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Two 16.2[25][87]


Jorzi turned from the magical painting to look straight at three ghostly figures full of anquish. The three were a woman, and two men, in priestly robes of necromagery. They floated in the air but as if standing on a platform that was now there as smashed stone rubble.


The woman spoke. "We can, will, assist you! We wish to repent for our past evil. We wish to leave behind this hellish existence even if it means going to the blue ice realm of Hell. So we will tell you that there was a Divine who came here, who met the Genius13 here, who gave them resources and boosted their abilities. Yet there was something wrong with her, some kind of rotting influence slowly steadily spreading through her. She frightened even the Genius13, even the most monstrous of them. Frankenstane was there and he was the only one who refused to bend to his knees before her so she made him suffer terribly until he lay prone on the floor."


One man spoke. "She was Dibella but she was not Dibella. I do not think the current Dibella is the same deity, from what I have learned. That Dibella wore the mark on-in her of a far darker, more evil, more powerful entity that she called the Great Benefactor of Everlife. She told the Genius13 that they would be greatly rewarded for causing outbreaks, of Redsplash Plague, in some of what she called the 'Painted Realms'. We priests thought we knew what was going on, were extremely arrogant, until that moment but we were left astonished and horrified. Then that monstrous version, of Dibella, killed us by feeding upon us and others in the temple; it was a horrible way to die. We have drifted in a sleepy, nightmarish, fashion ever since in which the dreamless states were the best."


The woman spoke again. "That is except for moments when we communicated with other ghosts, often apologizing to those we had done harm to and sometimes being forgiven but too often being attacked. Those that forgave us went beyond the Great Veil but those that attacked us staid trapped on 'this side'. One was a priestess of Dibella who spoke a dark secret; she said that there were the Thirteen Divinities that had arisen with the creation of the Painted Realms but they were not genuine Divinities. She told us that there was a 'corruption' in the very essence of the Painted Realms but also a form of purity that fought it. The Painted Divinities were tugged at by both influences. The Painted Dibella, the original one that we met briefly before she 'fed upon' us, was corrupted and she had continued to use her Brush of Truelife to create; except her divine painted creations were becoming more corrupt as she did."


The ghosts gave the Jorzi some information, including instructions of the layout of temples and the general area, the locations of secret tunnels and more. Then, with looks of relief on their faces, they faded away as drawn away beyond the Great Veil. Jorzi, the Venturer, had a strong impression that they were going to Purgatory because they had already suffered terribly for their crimes and had repented even before meeting the Venturers.

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Zero [16][88]

Interwoven Magical Painted Realms! Tamriel, Kayriel and others? What others? Were Earthriel and Terrariel painted realms? Then there was the realm of undeath; what was its true nature?

Magically painted Thirteen Divines? Were the Thirty-One Grand Daedra (DaedraGods and Daedric Princes) also magically painted?

The false Tamriel continued to change but now in more exotic and subtle ways. The very name of 'Tamriel' began to be replaced by the name Magariel. Tamriellans were becoming Magariellans. Imperiarna was becoming Mazeriarna and also were appearing Mazeriarta. All the other Imperial Cities had the same name except with 'Maga' on the front such as MagaAnvil. Steammagic rose, spread, prospered with amazing speed as did other magitech. A network of railways, canals and highways spread across the expanding Magriel.

All of humanity blended to become Mazamen.

All of the Mer blended to become Mazamer.

All of the beastfolk blended to become Mazafolk.

Arcane, elemental and some other magics blended to become mazamagic! Divine magic, narcane magic, necromantic magic and necromagery did not! Steammagic was a subset of mazamagic!

Most of the people were aware of the changes but on a 'semiconscious' level of limited awareness.

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Two 17.1[26][88]

Jadekia, and Shaekia, slipped silently into the big chamber and both smiled. The monstrous DaedraDivine Shanggrazil was tickling a snake-monkey creature's tummy while it lay on its back and wiggled with delight. There were many other creatures gathered close to the great 'monstrous lord of the Mazelands' waiting there turn to be tickled.

