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Uploading a Mod


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I am having problems with my uploading mod, I uploaded yesterday a modification, but the comments or endorsements didnt enable all day long. So today I have tried to delete the mod and create another one, but still the comments dont enable.


As far as I know, there should be a BOT creating a forum thread for the mod, but this doesnt seem to happen.


The mod for now is http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30126


any help you can give me about this issue will be thanked

sorry for my bad english



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I went and looked at your file and it doesn't show that you have a file. It also says that you have blocked endorsements and blocked comments.


I imagine you have already done so, but you might want to inspect your file, Magicka and Contol Overhaul, and make sure it is truly there, and make sure the right boxes are checked and not checked so that people can endorse it and comment on it.


Failing that, there probably is a problem with the system right now.

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Make sure you don't have JavaScript blocked.


If the forum is down or unavailable when you create an upload, the Site Bot cannot create the attached comment (forum topic) thread and related voting mechanism.


To help troubleshoot the problem, simply jump onto the forums and make sure they are running.


Also, check other mods uploaded recently and see if they have a working comments section...if so, it may not be a site-wide problem and something more specific to what you are doing. (Try a different browser...Firefox is preferred)


But as you know, if comments/votes are not "enabled" when the mod page is created (either on purpose or an issue with the process), there is no way of enabling them afterwards other than deleting the mod page and creating another upload.



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Thank you for your help.


In first instance, I have created the mod Called Magicka and Control Overhaul BETA. I set endorsements off ONLY (comments were enabled). After some hours I noticed comments werent enabled. I turned On endorsements (as comments were still enabled in the options) but still nothing.


After that, i decided to delete the uploaded mod and upload another one with the name "Magicka and Control Overhaul" (without the beta part) and enable everything from beginning. Still nothing.


I am using latest Firefox version and I dont think I have javascript turned off.

May I try uploading again with another totally different name?


EDIT: Oh, and yes, I dont have a file uploaded (deleted it as long as people couldnt comment. thats not the problem anyways, as it has been uploaded lots of time before I decided to delete it)



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Is this happening every time you create a new file entry or just sometimes? Feel free to test the new file process as much as possible. Just make a dummy page, check the comment thread has/hasn't been created and then delete the page quickly once you're done, that's not a problem.


If this is happening every time you make a new file page then it would suggest it's a problem with your browser setup not liking or not being liked by the site. If it works sometimes and not others then that would suggest it's just the site.


All this code is coming under review right now as I'm working on every single of page of the site right now and this work is due to finish by the end of the month.

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