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Three 1.2[2][95]


He wiped some cake off her face. "You could clean the evidence off your trips to the Imperial Kitchens."


The clone gave her clone-father an odd half smile. "Sire-dad, that would mean nobody would wipe it off our faces in a way that we like."


The Emperor nodded with a quiet expression on his face. "I stand corrected, daughter, at your wisdom. Any more troubles to report, in the United Empire?"


She sighed. "Sire-dad, the situation is mostly very good but there are bad signs. Blades have found more dead living-dead clones, our poor cousins. They were killed fighting something of terrible strength, something of the undead. The long abandoned infamous, mysterious, city of Necrotropolis has claimed another expeditionary group of foolish treasure hunters sponsored by the Grand Imperial Guild."


Not to be mistaken for the United Imperial Guilds, the Grand Imperial Guild was a greedy, secretive, brutal enterprise left over from an earlier dark phase of the Empire that had led to the Great Imperial Reformation. It was far less powerful, wealthy and influential than it had once been but it was a stinging thorn in the United Empire's side. Moves were being made to deal with the Grand Imperial Guild once and for all.


Brasn0987A: "There has been no sign of the Eternal Guardian or the Eternal Champion. That fake telecube attack shows that we do not know what happened to the real one."


The telecube attack into the throneroom had turned out to be with the use of a very accurate fake telecube. It was stored safely in magical status as it had begun to become dangerously unstable. The last of the living-dead forces inside it had long been destroyed. It had been a terrible battle waged in a maze full of trick-traps, enemies and special arranged threats such as delusionary mind attacks and exotic monsters.


The clone yawned, a preliminary to a necessary catnap, and spoke again. "A new report through the clone-network; the dragons are going to send forces to assist the great StarMarshal Drake Glorin and to the border with the False Empire."


She went to sleep and the Emperor studied non reversed mirror-screen scenes from across the United Empire but also other places, including the Underlands. A distant view of the brutal battle was shown. Urien scowled and shook his head. The MadEmperor was still sealed up 'inside' the WhiteGoldTower and there was no real idea of what the ShadowEmperor was let alone where 'it' was.

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Three 2.1[3][96]

The MadEmperor grinned even as he writhed in pain as the black, shadowy, tentacles lifted him up into the air and sent bolts of high voltage electricity through him yet again. Caula Voria lay prone on the floor of that Dragonthroneroom, along with many others. The attack of the ShadowEmperor had been overwhelmingly sudden, quick and brutal. Worst of all it had arisen out of the Dragonthrone itself; that is the False Dragonthrone.

The ShadowEmperor spoke in a thin stretched voice, a sound both normal but abnormal at the same time. "Thirteen Dragonthrones were created not just by the Grand Aldmer but by the Ehinofey also. It took place, most likely, in the Mythic Era but close to its ending."

The MadEmperor snorted. "There are so many differing accounts of the Dawn Era, the Merethic Era (Mythic Era) and the First Era it is hard to know what is true. Anyway these are the Painted Realms of Realms. The Dragonthrones in this place must all be fake."

"No!" The ShadowEmperor screamed out. "No, the CloneEmperor sits upon a real Dragonthrone brought into the magically painted great realm by the one who calls himself the Great Benefactor. You would not know who he is."

The MadEmperor sighed. "Time passes here, in the Inner WhiteGoldTower, faster than it does in the rest of the WhiteGoldTower. I had plenty of time to spare so I did lots of researching. The Great Benefactor is Lorkan who did not truly die but who became of the living-death."

Lorkan, who corpse was in the form of Secunda and Masser, the Moons of the Planet of Nirn!?


The ShadowEmperor dropped the MadEmperor back into the False Dragonthrone and the MadEmperor cried out in pain before cursing the ShadowEmperor in a wide range of ancient languages.


The ShadowEmperor laughed sourly. "Sire, you really are very rude. I will leave you now! My followers will bring supplies to you and your followers. I killed none of them but some will need many days of healing. I will remain here in the Inner WhiteGoldTower until I work out my next move."


The MadEmperor shook his head. "Like me, you have become trapped here by the Great Enemy who might be another aspect of Lorkan; the corpse of Lorkan split to become two moons, one representing undeath and the other representing living-death."


The ShadowEmperor snorted. "You know that is not true but I will give you the truth, as you suspect it is; AlphaOmega is the other moon aspect of Lorkan and represents the unlifen such as the damphirs. Masser, the Red Moon, represents the living-dead and it is Secunda, the White Moon, that represents the unlifen. That is the moons of the Painted Realm. Matters are different in the real Mundus. I must go now and carry out some necessary, but boring, duties."