Shanggrazil looked up, looked shocked, looked embarrassed and then saw that the two newcomers were surrounded by happy, not at all fearful, mazefolk creatures. He went to scowl but then grin-smiled in a wonderfully ugly fashion. "You did not get scared by me?"


Jadekia shook her head. "We know you are defensive aggressive only and only wanted to harm us for you feared we would hurt your friends. Your mother is the DaedraGod Azura! She was a Daedric Prince but her power, her skills, her area of authority, have greatly increased since her shifting. Do you know who your father is?"


Shanggrazil grin-smiled, mostly smiling with glee. "Come bring toys, lollies, other good things and I will tell you."


They nodded, almost as one, and came forward to give out many small delightful gifts. When the impossibly slow to empty bags were actually empty, when every friendly creature had three small gifts and Shanggrazil had many small gifts, the DaedraDivine spoke.


Shanggrazil: "Everything is magically painted here, now! Everything intertwines! Everyone are linked to everyone! You are painted magically and so are we!"


Jadekia shook her head. "No, not we True Eternals! We, and some others, were introduced to here for special reasons. Others are magically painted like Divinities, Grand Daedra, other immortals, mortals were along with others that do not fit into such categories. You were born to magically painted entities. Who is your father?"


Shanggrazil shrugged almost brutally. "Obrongta the Divine! His very name, identity, has vanished from almost all of the magically painted realms for his existence was magically 'painted over'. Except that such things do not seem to every fully work. Azura, mummy, visits me once every three days or so and my dreams every night when I sleep. Obrongta, daddy, visits me less but brings me big gifts. Azura, mummy, says that Obrongta, daddy, spoils me but I don't mind!"




Shanggrazil seemed to understand what they wanted to know. "Obrongta, daddy, is the Divine of Exotic Magics, Knowledge and Technologies. Obrongta turned against the Thirteen Divinities when they began to try to magically repaint the Magic Painted Realms. He never did truly belong to them! The Grand Divinity tried to magically paint him totally out of existence but failed to do so. Obrongta, daddy, escaped to his own Divine Planet-Realm of Orongol along with its lesser Moon-Realms of Oron, Obon and Ogon. I will open the gate that will take you to the Deadlands of MehrunesDagon! These Mazelands are part of Oron, the Moon-Realm orbiting Orongol, but they are also a Realm of Oblivion. My head hurts when I try to work it out so please do not ask me about it."


Shaekia spoke. "I would love to stay here and be your friend. I would look after you!"


Shanggrazil slapped his knees gleefully. "We can have lots of fun!" Then he sighed. "That is if mummy and daddy approve."


A sparkling shimmer filled the chamber, along with strangely beautiful music, then were gone. Approval had been granted!

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Two 18.1[27][89]

Jadekia made her way through the broken, strange plant dotted, Deadlands. Great bizarre metallic towers, some with walkways going between them, dotted the land. Larva oceans came up to the shoreline and metallic towers, often leaning over, poked out of that sea.

Jadekia 'sensed' dremora had been there only hours before. The dremora were much like those that served the real MehrunesDagon of the real Mundus and Oblivion Realms but with some important differences. They were less arrogant, less brutal, when dealing with other lifeforms. The magically painted Deadlands had no such lesser daedra as scamps, clannfears or spider-daedra. They had dremora, dremora-human hybrid dremans and humans adapted to living in the Deadlands. They rode adapted horses and such horses pulled chariots, wagons, carts and even such as catapults. There were MythicDawners amongst them, as a small minority, dwelling with Mankar Cameran in his own fortress. The plans to create his own 'Paradise' had been undone.

