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Making screenshots look better?


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Recently I've been really into taking screenshots, but I'm not sure how to make them look good as many others do, does anyone know if a menu thing needs to be changed, photoshop tricks, a guide'd be way useful.


Thanks in advance,


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There are some console commands that help out with taking screenshots:

TM will disable the onscreen stats.

TFC will allow you to move the camera separately from your character. Only use it in 3rd-person view mode and be advised you will not be able to control your character.

TAI stops any people and creatures in the area from doing anything, makes it a bit safer when taking screens in areas where you might get attacked while you can't control your character.


I never photoshop any of my screens, and I'm told most of them are pretty nice. You can see a few on my xfire page by clicking my name in my sig.


EDIT: I uploaded a few more Oblivion screens for you to get an idea of what can be done without photo editing. If you use xfire feel free to me as a friend if you need any help.

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I take my screenshots with FRAPS, you can google it and go to the official website. The basic program is free, but it only takes .bmp photos. I use Roxio Photosuite 7 to adjust the brightness and sharpness of the pic only. Then when I save, I have the option to save in .png or .jpg which the board accepts (it doesn't accept .bmp, they will just show up as black until you click on them).


I've taken what I consider clear, nice shots using that method. My screenies are all over the place in file image threads. But if you need or want to see some without searching feel free to PM me.


The free version of FRAPS will also take 30 sec. videos. I've just started playing with that ability, but so far so good.


Hope that helps and good luck! I love taking screenshots :)

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Turn up your graphic settings, turn antialiasing on, and use Fraps to take pics. (Antialiasing on disables the game's ability to take shots I believe).


If you want to enhance your pictures with Photoshop or Gimp (free) you may want to take a look at the resources area on Deviant Art to download some free plugins and brushes.

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little advice for nVidia cards owners:


Since the game does not allow HDR along with AntiAliasing, if you want to have both you can activate HDR in the Oblivion optiond, and then force AA from nVidia control panel for the oblivion exe.


I believe ATI cards have this functionality too, but I've heard it a bit more complicated than nVidia, anyway I guess the option wil be in the Catalyst Control Center.


Another thing: since Oblivion does not use Anisotropic filtering, you may want to force that too, you'll see a VERY noticeable improvement in far textures visualization with a 4x filter.


Obviously all this comes to a price: performance loss.

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actually, not at all complicated...open CCC, go to 3D, go to AA, and un-check "use application settings" :) The complicated part is setting "profiles" for individual games...it was so easy in Nvidia's one...I kinda miss that.


I just do the in-game settings, don't like to post edit , just isn't a "true" screenshot to me when you do that

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