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Orbis [7][145]

Orbis observed, back in time, in Earthriel the Gamelords departing back to Terrariel.

The tall, plump, robed figures of Gamelords fled into their skyboats that would shuttle them up to their skyships. They were the last and with them were going looted luxuries from the locals plus luxuries that they had brought with them. Despite having inferior science-technologies, the locals had proven to be more resisting than had been predicted by the Gamelordic think-tanks. Power armored Gameforcers protected them. In past months the elite military-security force had suffered heavily at the hands of Earthriellans armed with enhanced-augmented tech. Even Gamelords had been killed, which was a shock to the Gamelords.


Silken dressed Gameladies came gliding along with children and pet-companions. The silken dresses were translucent and showed much cleavage along with having long wide slits at the sides going up to the hips. The children wore robes, or dresses, depending on gender of course.


One extra plump Gamelord was smiling as he carried with himself a well concealed, small, power artifact. It was strange to know that the whole invasion of Earthriel had really been designed to achieve some hidden goals. The gaining of the artifact was one of them. Who would have thought that even such a thing would have been created but it did make logical sense, in its own way; it was a divine magical airbrush.


Then he was going into a skyboat to join other Gamelords along with Gameladies, children, a pair of semitransparently silken clad concubines, some specialist workers and Gameforcers. Soon the skyboat was lifting up into the air under the protection of a brief cease fire that had been agreed upon.

Edited by Maharg67
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Four 4.1[7][146]

DocWho was a figure of ordered chaos, a tough looking dandy with a black jacket, dark brown hair, a bow tie, long brown cargo trousers and boots. The TimeLord had with him Leela the scantily leather clad amazon warrior, Ace who wore space marine power armor almost identical of that of her fighting career, the gracefully beautiful TimeLord woman Romana and some silvery metallic robotic dogs known as the K9As. Leela had enhanced physical abilities of one adapted-evolved to survive on an amazingly savage world with fairly primitive technologies to survive with.

The TimeLord spoke to the Eternal One, as two figures, to Mahargiata and to Empress Alice along with others. "I got caught up somehow in a powerful side stream of transreality that sucked the TARDIS right out of my universe and into what you call the Realm of Realms. Divine magically painted quasirealities? Fascinating, most interesting. Got to get back to our universe to complete a task or two."

Sherlock Holmes, alias the Eternal One, spoke. "The TimeWar, of your universe, destroyed all TimeLords except for a handful or so you believe. Over 200 escaped, along with those with them, to where we are going but they, and their TARDISes, are trapped in the very exotic realm that we need to go to."

DocTime was suddenly intensely interested. "Over 200 TimeLords and the others would be TimeLordites, common Gallifreyans, and allies of the TimeLords?"

The Eternal One smiled. "We will learn the answer to that question in due time. You have met True Eternals before, including those eccentric ones for ever seeking boredom easing entertainments. We are of the True Eternius, a far more disciplined aspect of the same as linked to the QContinuum."


Romana nodded. "Ocean going sailing ships in space, the Doctor has spoken of that adventure."


Mahargiata spoke. "We need to go down that shaft. We will give you the information you need to get your TARDIS down there, in a fashion your Eternal like TimeLord brain can handle."


DocTime sighed. "You know very well that I would have helped you anyway but I am keen to rescue who I can of my people, as are those other survivors like Romana."


Empress Alice was curious. "There was a TV show called Doctor Who. It had TimeLords and TARDISes, daleks and the TimeWar."


DocTime grinned. "An alternative universe where my people are part of a television show. I take it, by the sound of the title, that I am the central character. Very good!"


Romana sighed. "It is time to show these people at least some of the wonders of the DocTARDIS, Doctor!"

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Story Zero Continues Here
Story Four Continues Here
Story Orbis Continues Here
Story PolliPoll Starts Here

Story Five Starts Quite Soon, hopefully, maybe

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PolliPoll 1.1[1][147]


Driven by bitterness, sadness and frustration due to being neglected, ignored and disrespected as the 'poll', PolliPoll transformed to become a seeker of truth, of opinions and answers to multiple choice questions. PolliPoll made its way across the stillness of the Divine Magically Painted Realm of Realms but only it was able to move, though only with some difficulty.


Was its destiny to discover what was discovered? Perhaps yes, perhaps no, but PolliPoll stopped in surprise to take note of a great picture of amazing high quality and accuracy. Yet what was most amazing was that the figures inside the divine magical picture frame were moving. Was that not supposed to be impossible?


Wary, feeling that something was wrong, PolliPoll moved across the great flagstone courtyard where the painting was on open display as held up by a great big metallic stone structure. The closer that PolliPoll got, the greater the pressure flowed against it to either stop its motion or even to push PolliPoll backwards.


PolliPoll had to stop but it observed the prone living body of a Gamelord, from the supercontinent of Terrariel, laying sprawled out with a hand reached out towards the painting with one arm. His hand did not point anywhere because it had been neatly cut off, then sealed off with some kind of metallic cap. PolliPoll doubted that it was just the hand that was taken but something in the hand or on one or more of the fingers or perhaps both.


