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CTD's and DirectX


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Well, I downloaded and upgraded to DirectX 9.0b and CTD's seem MUCH less frequent... So I was wondering if you people have tried to upgrade to DirectX 9.0b or what version of DirectX are you using... Been playing for like 3 hours straight and it CTD like only once :D


Here's the link for the download if you want to try :)



DirectX 9.0b Download page

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Well, I downloaded and upgraded to DirectX 9.0b and CTD's seem MUCH less frequent... So I was wondering if you people have tried to upgrade to DirectX 9.0b or what version of DirectX are you using... Been playing for like 3 hours straight and it CTD like only once :D

Yeah opposite to 5 times in 10 minutes! ^_^

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Was is Shakkara that suggested shutting down all the backround apps that Windows starts via MSCONFIG? I tried it, and I have to say it works - big time - and WinXP lets you "Deselect All" with one click.


I would suggest anyone who's still getting CTD's give her suggestion a shot.

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yeah - it probably works, only problem is im always on the net and like 2 keep morrowind source handy as well as having msn up, so i always have my internet connection, firewall, anti-virus, morrowind source forums and msn running


if i got rid of em all i'd probably never experience CTDs :P

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