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Proof of Multiplayer


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I won't use vanilla content! But I won't replace it or delete it either. Instead I am going to add new content which will exist only in my own worldspace(s). these worldspaces is where multiplayer will take place.


that would be a TC, and it makes sense, so it can be optimized for what you want.


Good luck with your project

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I didn't get it, I'm confused.

So do you want to use the FO3 Engine by using the GECK to create a new game or what? This would be illegal and you'd go better with the Unreal Engine.


Or do you just want to make a mod like usual. This means, that the Vanilla content is still there and you just make some new Form IDs, Cells, Worldspaces, Textures, Meshes and so on?

This would mean that you just build upon the vanilla content and not exactly that you "won't use it".


But filling whole new world spaces from scratch with quests, meshes, textures, animations and so on would be a realy time consuming thing. And you'd be super fast if you release it the next year...


Good luck anyway

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I didn't get it, I'm confused.

So do you want to use the FO3 Engine by using the GECK to create a new game or what? This would be illegal and you'd go better with the Unreal Engine.


Or do you just want to make a mod like usual. This means, that the Vanilla content is still there and you just make some new Form IDs, Cells, Worldspaces, Textures, Meshes and so on?

This would mean that you just build upon the vanilla content and not exactly that you "won't use it".


But filling whole new world spaces from scratch with quests, meshes, textures, animations and so on would be a realy time consuming thing. And you'd be super fast if you release it the next year...


Good luck anyway



Website has moved! New professional hosting, which was a very generous offer given to me! Unlimited bandwith etc.




If you see the page cannot be displayed or similar error dont worry it will be fixed soon. Just go to the forums .


@Tomato, you are right about this:

"Or do you just want to make a mod like usual. This means, that the Vanilla content is still there and you just make some new Form IDs, Cells, Worldspaces, Textures, Meshes and so on?"

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About the History of this Project.



There have been several occasions when apathetic individuals chose to visit my discussions to contribute non-negotiable perspectives. Without any


speculation needed, it was evident their view-points were solely forged for the purpose of openly discouraging me with prophetic claims that


stated my project is futile.


A second variation of personality included a deviation identical and yet parallel to the apathetic community members. This variation was in


contrast, mature enough to offer skepticism that was not unaccompanied. By that, I mean their approach was not to simply overwhelm my discussions


with negativity, but bolster their posts with substantial facts. The content of the substantial facts were actually diversions. Because they


would say a diverse amount of discernible things that any analytical peon would even be able of noticing when comparing a game built to be single


player to one built to be multiplayer.


The final category of nuisance I have encountered, is easily the most bothersome.. The person who chooses to enter my topics to post that they


are against my project and any sort of multiplayer because they ... prefer to be alone! Their imagination is fulfilling enough for them to only


want the game they play to be single-player, but not satisfactory enough for them to let others even have the chance to play alongside one




That is about as much as I care to go over with, regarding people who hurt me and my project.


Next I have to admit.. In general no one cares presently about anything I accomplish unless it is absolutely brilliant...


Who is no one?


Bethesda's Fallout 3 Forum.

F3 Underground.

Fallout 3 Nexus.

NMA (no mutant's allowed counts right?)

DAC (duck and cover...another fallout site)

FOOKUNITY (yep I even got so desperate that I joined a forum only devoted to a single player mod).

and the only friends/team members I have... (but they have lives right? not me though..)


Until this post, I have tried to maintain my anger believing it would help maintain decency or dignity... but that proved to be the only thing I


believe to this day, has actually been futile.


I don't want an apology, I don't want absolute popularity, but I do want people to have the opportunity to read what I have written here, and


moderators to not touch this post. (if moderators do, I will consider it a unfair censorship of the truth, and proof that living with my autistic


disorder will never get easier).

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Well, thanks to sharing with us your belive about the cruel world, that is just blind to see your genius.

But don't worry, this happend before in history to other great enlightened and brillant scientists.

The reaction of the community towards you of course isn't in no means your fault.


It's just the people... and the world... and the universe... that has totally gone evil :unsure:

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Well, thanks to sharing with us your belive about the cruel world, that is just blind to see your genius.

But don't worry, this happend before in history to other great enlightened and brillant scientists.

The reaction of the community towards you of course isn't in no means your fault.


It's just the people... and the world... and the universe... that has totally gone evil :unsure:


Good. Now we can move on and continue working on this project. WE being me... and maybe my team if they ever re-surface longer than 30 minutes a day.

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OK, I'm not the one to go personal such threads.

Let's say you made a great announcement with a multiplayer mod. There are lots of folks who just don't belive that it would ever being playable...


But frankly, I think your project failed after your latest announcement. I doubt that there will be many modders who want to spend much efford in this.

Don't forget that you are responsible if your project fails -> not this forum nor another. It's not the community to blame for


So I think it would be a great idea to get the multiplayer playable first and to release it as mod. This would be enough evidence to convince even the apathetic individuals you've spoken of. And I'm certain you'll get any help you need for worldspaces, textures, meshes etc...

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OK, I'm not the one to go personal such threads.

Let's say you made a great announcement with a multiplayer mod. There are lots of folks who just don't belive that it would ever being playable...


But frankly, I think your project failed after your latest announcement. I doubt that there will be many modders who want to spend much efford in this.

Don't forget that you are responsible if your project fails -> not this forum nor another. It's not the community to blame for


So I think it would be a great idea to get the multiplayer playable first and to release it as mod. This would be enough evidence to convince even the apathetic individuals you've spoken of. And I'm certain you'll get any help you need for worldspaces, textures, meshes etc...


"Let's say you made a great announcement with a multiplayer mod. There are lots of folks who just don't belive that it would ever being playable..."


This is why most games are kept secret and aren't announced until significant progress is made. I figured because I am not making an entirely new game, but just a mod, people would be more lenient. But noooo! Everyone has a chip on their shoulder about this, and rather believe they know more than I do and that I couldn't possibly achieve anything beyond their expectations.


Much is yet to come...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep working on it when you can and take breaks when you need.


Dont do it for fame or glory do it cause you want to.


Plus you make multiplayer like just for death match or something if ya wanted a map see who gets the most deaths

and stuff not sure if thats what ya wanted but its a idea.


Now i take me leave "Smoke bomb go!" (used a mini-nuke by mistake)

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