PolliPoll smiled for the first time since becoming PolliPoll for now it could at last let go off its terrible past in which it had been ignored, its purpose lost in an ocean of indifference and being taken for granted. Only now could it be free like a cageless flying bird that happens to fly very fast and very high so as to avoid being caged again.


PolliPoll went off to inform some VIP of its amazing discovering. It would have skipped and whistled happily but could not do so thanks to what was happening in the Realm of Realms.

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Four 5.1[8][148]


The DocTARDIS materialized out of mid air and stood, generally speaking, in the center of a great metallic stone domechamber. There are many artifacts of Grand Aldmer design and make but also others as ancient and mysterious. The pattern of them, across the chamber, was ordered in some manner hard to comprehend by most of those who got out of the blue box machine.


Mahargiata, the TimeLord, the Demigods and others came out of the blue box. They looked around with care, being ever ready for trouble, but nothing came rushing out of the shadows in that dimly lit chamber.


The voice whispered at them, seemingly from all over the chamber at once. "We were so very confident of ourselves! First ourselves and then ourselves who came after them. So it went on, the endless changing, but never changing, cycle. In our madness we saw sanity and in our sanity we saw madness."


The Eternal One, alias Sherlock Holmes, responded. "Ever inside and ever outside, ever going and ever stopping, what is this and what is that? To seek the ending is to find the starting! We walk in the shadow of ourself."


The voice did not respond.


Something stirred and a tall, shrivelled old man figure of a Grand Aldmer came shambling out of shadows, stopped and looked at them. "I suppose you come seeking answers or at least a way of allowing others to find answers for themselves. Those poor child-adults, we took advantage of them when we should have tried to help them. They were part of the creation of the real Mundus and then we helped to trick them into helping us create the Painted Realm of Realms. The transformations of such have been multiple and painful but perhaps now there is hope as the dead-living are transformed into the living. Except that a population of the living-dead have survived intact inside a smaller divine magically painted realm. It was done for good reasons by a mortal painter given a gift of a divine magical paintbrush by a Divine, both being living-dead entities made by the act of divine magical painting. A mimicry of real life as created by the real thing, I suppose one can say. Here is the Grand Aldmer's greatest achievement and most terrible of mistakes. This place is a blending of life, death, unlifen and undeath in a fashion near impossible to define, let alone to understand. Welcome to the 'BlendingSata' of the Sata. Yes, there is death-living here also in the painted finishings, the extras."


The Eternal One nodded. "Nearly impossible made almost possible and yet here we are, here you are and those others lost in the ever possibility of endless life, endless youth, endless power, endless beauty and so much else that possibly be wondrous. This is the real core of the Painted Realm of Realms and yet it must cease to exist almost as if it never has existed."

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Four 5.2[9][149]


The Grand Aldmer went on. "Everything that has happened, in the Realm of Realms, is caused by what we have done, both directly and indirectly. Cause and effect, effect and cause, of course we know we are not totally responsible for the ways of the way are not of that way."


Conan, the Demigod, shook his head. "Your words make much sense and no sense at all. I 'sense' danger here of many kinds but also danger unlike anything that I have 'sensed' before. There is here, amazingly deep, the impression of possible threat in everything and anything. Is this what your planned utopia became, a terrible trap of potential danger?"


The Grand Aldmer nodded. "You may look like a great savage human, from the icy north, but you got to the point. We assumed we would create a realm where our every desire, our wonderful fantasies, would come to exist when, where, and how we would have them. We forgot the power of the dark subconscious, of buried dark emotions, that we had never truly confronted. We did not know ourselves as we assumed that we did. We have become twisted monsters, and have given birth to even more twisted monsters, except for a minority of us. I froze myself into this form to ever divide myself off from the chance of adding to the possibilities but the act came with a heavy price. Please seal up your clever device, that is much more than it looks to be, and follow me who are to do so."


Most would stay inside the TARDIS, that was very secure and made more so by some augmentations added by the True Eternals.


A relatively small group moved deeper into that place being the mysterious Grand Aldmer, the two True Eternals and the three Demigods.


They walked through a shimmering and found themselves in a great landscape of purple trees stretching high above towards pink clouds dotting a blue sky made up of the upside down surface of a softly glowing ocean. It was a possibility, yes, with the very present possibility of the sky falling down as a great ocean to crush and drown all beneath.


Frightened, hunched over, hooded robed figures scrambled desperately from place to place or were curled up on the ground making strange whimpering noises. As the Eternal One walked near them, each of them vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer leaving behind a lingering impression that something good had happened. Yet each time it happened, the sense of possible danger grew stronger as if 'something' did not like what was going on.

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Four 6.1[10][150]


The group came upon across Uriel Voria, and Caula Voria, along with some others moving through the great forest with a sky of ocean ever threatening to fall and drown everybody. Somehow the Core of the WhiteGoldTower was also the realm that was entered into from Wonderworld. The pair had entered the exotic realm with a large entourage but the others had long vanished away, drawn back to the Realm of Realms and to final transformation from death-living into living entities.