Then the ShadowEmperor was gone from the great chamber which seemed larger, lighter, than it had been when he was there. He had lied for five lesser courtiers lay dead, being dessicated corpses drained of blood, life energies and liquified flesh. The MadEmperor scowled with anger but was not at all surprised by the ShadowEmperor's lies; that was because he strongly suspected who, what, the ShadowEmperor really was.

Edited by Maharg67
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Zero [18][97]

The Painted Realms as a trap for the Great Enemy? A trap created by the Great Benefactor! The MadEmperor suspected that the ShadowEmperor was the Great Benefactor. The same MadEmperor had realized that his Dragonthrone was fake and then had set about turning the Inner WhiteGoldTower into a trap for the emerging enemy inside that fake artifact. Trouble was he knew that his efforts had been rushed and that he did not have the power, abilities, or skills of the ShadowEmperor.

The ShadowEmperor was of the living-dead! The ShadowEmperor was linked to the terrible crime done against Lorkan that meant not his death but his failure to truly die.

Ghosts were being seen, felt, more frequently across Magariel and not just in the United Empire.

The DivineDaedrica Alliance prepared for war with lesser divines, and lesser daedra, forming military and work forces as well as civil defense networks.

Beyond the United Imperial Borders other nation-states, like the Sumeriad Citystates to the north (Skyrim) and the HardRock Kingdoms (HighRock), were preparing for war. Firm alliances had already been signed between the United Empire and most of the neighbors.

The United Imperial invasion, of the so called True Empire, was launched with great precision and force. As the Blades, the Army and other forces swept across the lands, through the air and followed big rivers, they were assisted by fearful rebelling locals. The living-dead were moving in great swarms of barely order chaotic violence.

Word came that many innocents had been slaughtered, had been 'fed upon' by the necrolifen and that the self styled True Imperial Court were all destroyed, including the Emperor. The major city, small by United Empire standards, was burning savagely by the time the Blades reached their, along with Army Rangers, in liftergas-airships.

Yet there they made a most strange, horrifying, discovery for thousands of necrolifen had themselves been fed upon by more powerful versions of themselves. It was as if they had been sent out to gather resources, from the living, and then have those taken from them brutally.

In the Underlands the great battle ended with the living-dead forces having suffered far more greatly than their enemies. The necrolifen lacked any real ability to organize efficiently, to work as 'teams', and most had only limited thinking abilities. The problem was that the actual size, power, and effectiveness of the living-dead forces remained a mystery.


A watchful peace fell upon the supercontinent, surrounding islands and the Underlands.

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Three 3.1[4][98]

Imperial Musketeers marched past in magical plate armor and with their special magical musket-rifles, each with a long detachable bayonet. The guns were slower to reload than bows or crossbows but they packed a powerful magical punch, shooting magical enhanced projectiles that exploded or did other tricks. Battlemages, archers, and sword-fighters went with them along with other kinds of fighters. All had on fairly large backpacks and bedrolls.

In the distance was the noise of fighting as living-dead forces again swarmed out of seemingly nowhere except that it had been proven, this time, they were coming out through an ancient Grand Aldmer Waygate. As heavily secured as many Waygateways had become, there were whole areas of the Waygateway Network that were dangerous and a few that were sealed off tightly by different means.

Her brother, StarMarshal Drake Glorin, had found a Waygate where the military forces had come through that his forces had destroyed.

StarMarshal Mara Glorin, of the Eternal Warrior, noted dragons swarming through the air along with Blades phantom riding demidragons. In the growing unnatural darkness, caused by necromagical clouds and mist, there were living-dead flying beasts hurling themselves through the air with berserker craziness.

Mara knew that the commanders, of the enemy forces, were having increasing difficulty controlling their bizarre creatures. The thunder of muzzle loading field-cannons came to her through a thin forest of wide, high trees.

A big steammagic battletractor thundered along a road, its massive wheels doing damage that would have to be repaired fairly soon by army sappers. The armored battletractor had armored chambers for cannons, cannonades and muskets.

'Sensing' something wrong, she turned and looked around the carefully hidden observation platform. Two Bladeguards were also searching to find something that 'irked' them. Then it was there, the ever rotting-regenerating thing that was one the Divine Dibella. She scowled hatred at the Grand Eternal and the Bladeguards fell back, clutching pulsemagic longswords.

The living-dead Antidivine scowled. "I am Zivella, once Dibella, now stronger and smarter than ever. I bring a message from the Great Benefactor."

