC, to Ice age.

We are approaching the heat end, so things are, of course, going to get hotter.

"But the Ice Caps are melting" Give it a millenia or so & they'll be more frozen than ever!

But of course, when Humanity adapts to heat, the 'scientists' will start talking about 'Global Cooling'!


Its all so stupid.

Global Cooling is so 70's. :closedeyes:

Wasn't that the hype all about when they celebrated the first 'Earth Day'?

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Well, technically speaking, you couldn't drink it as is way back when anyway. "Pure", "clean", drinkable water has only really been possible in places without a natural spring for about 100 years. Water-born diseases like cholera and similar were quite common and fatal in many places without filtering technology... even when there isn't industry runoff polluting it.

Wells. A hell of a lot of drinkable water came literally from digging holes in the ground. For thousands of years people have known this. Springs are a bit different. the water in both springs and wells is basically just groundwater. Groundwater contamination is a known problem. And can affect springs as well. What you said about clean drinking water without a spring, only being available for about 100 years is not true. Filtering technology was and isn't needed if the geology is right. as it happens naturally to some degree.

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1. rain has been a water source for millenias (check TED again vagrant :P)


2. dug wells with installed filtering (rockwalls) have been too


3. glacier water aswell


4. a water defecator or clearing plant can be buildt using just rocks, pebbles, mud and some sticks, this knowledge is not new either, if you ever buildt a dam at stream as a kid you might know how it works


5. springs also are water sources since ages




sadly we pollute all of the above except for the glaciers which sadly melt like crazy atm (thus wasting the precious clean water of millenias past) and the new glaciers will be dirty crap as the rain is dirty crap (just compare a new glacier with an age old one, the old ones are crystal clear with a hint of turqois whereas the new ones look like the icy mud you see on roadsides in winter)


cholera etc usually happens because we fecate our water sources, there were rarely cases where someone went to a clean stream and got ill... however if you have a settlement upstream which simply diverts its crapper water into the stream you shouldnt drink the water downstream obviously...

its a pity there are never enough enginers at refugee camps to build some basic defecators...


industry doesnt produce cholera btw or any bacterial illness, they destroy all life in a river (for example) and most of the time put heavy metals into the water which even if the fishs survive ends up in our stomachs eventually through the cycle of life as that stuff doent just vanish after the 5th animal has eaten its prey and lands on our dinner plates,

or they divert biological waste into the river which then ignites alge production and the stream becomes a swamp, swamp water is usually not safe to drink btw :P

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sadly we pollute all of the above except for the glaciers which sadly melt like crazy atm (thus wasting the precious clean water of millenias past) and the new glaciers will be dirty crap as the rain is dirty crap (just compare a new glacier with an age old one, the old ones are crystal clear with a hint of turqois whereas the new ones look like the icy mud you see on roadsides in winter)

You don't seriously think that glacial water is pure do you? Are you buying all that marketing filth on bottled water?




If you want clean water to drink, you need to clean it yourself. It really isn't that hard. Berkey Filters (EDIT: and their heavy metal filters)



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That article you linked about glacial water was pure conjecture about the true quality of water found in glaciers. Mammoth pee? lolz.


and it ended with the statement that distilled water would be purer than glacial... like really? wow I'm shocked. /sark Anyway I would like to see some evidence on glacial impurities before I started to make up my mind on that.


And you don't need to filter water if you live in a unpolluted area. there are loads of places in the states that are off the grid, have their own wells. They just have a guy come round and test it. Maybe its even better than tap water in many places.

Any Irish on here? need I mention Galway tap water.

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My point was that reliable water quality for most of those who have it now is a mostly recent development. Even among those living out in the middle of nowhere and using well water, most of them have excess minerals or other impurities that render it undrinkable or bad tasting unless it's filtered or treated. Although some of this filtering can come from the construction of the well itself, this is mostly an expensive and short-term solution. A cleaning plant as you describe would also be temporary, labor intensive, and still has a tendency to leave sediments and other impurities within the water.


For most, rainwater is not a reliable source of water, and even once collected can quickly go bad if you don't have sanitary storage practices.


My argument was not that clean water wasn't possible before, only that it was hardly as common before as it is within the current age.