There were living-dead invaders moving through the area in scattered groups. Many of the necrolifen had been killed by defending forces and the survivors had been splintered. Fighting still went on, skirmishes between roving bands of necrolifen and daedric forces (the local adapted humans were considered to be lesser daedra).

She moved quickly, quietly, avoiding fighting until the Eternal Champion came upon five dremora surrounded by necronoids equipped with basic armor-arms. The dremora fought with deadly skill, cutting down enemy creature after enemy creature. Then Jadekia launched an assault on the necronoids from behind, her longsword slashing and stabbing with amazing skill, agility and speed.

The dremora looked upon her coldly, quietly but with out hostility.

A dremora woman spoke, the magically painted Deadlands having more female dremora than the real Oblivion Realm by the same name. "You have come, as promised, and MehrunesDagon will see you as soon as possible at the Central Great Citadel. We all now know of the magically painted true nature of these Oblivion Realms. They are starting to change, to blend, as one great Oblivion Realm. Azura sent word, to our Great Lord, that you offer hope for the future but that it will come at a price. We must hurry!"

Jadekia sighed and then killed the fake dremora, the doppelgangers, knowing full well that lowly ranked dremora would never be given such information and nor would they want it, seeing themselves as not worthy of knowing it. If, in an emergency, such dremora gained such knowledge they also gained special status and rankings.

It indicated that the living-dead invaders had taken the Central Great Citadel, assuming it would the actual ruling place of MehrunesDagon. This was not true for MehrunesDagon was ancient, canny, and had suffered past invasions of his Oblivion Realm. His real command post was well hidden while the official one stood out like an iceberg in a great sandy desert. Those guarding the official place would have given their lives to make it seem that it was very important.

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Two 18.2[28][90]

Jadekia continued onwards, summoning forth twelve Jadekins, clone-followers of herself, that looked identical to her and had her much of her power and abilities but not and not to the same strength. As they moved through the Deadlands, strange sparkling shivers began to run through it; change really was happening to the magically painted Oblivion Realms.

In the distance, just below the horizon, great plumes of steam and smoke were jetting high into the air. The larva was being transformed into land. Around the the land was changing as the rocky, often burned, ground became rich, dark red soil dotted with rich green plants. Normal Deadlands plants remained but became richer, less sickly, and began to grow upwards and outwards. Water began to appear in the form of running streams and small, rocky, pools increasingly rich with plant and other life.

Real dremora, dremans and humans appeared but made no hostile moves against Jadekia and the Jadekins. Instead a high ranking dremora quietly gave her a message from MehrunesDagon. He was now called SakrunesDagon of the DivineDaedrica Alliance. Azura, now Zarua, had joined the DivineDaedrica as had Obrongta. Others were now openly followers of the Great Benefactor, who was not the Great Enemy, but who remained unidentified. Most Grand Daedra and Divines had yet to choose, at least openly, either one side or neutrality.

Dremora were becoming kremora, dremans were becoming kremans and fully adapted humans became krehumans. The fully adapted horses became krehorses but the humans remained as humans.


The necrolifen were confused by the rapid changes, were dying and fragmenting on the spot. Their invasion was failing, was being destroyed by the transforming of the magically painted realms into one.


After reading the message, of bizarre writing on strange leathery parchments, she destroyed them and then was on the move again. SakrunesDagon was not into destruction but forceful reconstruction. He had retuned to the Central Citadel that had been emptied of invaders of which none had escaped from the Deadlands; this was true for their powerful necrolifen leader, a so called super-necrogrom.


SakrunesDagon had executed Mankar Cameran, and his children, along with disbanding the cult before Jadekia could reach him.

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Zero [17][91]

Shaekia was caring for Shanggrazil, as had been previously agreed she would even before she entered the Mazelands with Jadekia, who was her mother in the fashion of True Eternals. Shanggrazil was a child! Shanggrazil was unique, a hybrid that was supposedly impossible! Shanggrazil was vital to the magical painted realms surviving and thriving free of the Great Enemy and the Great Benefactor, the latter being no real benefactor at all.