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Three 3.2[5][99]


Mara spoke. "Would that be the ShadowEmperor?"

At that Zivella looked disdainful. "The ShadowEmperor serves the Great Benefactor but is not the Great Benefactor. Blessed is the Great Benefactor and his blessings."

The Eternal Warrior was not impressed. "Lorkan?"

Zivella looked less disdainful. "No, not Lorkan, but a greater aspect of Lorkan truly renewed with True Life. He captured, fed upon, a Grand Eternal known as the Eternal Manipulator. He is Nakrol, the stronger reflection reversal of Lorkan. You can not defeat him; surrender!"

Mara sighed and suddenly lunged forward with a divine magical grandsword of great power. Zivella died but even as she did a strong look of relief, of gratitude, came upon her face. She had badly wanted to die which was the real reason she had come to be before StarMarshal Mara Glorin. Zivella vanished away, burned away, and was gone.


The Eternal Manipulator? The trouble was it was a title that had been used by more than one True Eternal and too many False Eternals. There was one very bad possibility and she hoped it was not the case. The Eternal Manipulator was a great rogue criminal from the, amazingly distant past, of Birthing Creation of the very first Grand Eternals to arise in the Mortal Realms.


She focused her immediate attentions back on the battle but knew that, as soon as she could, she would investigate the ideas further. Had Zivella actually sacrifised herself to get some important information to Mara? It needed to be looked into.

Edited by Maharg67
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Three 4.1[6][100]

Eternal Seeker, Lucky Eddie, fired his zipdart-rifle and a living-dead necronoid died even as it was trying to come out of a big active metallic stone Waygate. It was a great big square frame that measured, from the inside frame, 10 metres across and high from the floor. There was the normal shimmering pattern of energies of semitransparent nature. Through it could be seen the Waygateway that the necrolifen attackers were coming along.

Rifle shots came from Kayriellan soldiers in khaki fatigues with dark brown body-armor. They fired powerful bolt-action rifles using fixed magazines and stripper-clips to reload them. Since the killing of the doppelgangers, Eddie's people had formed a basic alliance with local resistance forces fighting the UmbTek humakes and other figures along with the living-dead followers of what they called the ShadowEmperor who served the Great Benefactor.

Unlifen damphirs were in the area, fighting the necrolifen with brutal guerrilla warfare strategies and tactics. With them were other unlifen that were following the orders of the damphirs because they were smarter, cannier, than the others.

Except that the UmbTek Forces had vanished away in recent days and all that remained was some of their gear as captured by local forces.

Zipdarters, rifles, hand pumped crankergun machineguns, even a few bows, were taking their toll of the living-dead who were bottle necked because they had to come out through the Waygate.

The last necrolifen creature, a monstrous thing on all fours, came through the ancient gateway and was killed, dramatically, even as the Waygate was deactivated from the other side.

The Waygate was situated in a great big cavern chamber not very deep below the city. The cavern was part of a great complex of modified caves dotted with other ancient artifacts. Some supplied water that spilled down long, deep, wide, metallic stone channels. Others dispensed, in limited amounts, basic resources in odd forms such as food-foam, fire-sticks, healing-gel and float-bubbles. Most assumed ancient living-gods had used the items themselves but Lucky Eddie knew that the Oldmer, of Kayriel, had used those items to supply their followers with; that was except in emergencies when they would also use such resources themselves.

Refugees, soldiers, and others had been coming there for months.A small town, of sorts, had been created but then some foolish young men had tried to activate the Waygate. Shortly after they paid with their lives as living-dead invaders began to pour through the Waygate. Only the quick, hard hitting, intervention of defenders had stopped the invasion in its tracks.

Eddie learned that the three young men had been 'social misfits' and petty criminals. Yet he doubted that they would have had the ability to open the Waygate, that some other force had manipulated them into doing so, had provided them with the means to do so. That 'faction' had used the three fools with out any compunction.


He had learned more, from such as the damphirs, but there was much more information that needed to be gain and to be clarified.

Edited by Maharg67
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Orbis [1][101]


Orbis observed, but was not observed, Terran humans working hard or just watching those activities. The massive great 'organic' flowing metallic stone structure was tree like with roots spreading out over the cavern's rock floor and branches under the rock ceiling. Glowing orbs hung, like bizarre fruit, from the 'branches'. The slanted, crystal glass like, capsules were each filled with one young adult. Of the thirteen most were young women.


Professor Sandros, in a white jumpsuit, was examining a hastily put together console of 3Dflatscreens show different data displays. She was frowning hard even as she spoke in Esperanto. "We have zenez focus levels increasing by 1.2 degrees every 11.2 seconds."


