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Promote your mod - I can review it


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Hi Matthiaswagg. Thanks for doing this service. I'd appreciate your input on my dungeon mod, linked in my sig. I spent a lot of time on this and while I love the feedback I've gotten so far, getting experienced critique is always great. I want to improve on my skills and make my dungeons more professional.


Thanks again for taking a look and for your time.



Apologies to all, BTW. I was actually getting some of these done but then my computer's Internet broke down and I've had to send it off.

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  • 2 months later...

Perhaps you could review my latest mod, Raindrop Place. It is a player home that has hireable NPCs (including a follower), named storage, appearance customisation & more.


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Not sure if I can review anyone's stuff right now, very busy and my video recording/editing program is not available right now. That said, I will try to get to some of this during this summer, but no guarantees.

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Hey Matt! I would be most appreciative if you would consider writing a review for my recent custom-voiced companion mod, Aurlyn. Here, take a look:




Normally, I would be inclined to write reviews myself, but an impartial perspective would go a long way to showcase both the strengths and weaknesses of my mod. Many people have suggested that I take a more active role in getting Aurlyn reviewed, and I would be forever grateful if you would write an unbiased article/ review on her. Thanks!

Edited by mlee3141
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Hey Matt! I would be most appreciative if you would consider writing a review for my recent custom-voiced companion mod, Aurlyn. Here, take a look:




Normally, I would be inclined to write reviews myself, but an impartial perspective would go a long way to showcase both the strengths and weaknesses of my mod. Many people have suggested that I take a more active role in getting Aurlyn reviewed, and I would be forever grateful if you would write an unbiased article/ review on her. Thanks!

I'll try. I don't THINK I can do a video review right now, but if I can, I will, and I'll definitely try to do a written one soonish. That said, I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow and won't be back for a week or two, so I'm not sure how useful I am to you there.

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If you need a mod to review u can review undeath immersive lichdom, get the word out there, I see all these people on the undeath mod page complaning and asking for features that my mod already adds and they seemingly have no idea it exists.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, I just released a new version of my mod Rusheeda Reborn is now at 5.02 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62098/? soon I will be releasing yet one more to complete everything I wanted in her, at 5.02 she now is stealthy so for those that play as a stealth player she will follow along and render help if you need it, as in you got caught ;). As of this latest and most likely the next update she will be the best Wolf or Dog Follower in Skyrim, she has been in the works for over a year now, and after my stroke I finally have been able to pick it up again and get it nearly finished. It has been a long and wonderful work of art finally coming together to form one of the best Player mods a skyrim fan would want in their mod arsenal. I wish I could get someone to do a Video of her for me I don't know how nor would I want to try to stumble through it as I have seen some wonderful videos on youtube of mods and those people really know how to show a mod off. I hope you'll use the link I provided and download Rusheeda.

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