Yet some dark, manipulative, powerful force had attempted to at least delay Jadekia by locking her into the Mazelands! Jadekia had been delayed but had gained valuable resources during that time, including information.

The Thirteen Divinities, and Grand Daedra, continued to change, to splinter. They served either the DivineDaedrica or the Great Benefactor; none served the Great Enemy, at least none did so openly. Some had declared neutrality only to shift to the DivineDaedrica Alliance as they realized that neither the Great Benefactor or the Great Enemy gave a damn about any such declarations.

Domed cities appeared in Magariel. Cyrodiil became Magariil, the Imperial Motherland surrounded by the Grand Imperial Ring Wall.

The dragons were nesting in dragonwyrs, fortified mountain holdings served, partly protected by, other dragonfolk and even goblinfolk or beastfolk.

Mazamer rose into existence in great, mostly underground, cities served by Dwemer like magic-mechanical devices and Ayleid like crystalstones.


The Oblivion Realms were becoming just one realm known as Oblevia as it was also blended with some Divine Realms. The Great Benefactor, and his followers, had nothing to do with this as they gathered in an unknown realm.


There was a great, subtle, influence cushioning and comforting the mass of mortals and lesser immortals while even trying to assist others. None seemed to know just what that influence was and where it was 'radiating' from and if they did know, they were not saying.

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Two 19.1[29][92]

The CloneEmperor sat in his throne, with a female Jonni Venturer sleeping curled up on his lap. This one was a soldier-artisan specializing in modular fabrication and fittings. There were big True Mirrors showing non reversed mirror like scenes from across the expanding, evolving, Magariel.

One showed CloudRulerCity that was Magariel's version of CloudRulerTemple. It was much bigger being part fortified temple, part castle and part fortified city. There were the Blades based there including the Bladegers who rode demidragons in a magical quasisolid fashion. True dragons would not allow themselves to be ridden except in extreme situations and they remained in charge.

Another showed MagaKvatch, a domed fortified city covering a great low tabletop mountain. There were others, each on its own great low table top mountain including MagaAnvil and MagaBruma.

Steammagic trains chugged along railways; steammagic vessels moved along canals; steammagic-liftergas airboats, and airships, flew through the skies. There were still a few wingcraft flying. Steammagic ships sailed along the coasts and to-from islands.

Venturers were attempting to find all of the dark magical paintings, in the Shades, to seal them up until others reached them and destroyed them in a safe manner. All of the magical painting gateways came from the living-dead realm. Shadefolk were retreating out of the 'Deep Shades' to areas deemed safer, more civilized, by their low standards.

The CloneEmperor sighed and began to give a series of decrees and lesser orders. Something was coming that everything would somehow 'freeze', go into some kind of exotic state, while deeply fundamental, subtle, changes were made that went beyond those that were already made.

Three Baurus Clones stood in the distance, surrounded by three times as many Venturers. The female clones had solved their boyfriend issues by turning Baurus into a network clone, with his permission of course. Baurus was no longer of the Blades, as his many selves, but was a Venturer who often worked with Blades. The Venturers had decided to allow themselves many more names as long as they started with 'J' or 'B' (in honor of Baurus) and were five letters long with a unique official number code.


Then the telecube appeared, with a soft sparkling shimmer, that the Eternal Guardian had departed in along with an expeditionary group. A door opened and out of it came a flood of living-dead monsters. Clearly something had not gone at all well with the mission to rescue Necrowizard Frankenstane.


The fighting began with Venturers, Blades and others hurling magical projectiles at the invaders. The attackers did not get very far for they were only coming out of one doorway of limited size and thus were bottle necked. Yet there were many of them in the telecube that was bigger inside than out the fight would last many days. Then the defenders would become the attackers who would be forced to enter the telecube to fight a savage fight 'inside' there.