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well for one:

when water freezes it quells alot of pollution out of it, bascily moving the dirt particles to the outside, the longer it stays frozen the


for another:

im actually talking about real glaciers, you know those huges ass mountains of ice... not a bottle ;) (sry im kinda sarcastic here...)

i actually took a shower in a glacier waterfall and drank that "wooly" stuff... didnt have any mammoth pubics in my teeth :P


for a third:

that self cleaning ability of ice doesnt work for everything, it doesnt work for water soluting (i hope thats the right word) substances, sour rain? heavy metal in rain? stuff like that doesnt get crapped out by the ice.

such things were however very rare millenias or centuries ago when those glaciers were created however nower days hudreds of chimneys throw that stuff into the air and it becomes a glacier of the future eventually if it gets into regions where glaciers dwell.

you might think that a mammoth might get soluted in water too, hoewevr those in glaciers are usually there in one piece and were shock frozen hence had no time to solute anyway, they certainly werent brought there by rain like our modern chemical pollution...

also men didnt walk around on glaciers taking a poo at every corner, glaciers are rainmade... these aint lakes or rivers that freeze hence its very unlikely that someone walked over them or even buildt a city upon them which could pollute that ressource


btw magic berkey filters wont remove heavy metals from the water, they simply kill bacteria and i dont need such a thing for that, i just put some water in a plastic bottle, lay it in the sun for a day and everything inside is dead due to the UV (its actually a technique in use in 3rd world countries atm to get them some cheap but clean water)

these filters are however no solution for biiiig water reserves, these need to get filtered in a different way, thats what we use defecators for (sadly due to the centralization of these the water has to be mixed with a lot of chemicals to achieve anything)


it can NOT be right that we say, hey lets pollute the water, berkley has this nice filter that makes it clean again... bees, deers, and badgers sadly dont have the skill to use them :unsure: ... poor badgers... :P

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it can NOT be right that we say, hey lets pollute the water, berkley has this nice filter that makes it clean again... bees, deers, and badgers sadly dont have the skill to use them :unsure: ... poor badgers... :P

And again... this is the part where a practical issue gets tangled up in all the politics. You're right in saying that we shouldn't pollute water, but at the same time there is nothing to suggest that technology and invention can't help clean up the mess that already exists.


Environmentalists see the pre-industrial age as being so clean, pure, and ideal... but seem to forget that before sanitary systems were built, people were walking around neck deep in their own filth and disease. Although tribal groups could exist on a reasonably sustainable terms with their environment, these groups were also very small (usually less than 200 people), and were often nearly obliterated at the first sign of disease, drought, or blight. Which is part of the reason why the movement is so mismanaged and filled with both crazy zealots and mindless sheep that are so caught up in the politics and ideals. They keep trying to go back to some sort of imaginary golden age when man and nature were in balance instead of trying to save the world that actually exists.

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i guess you misunderstood me there, shouildnt have mentioned the badger i guess lol, theyre soo cute tho...

youre right btw about that "fewer people are easier to manage and to keep alive than many" thing


anyway, the bees for example we simply need or our crops wont get fertilized (not in the fertilizer way, that pollen transport thing, dunno the right word i guess, sry) andwe would starve, every member of the environment, wether a ferocious bagder or a cuddly bunny fullfills a role that is important to keep the balance.


i neither have a porblem with technology at all, heck i embrace it, however im a fan of tech that doesnt destroy to create, and thats what most of the tech we use atm does, it destroys more than it creates, of course that was much worse in the early industrial times or atm in 3rd world or 2nd world countries which dont have the MONEY (again.. we could give em the tech but we want money... even though our kids will suffocate due to our momentary greed) to buy cleaner tech.


let me pick up the defecator example again:

you can build a simple defecator that works just as good if not better then the public ones in your backyard without polluting the environment or creating a nasty unmanagable mess, but instead the government forces most of us to use the public and centralized ones, by doing so the lil contaminated water of our toilets or the washing mashine gets tangled up with the heavily polluted stuff from the industrial complexes like concrete or aluminum makers which then forces us to put tons of chemicals into that water which make the water taste nasty, pollute the surrounding still intact water ressources, doesnt really clean the wtaer anyway and so on... its quite a list actually one important point is that it costs much more than individual defecators.


what i wanna say is that technology should be used in a responsible and sane way, dont kill all the lions because you can, kill those that pose a threat and let the others do their job to use a metaphor.


we have the technology to sustain our standards of living, give all people in the world one close to that if not just as good or even better and still manage to keep our environment intact. the only reason we actually still pollute the world is because its cheaper and that can not be a reason. money is an imaginary value where as the environment simply is not. people wont drop dead because the dollar weakens, people will drop dead because they have no food, no water or no air to breathe.

lets use the tech we have instead of making money to make the world a better place just like most inventors first think of their inventions.

i dont need money, i need to live and i want to live good.

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