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why not just add a book like grognak the barbarian (just as a bible) that adds some karma and is gone untill you find another? seems like that would be well worth wile without making it a way to be evil through the entire game, then spam it at the end to be god-like good karma :P (in my opinon)
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To expand on that idea: there are no complete bibles left in the wasteland. You gain (or lose, as I suggested before) karma for finding the pieces. Each piece could consist of one or more books of the bible.


The completed item could be a retex of the pre-war book. The missing pieces could use the various destroyed book models, or a new model of a book with no binding, no cover, or half a cover.


If you really wanted to get detailed, you could assign static karma values to certain books, though that could open up a whole new can of worms.

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Yeah, if it was that simple I'd be able to GECK out the religion myself if I wanted, or others could GECK their own in. Wouldn't really matter what you named it but it'd probably be better as a part of some sort of larger Karma overhaul. Capping your good/bad depending on having Nuked megaton or freed slave children, making water beggars give karma less often (or even recovering and ging off to earn some caps after having been given water). All too grand for me to do, but that's my take on all this.
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Personally I too would like a simple mod that adds a unique Pre-War book called 'Bible' that gives a +1 to Luck or something, perhaps without even a stat bonus. At the least it would be a good roleplaying item.


I'd feel like Eli when Talon Company attacks.

Edited by myrmaad
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@karma being biased

in the game yes, in real life? yes its true for most books, but not for kant... kant is simply objective which defies all subjective points of view and hence becomes a karma base generally applyable, which does not mean that you become good but neutral... good is just another form of evil anyway as you dont seek harmony but to please someone and when you do that you displease someone else anyway hence there is no "good" or "evil", just neutral/objective and subjective


@dad being christian

where did you get that idea?

just cause he uses a bible psalm as a code and lives by values christians appreciate aswell? might he ,aybe just be a guy like me? someone who likes the entertainment value and certain aspects of a thing without being a follower of that ideology? i think crusader armor looked incredible with that cross on it yet i dont think i would kill someone just cause he wears a half moon on his armor instead of a cross...

same goes for eli who is obviously a muslim and not a christian (last scene, muslim last rites) but still deems the book important (which is not that far off, the bible is just the pretext to the koran afterall, just like the old testament is the prequel to the new one)



maybe you should actually read some of those philosophers too and you might see the many flaws religious texts have and why they draw so many intellectual people away from the ww2 comic book like religious texts of the 3 books before you say somin like "repent sinners"... thats just blasphemie in its pure form if you didnt realize it yet

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One way to make this kind of thing give good or bad karma is to give the player the option of either destroying or distributing copies by taking them to different NPCs (say that Brotherhood scribe at the library, and that slaver at the Lincoln Memorial) or activating a printing press/furnace. I dunno. The possibilities are many. If you applied this to all books, including those that are mostly destroyed, it would give some people a reason to pick up all of those previously useless piles of stuff.


Adding a bible in would be fine with me, but I think that a more appropriate effect of reading it would be a disposition increase with certain factions and a decrease with others. Another interesting idea is to have fragments (as mentioned) that you can read that give you options like in the GOAT, essentially choosing what your character thinks of the passage as it goes along. If you choose to agree with the passage, you gain Karma, if you choose not to, you lose it, and if you are neutral about it, you gain XP (or lose/gain karma, depending on your current disposition, to move you closer to the center of the scale)?


Anyway, just my 2 cents. Very interesting original idea, BTW.

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Now there's an appropriate idea. Karma/disposition award based on how you interpret the passages. :D


A very potent roleplaying item indeed. The possibilities seem almost limitless.

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yeah. Scripting would be easy-ish too. IDK about the menu but it'd be something like


IF (chose yes thingy)

Player.Addkarma 50





IF (Chose no)

Player.Addkarma -50





IF (Neutral)


IF (Karma => 520)

RemoveKarma 25


IF (Karma =< 520)

Addkarma 25






It' need a little window, I don't know that bit, but it wouldn't be too hard to look up.

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