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Two 20.1[30][93]


She-he-it was the Eternal One, a Grand Eternal active when everything else in the Painted Realm, of Realms, was in a powerful-subtle form of transitional status.


She-he-it held a paintbrush in each hand being divine power artifacts beyond divine magical ones. They were the Brushes of TrueReality of FalseReality. The Eternal One paused at times to do some divine painting, some adjusting, some repair work on the previous efforts of others.


She-he-it fixed up the balances of things. There was the real Tamriel, of the real Nirn, of the real Mundus but none of that had anything to do with the Painted Realm, of Realms, that was the intertwining madness created as an elaborate trap for the Great Enemy by the Great Benefactor. Except it had been a trap that would never have worked, instead becoming a brutal battleground in which most would have suffered terribly and from which the Great Enemy would have launched an invasion against the real Mundus.


She-he-it added a few twists, a few extras, a few curly bits and surprises.


She-he-it began to focus on other Painted Realms such as Terrariel, Earthriel, Kayriel and the living-death of Necroriel. There was much work to do but, thanks to the strange status, more than enough time to do it in.


She-he-it began to do some subtle reality adjustments but this time using more than her-his-its paintbrushes.

Edited by Maharg67
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Story Zero Continues

Story Two Ends Here

Story Three Starts Here

Story Orbis Starts Soon

Edited by Maharg67
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Three 1.1[1][94]

The Septims, what Septims? Emperor Urien Glorin VII opened his eyes and looked out upon a very large Dragonthroneroom. Venturers were there but also Imperial Personal Guards in bulky magical power armor. Empress Carine Virginis Glorin was quietly speaking with some Venturers with a married couple of elderly courtiers also in attendance; the topic was the strange vanishings of sweets from the Imperial Kitchens; the Venturers managed to look quite innocently shocked even as the Empress quietly cleaned cake off one of their faces.

Magariel was reality, had always been so according to the vast majority of those living there. Others had separate memories of that other place called Tamriel.

The Imperial United Empire was more of a federation than a traditional 'empire'. Though the Emperor, and Empress, held power along with the Imperial Senate, the center of authority lay in the Imperial Parliament as a whole. That is the Commonate, the Represenate and the Senate (as already mentioned). Democracy was still new, was having growing pains, but it had the full support of the Imperial Court.

Brasn0987A climbed onto the Emperor's lap and she made herself comfortable in a way that Urien had grown quite used to. Far from jealous, the Empress was pleased. She often ended up with a clone sleeping in her lap. Thankfully both she, and he, were enhanced lesser immortals who somehow seemed bigger, taller 'than before'.

Reports were coming in of growing troubles with the breakaway Province of Imperiarane. Those extremely opposed, to the Great Imperial Reformation, had been exiled to the region and others had gone also. Their Legionaries were massing on the border with Magriel. Though Imperial Army forces had moved up to the Imperial Border, just beyond the great ring wall, most considered the whole matter to be political posturing.


The Imperium was not convinced that this was the case!


Army, and Blade, regiments plus independent brigades, had reported a surprisingly large number of enemy units being beyond the amount that the fairly small 'empire' should be able to muster. Mages, scouts, spies and other sources reporting fighting between enemy units. Then supposed enemy soldiers, and others, had begun to sneak across the border only to surrender. They had often spoken of 'bizarre, disturbing, new' military units that were often dangerous to be near, that spooked animals, that smelt unnatural.


Brasn0987A spoke quietly. "A report from Blader Expeditionaries in the Magariellan Underlands. StarMarshal Drake Glorin, of the Eternal Warrior, is fighting a major battle with a large force of necrolifen as led by a super-necrogrom. Yet there is another there, even more disturbing, that he calls an Antidivine for she is of a quite unique type of living-death. Local forces make up most of Drake's forces but there are Blades and now others, including unlifen damphirs. Those damphirs are fast, tough, hard hitting and almost as good as our Bladers elite."

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