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Promote your mod - I can review it


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Your website is looking pretty cool! I'm definitely going to look at all your tutorials to see if there is anything there I can use in my mod.


My mod, Dragons Keep, started off as a beta version, but is looking pretty good now. There are a few textures that are not linked properly, so you can't see them unless you also have Phitts Fishtank installed, but that is already fixed & will be included in the next update. I am also going to give that app you created another go & see if I can identify any unneeded texture files so I can make the file size a little smaller. Outside of that, it would be nice to get some constructive feedback about anything that needs fixing, etc.


The main purpose of the mod was to have a lore friendly way to give Skyrim orphans a better place to live than in the orphanage or on the streets. So, while it does serve as a multiple adoption compatible player house as well, the main purpose of this mod is to make it appear that a boarding school is in full operation, so any orphans that you move there will blend in.

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My recently released mod Advanced Cooking which makes cooking a perk based skill. It uses the Alchemy Perk Tree and will level Alchemy when using a cooking pot. Each perk unlocks new recipes to cook newer, more complex food items. A no perks version, which uses books in the place of a perk is also available for compatibility with perk overhaul mods. Many new foods have been added as well. I made this for my current playthrough and decided to upload it considering it's a concept I've not seen anywhere before.

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Oh, wow. I just realized you did not open this thread few days ago but in 2014.

;) Y'all are lucky I still care about it. I've just not played Skyrim much lately though I intend to. I might not review all of these but I'll cwrtainly take a look and try.

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If you have the time you can review Tel Nalta II if you like: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59558/?

Its a pretty big mod though, just growing and building everything does take some effort unless you use the cheat version, and then there is plenty of other little extras to make the town feel realistic (telvanni robes, new summon creatures, morrowind gems, dwemer followers, ...)

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Sounds like a great offer, thanks Matthiaswagg. I'm currently reshuffling my mods around a bit; combining similar ones into one package, updating others that have been left too long, and starting to develop a few new concepts. In the end I hope to have three or four really well made rounded mods. Once I'm happy things are organised the way I want I'll let you know.


That said my Crossbow mod: An NPO Module - Crossbows will only be rebranded as "Complete Crossbow Integration" with a few updates to improve its features (update some textures, add enchanted loot, etc). Mechanically it's 95% of the way there. If you wanted to review that I would be very appreciative.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would Like To introduce You All To "Rusheeda"http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62098/? I made Her To be as Close I could to My Real Life Wolf "Rusheeda". She is A Wolf Follower Like None Other you will find on the Nexus, On the Surface She May look Like Some that you've Seen But Under the hood is Where the magic Happens and If you enjoy "Sofia The Funny Follower" By dj John Jarvas Then you are going to really like Rusheeda.


Like I said I put a whole lot into Rusheeda as I've been a Skyrim Fan For many years and Though this is my First Start To finish :) but Still working on her to make her even better Mod LOL, She is more than any other you will find.


http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/thumbnails/62098-1-1426582035.jpg This is Rusheeda, http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/thumbnails/62098-2-1422489657.jpg This is Real Life Rusheeda


Come Give her A Try She has her own Map Marker So you will know where she is whenever you need to find her but if she's Following you she won't get lost and she fights at your side when you're battling.

She has her own Dialogue she's compatible with everything, Well as far as I know she is, I run up to the max and a few more than the 255 limit as far as mods and I have no problems with Rusheeda.


http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/thumbnails/62098-1-1426401786.jpg This is Rusheeda in Game from someone that is using her.



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Hi Matthiaswagg. Thanks for doing this service. I'd appreciate your input on my dungeon mod, linked in my sig. I spent a lot of time on this and while I love the feedback I've gotten so far, getting experienced critique is always great. I want to improve on my skills and make my dungeons more professional.


Thanks again for taking a look and for your time.

Edited by Stupiful
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