A whole new language, mathematics, physics, had to be created to try to understand the ancient alien artifact. It had created ways to plug computer networks, of network-systems, into it, as if reacting to human desires and needs. The project had been a very carefully regulated with only very restricted data being fed to the ancient alien mentality that existed with, in, the AAA.


Then thirteen super-genius teen-adults had decided to have some fun!


A real virtual reality realm, of Earthriel, had been created in a carefully regulated fashion. It had been based on a super virtual reality gameworld known as Tamriel.


Just what they had done what not certain but they had ended up inside the in the indistructable capsules, inside exotic liquid and with thousands of amazingly thin crystaline tentacles penetrating their whole bodies. They had created new realms, as based on the super virtual reality games and the original Earthriel. Only scattered, almost random, contact was able to be kept with the original Earthriel and the millions of people there, including millions of Terrans.


Somebody had plugged a big 3DTVset to the AAA (ancient alien structure) just to see what images would appear. Now it was inside a tent and only selected specialists observed it for short heavily regulated periods of time. One of the first people to watch the screen had committed suicide and two others had major psychological breakdowns, one being a much experienced, well renowned, psychologist.


The teen-adults had done something, perhaps more than one something, that had caused the creation, evolution, of new real virtual reality realms.


Five seconds after the teen-adults had done, what ever it was that they had done, every single lifeform, and fabricated structure and other items, had vanished from the OldEarth. The OldEarth had been then rejuvenated and begun again with new ecosystems but the NewEarth was far more hostile to humanity than the OldEarth had been before the Grand Transformation.


The large Terran colony, inside the ancient alien Lunar Labyrinth, was hitech and well supported with autorobotic network-systems along with many resources. The Lunar Labyrinth was full of good atmosphere, had much water and other supportive features. All had been rejuvenated, as everything had been, when entering the Lunar Labyrinth. Yet there was a grim struggle to get over the great blow of what had happened and to survive.


A strange sparkling-shivering went through everything and everybody but nearly all failed to really take notice of it's existence let alone of its influence.

Edited by Maharg67
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Three 5.1[7][102]

The telecube, the real one designated as Telecube131313A5 or TC3x13A5, shuddered and shivered as it darted through, and back again, in a transreality storm caused by a great battle between magically painted deities. Except those deities had evolved, expanded, changed beyond their origins and original state. The DivineDaedrica Alliance were launching counter attacks against the ShadowEmpire's brutal, original, attack. The ShadowEmperor ruled the ShadowEmpire but was not the Great Benefactor of the living-death. The Genius13 were involved, somehow, but were not part of the ShadowEmpire and the same went for others such as the Life Free Alliance and the mysterious Fanelord13.

Mahargiana, Mahargiata and Mahargiaza piloted the TC3x13A5 with amazing precision. Mahargiana, and Mahargiata, were each as three bodies but Mahargiaza was as many floating spheres doing many duties. All others, except for the demigods, were in safety in special capsules. Conan, Xena, Gabriel, RedSonja and Lancelot helped for they were actual geniuses by mortal standards, despite the appearances that they wore.

Humphree, and his friends, were also safely in capsules. Humphree clutched his teddy-thing and a peacefully deep sleeping set of living and other creatures. Humphree was powerful but was young and naive, having much to learn.

When three shadow-things began to chase them, the Eternal Guardian was pleased at the challenge. They sent out trick-traps at once through the self reflecting ever transforming transreality. One by one the shadow-things vanished away harmlessly. Yet the Eternal Guardian knew that the three disturbing, hard to define, shadow-things had only been a testing attack.

TC3x13A5 shot through a shifting quasi-energy field and (what looked like) a spinning blue police box shot past it 'going the other way'. It happened with amazing suddenness, and so fast, that neither traveler had a chance to communicate with the other.

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Three 6.1[8][103]


"All of the Imperial Cities are now one Imperial City as the Mazeriarna (Grand United Imperial City) of Magariel." The CloneEmperor shook his head. "People are abandoning other areas and streaming to here, often with United Imperial assistance. Forts, mines, outpost settlements, ports and other important sites are kept, either as fortified towns or small cities or with such attached. Steammagic trains, road convoys, ships and airships keep effective transportation networks running across the United Empire. There are exceptions, of course, and exceptions are often as important as the general truths."


