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tried that allready, no dice.

Will do,(and uh, mine says "Fallout_default.ini" would that matter?

Yep, better avoid touching the default.ini

It is the base on which the Fallout.ini is beeing created

Only delete the Fallout.ini in

<Start Menu> \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout3 \


oooh... well im glad i made a backup of that, so I'll go fix that aaand experiment with that one!


(usually .ini files like that i had assumed would be in the installation folder, my mistake and hopefully the solution!)



and i don't understand why fallout doesn't like to work when i could play oblivion all day long in medium-high graphics and have very little lag.


Don't sweet it, there's nothing to understand. Being able to play one game and not another is irrelevant and means nothing, contrary to what the 'i can play Crysis but not <insert game du-jour here>' crowd would have you believe. Even if they use the same engine.


Have you checked your eventlog for any unruly errors that happen around the same time you crash? Even if you're dumped to the desktop without any game-errors, windows might be throwing one or two - worth a check. Also it might be time to start shutting down some errant applications running in the background. P4's are pretty old and with only 1gb of RAM it might help.


no need to get snappy at me, i mean personally it would make sense if tow games run the same (or atleast similar) engine, that if one works the other would also.



No I haven't I'll have to check that the next test I do.


EDIT: well then! i wish that had been told earlier! it would seem that the error is with the Xlive.dll


here's the specifics;


"Title Fallout3.exe ( XLive 2.0.0673.0 (PANORAMA_V2.00_RTM.081028-1714) C:\WINDOWS\system32\xlive.dll



Games for Windows - LIVE DLL

C:\WINDOWS\system32\msidcrl40.dll 5.000.737.6"

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no need to get snappy at me, i mean personally it would make sense if tow games run the same (or atleast similar) engine, that if one works the other would also.



lol Nobody is getting snappy big guy. Just making a point. I know it would 'make sense' but it just .doesn't.work.like.that. Never has and never will - I don't understand why people keep using that as a rationale.

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Hm, not shure if it is the problem...

but anyway, I would try the following:


Uninstall GfwL completely under System Control -> Software,

Reboot you Rig

Use the CCleaner to tidy up

Install the latest GfwL client

Never run GfwL, just start fallout


I think i found another solution... sort of... There was a program, from here no less, that completely disabled xlive.dll to load and while i managed to play for a good bit after i used that i still crash. Do you think i should still try your suggestion for safety sake?


And I re-checked eventlog after the new crashes and i got nothing, no warning or anything.



lol Nobody is getting snappy big guy. Just making a point. I know it would 'make sense' but it just .doesn't.work.like.that. Never has and never will - I don't understand why people keep using that as a rationale.


Well okay then.


And we do so because we think with it being made by the same company with a nearly similar engine, that there shouldn't be much issue. HOWEVER. Oblivion didn't have to fight with the GFWL crap, nor did it have things like bloody mess or VATS to fight with in game. :T.


(however awesome i think it would be to actually see some damage done to an oblivion corpse when you cast a high damage fireball at them :P)

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try playing with the Magnificent Gun disabled in Fomm and see what happens, maybe the gun is the problem, it has low endorsements so maybe others found problems with it!..


Also it helps to have 1gb or more of Ram and a good video card to play FO3, have a video card that either just meets the specs in order to play or is better then what the game specs says to use!..


I'd stick with weapons that are in the top 100 here at nexus or at least have 50 endorsements, my favorite gun mods are alexscorpoins sniper gear and Area 51 WHAT Weapon of Hybridized Alien Technology guns!, I also use the Classic Fallout Weapons BETA weapons too!..


I have 4gb of DDR 2 ram and a 1gb Radeon HD4850 video card and the game sets my game to ultra high setting's and I play with the grass off , easier to find the body's to loot after you've killed them!..

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try playing with the Magnificent Gun disabled in Fomm and see what happens, maybe the gun is the problem, it has low endorsements so maybe others found problems with it!..


Also it helps to have 1gb or more of Ram and a good video card to play FO3, have a video card that either just meets the specs in order to play or is better then what the game specs says to use!..


I'd stick with weapons that are in the top 100 here at nexus or at least have 50 endorsements, my favorite gun mods are alexscorpoins sniper gear and Area 51 WHAT Weapon of Hybridized Alien Technology guns!, I also use the Classic Fallout Weapons BETA weapons too!..


I have 4gb of DDR 2 ram and a 1gb Radeon HD4850 video card and the game sets my game to ultra high setting's and I play with the grass off , easier to find the body's to loot after you've killed them!..



Again, Excelent suggestion but i havent got the money at the moment, nor will i be investing money into this machine, HOWEVER i do plan on building a computer, so if you have any sugestions (like the graphics, ram, processor/ motherboard) PM me


and i don't see why that'd be an issue. i mean from what i can tell all it is, is a gun that pre-exsisted in game that was edited with a name change, and ammo boost... (unless there is script attached to it... *looks into it* )


I'll try it anyway, its not like if i loose it i'll never find it again :P

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