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Salarians and Asari in Mass Effect 2


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I couldn't happen to notice there were no female Salarians, or male Asari. This has led me to believe that they are different genders of the same race. My theory is supported by the following observations:


1.) On Ilium, Shepard gets to eavesdrop on a bachelor party, which consist of a human, turian, and Salarian(all male) watching an Asari dance on a table. The Salarian remarks how he finds it odd how a human can be attracted to an alien that resembles a Salarian.


2.) Also on Ilium, there is an Asari and a Salarian at a gift shop. They have a conversation, the Asari calls the Salarian "Dad". The Salarian also implies they are shopping for her Salarian mom(and presumably his wife).


3.) Asari live 1,000 years, while Salarians live less than half a century. In some species of lizards, female oftentimes live several times as long as the males.


4.) The anime series, Saber Marionette, takes place on a planet populated solely by men, as the original colonists were all male, who reproduced by cloning.


Based on these observations, I conclude that both "species" are in fact offshoots of humans. The Asari are all descendants of Anne Rice and Camille Paglia, who had both been developing advanced cloning technology in order to reproduce without men. The Salarians are all descendants of Ron Jeremy, this makes perfect sense if you think about it long enough.

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Well, you could simply read the codex :) Asari are single-gendered and can reproduce with any species/gender partner, including their own, but not limited to and rarely. They are NOT salarians. There's an asari bartender whose father was a krogan, didn't you talk to her? :)
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I'm fairly certain I saw a female batarian in that "choose to save military or residential areas" mission, might of imagined it though.


Also theres a female krogan near the shaman in Tuchanka.


Sarya, I think Sino is joking, look at the last paragraph of the OP.

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The Krogans actually speak clearly about the females, they are concentrating in Clan Urdnot. The Asari met the Salarians for the first time long after discovering the Citadel and Mass Relay.


Quote from Wikia:


"Salarians have photographic memories and rarely forget a fact. They also possess a form of psychological ‘imprinting’, tending to defer to those they knew in their youth. Salarian hatching is a solemn ritual in which the clan Dalatrass (matriarch) isolates herself with the eggs. The young salarians psychologically imprint on her and tend to defer to her wishes."


As for me I think humans descend from bi-sexual space hamsters that learned to eat meat, what is the reason com. Shepard be seen under one choose state at each game over there (although I don't think he/she keeps one in his/her cabinet to remember the forgotten history)

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Salarians have photographic memories and rarely forget a fact. They also possess a form of psychological ‘imprinting’, tending to defer to those they knew in their youth. Salarian hatching is a solemn ritual in which the clan Dalatrass (matriarch) isolates herself with the eggs. The young salarians psychologically imprint on her and tend to defer to her wishes

Err, was that from ME1? I probably should've mentioned I haven't played ME1.

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However on krogans - you couldn't have seen a female one, as no one but krogans can. That guy is an ambassador, he's not female himself.

Well I think its female since its slightly smaller and has a much different voice, we are thinking of the same one yes?


Not the one with two guards, its another one you can't actually enter conversation in, to the right of the Shaman.

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