The Dragonthrone had expanded, altered, with a seat either side of his that each had on it a Venturer Adviser (daughter). On his lap was often either a Venturer or one of their babies. They seemed reluctant to speak of 'where the first Venturers had come from and many kept coming from' but had hinted it was something to do with the secured core of the Tritranscube131313. It was no accident, at all, that it had come to be there with them.


Yes, exceptions, such as Necrotropolis that had 'grown bigger' and poked above ground as a massive fortress of extreme daunting ugliness. Most of it was underground and much was deeply underground. A swarm of powerful dragons had attacked it, once, but had been easily driven off with many wounds and the deaths of two Imperial Dragons. It was extremely difficult to kill an Imperial Dragon. The UnitedEmpire had decided, wisely enough, that for the moment it would send none of its Imperial Military Forces to the very isolated living-death city.


Martin was sitting in a big Dragonthrone like chair, that was not as high as that of his father. Appearances of status, of rank, had to be kept even in the Dragonthroneroom even though neither Urien or Martin cared for such things.


Martin frowned softly. "My name remained the same! I wonder why that is so."


Urien shook his head. "The Thirteen Divinities, as returned to us with no individual names, have whispered to my mind that you are of special status but they gave no more than that. All of the named deities have vanished, that we once all knew, but only very few of us know that there has been any changes at all. Mind-body-spirit, all have adjusted to the changes and that includes us. Why did it all happen? Was it meant to happen or was it just a consequence of chance? I suspect a mixture, of causes, as is almost always the case."


Martin frowned. "Why one big city so full of so many people, so much life? I could be a good thing, a form of protection, or a bad thing as a great big living feast all gathered neatly together for something to feed upon."


Banda8965Z spoke from the right of the Emperor after yawning, stretching, in a sweet sexy way that was more so because she was unaware of its effect. "We, the expanding net-mentality and Hubmind of the Venturers and others, have computed on this matter. Long, hard, computationals, and computations, have led us to conclude it is both. The Grand United Imperial City has been set up as a prize, a trophy, in a competition war. The Great Benefactor, and the Great Enemy, have decided to a fight to the end. There are other forces at play, as you know, but perhaps you do not know of all of them and their nature. We do not but so far we have identified the Free Living Alliance (including the United Empire), the DivineDaedrica, the Genius13, the Fanelord13, the ShadowEmpire as led by the ShadowEmperor (secondary servant of the Great Benefactor) and the AlphaOmegana as led by AlphaOmega but also the True Eternals and those of other Painted Realms."


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Three 6.2[9][104]

The CloneEmperor nodded. "Yes, but we will not let them use us as trophies in some great big terrible war. We will not be prizes in some kind of bizarre competition."

Reports were coming in of the restless dead gathering in some areas long infamous for spectral events such as ghosts, deathly reflections of violent past events, phantoms and other. Ghosts were linked directly to dead individuals but phantoms were linked to groups of people, to group actions, and such like. None were to be unwisely mistaken for undead wraiths.


Jorzi nodded. "Sire, we will not be! We have been considering the nature of the two moons and, in deep researches, have found something quite surprising. Hidden, amongst the levels of the Grand Imperial Palace, we just recently found ancient indistructable metallic tablets of an unknown nature. The language was a kind of Grand Aldmeric that we had not run into before and is extremely hard to translate. If it was of the Grand Aldmer then it was special, early, even by their standards. We found there some diagrams and they show this world and its moons. Except that there are two moons, and orbiting each of them, a semimoon or secondary moon."


Jorzi: "Displayed are Masser, as a moon, and Secunda as a semimoon that orbits it. Missing is another moon and another semimoon that orbits that moon. The moon is Vezarout and the semimoon is Yeaediti. Mistakes have been made. Lorkan was murdered, was not truly killed because he could not truly die; he became the dead-living of Masser and the unlifen of Secunda. But even as Lorkan died, a false death, he 'killed' a mysterious traitor that had attacked him, that was another as he was, and that one also suffered a false death. That one was named Tarrasha and she became the undeath of Vezarout and the living-death of Yeaediti. We have no idea what the term 'dead-living' means."


Urien Glorin VII shuddered softly. "So the madness, driven prophesies, of Urien Glorin VI himself may have had some truth to them. He wrote strange poems, if one could call them that, and painted surreal paintings that focused on secret past events, of terrible mysteries and of the appearance of a moon, and smaller moon, very long hidden away. His secret archive is in a place, along with other such hidden stuff, are in a heavily secured, vault-citadel, that the great majority of people do not know exists except in some frightening fairy stories. It is the Shagozgonal and it lies in a 'very interesting' realm known as Wonderland of Twisted Reflected Reality."

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