Uriel Voria, formerly the MadEmperor, spoke to the group led by Sherlock Holmes and Mahargiata. "The others are gone, drawn away to Magariel in such a way that they do not even know of us any more. Our own memories, knowledge, of that other existence fades away. We would become part of your group, if you would have us, and assist you in carrying out your goals."


The Eternal One nodded. "Very well! Your gain is ultimately our gain. Time here twists and turns to its own tune."


Caula Voria spoke out. "We have not been able to keep count. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, may have passed but at least we suspect a long time has..."


The Eternal One nodded. "I would be surprised if you could do so."


From the sky ocean shot a harpoon with a long silvery line trailing from its back. Then it shot back up again with the harpoon transfixed through the writhing dead body of a robed Grand Aldmer. The action was terrible, the screaming stretching out through the forest. The locals had more to fear than just the 'sky' falling on their head and the other threat was truly evil.


The enlarged group had no good reason to stay in that realm so they moved on. Soon they were leaving the realm behind to enter one that was in some ways stranger and yet also quite similar to the original painted Tamriel.

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Story Five will no longer deal just with Uriel Voria, and Caula Voria, as previously stated because they have become part of Story Four.

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Zero [22][151]

The Realm of Realms became the Reflective Mundus, amongst other names, but remained the Realm of Realms. The dead-living, created to feed the treacherous ShadowGod, and ShadowGoddess, were all of the living though of their own quality. Reflective Mundus remained in status as it continued to transform stabilize in its own new existence.

Then there was the Painted Sanctuary where the death-living still existed, for good or bad.

Hidden truths began to bubble to the surface of 'reality' once hidden in the form madness of the Realm of Realms. There was some other ancient, dark, manipulative influence behind what had happened; that is other than the thirteen teen-adults trapped inside an ancient alien artifact inside the Lunar Labyrinth.

Mundus, itself, shifted transformed to a relatively small extent in response to what what happening to the Reflective Mundus because it had to do so. The mysterious Haven Tier of multiple 'Haven Realms' had existed on the edge of Mundus but now was on the edge of both Mundus and Reflective Mundus. Hawkhaven was 'closest' to both Tamriel and Magariel.

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Orbis [8][152]


The teen-adults were still inside the ancient, alien artifact that was inside the Lunar Labyrinth but the chamber had changed. Over a century had passed, as localized time, since the 'human world' of Earth had vanished. A stream of people had been materializing in the Known Lunar Labyrinth since, appearing at what were known as the Known Waygates that were ancient alien artifacts used to link distant Terran colonies. The appearing people were rejuvenated, transformed in other ways to be enhanced to a basic level, and their memories were mixed of what had happened to them. Through the Known Waygates would come floating great bits and pieces from the Terran Human World. All would be rejuvenated.


Bored techies, and science-officers, kept watch over now well established console-stations that showed only the same basic data that it had shown for over 100 years. Bored guards, in exopower armor, stood sentry duty but there were also security cameras, armored power doors and other safeguards.


Professor Sandros had not visibly aged since he had been there, over 100 years ago, just before the war with the insectoid selenites had begun. The hive mind driven aliens had come close to destroying, or enslaving, humanity but allies had joined the human effort and together they had driven back the insectoids and their living-warmachines. Sandros had become part of the scientific war effort and had helped to develop anti-selenite weapons and defenses, which he was not proud of. He was glad that a grand treaty had been declared, the vast Selenite Hive-Empire being forced to concede it did not really 'need' to conquer Alliance Territories.


Sandros wanted to save the teen-adults, despite that many had come to see them as 'monsters' but more than that, to his shame, he simply wanted to know what had really happened. He reached into a pocket, of his white jumpsuit, to get a packet of bubblegum and found there a surprise. He drew out a small leather bound journal, expensive looking, and on it was another surprise. It was the name of one of the teen-adults. Her name was printed clearly there in elegant gold. Puzzled, but driven by curiosity, he carefully opened the journal and began to read it. As he read the very young woman's account, of the time leading up to the thirteen being drawn into the AAA, he was astonished and then he was angry.


There had been betrayal carried out but not by the teen-adults; no, they had been manipulated and betrayed partly by some people who Sandros had always trusted; some, like his father, he had no trust for. They had also betrayed Sandros himself, along with billions of others, in doing what they had done. But what could he do; the betrayers were VIPs with much power, wealth and influence including his own father who saw the professor as a soft hearted fool.


Then they were there, quietly standing there almost as if they had always been there, the black clad supersoldiers and gray clad others who looked no less deadly. They were human and yet not human as he was. He had helped to develop the netcloning process and then had refused to steal the secret to give to his father, which his father had never 'forgiven' him for. The netclones considered Sandros with cool kindness and some puzzlement as if they were always trying to work him out even as he continued to try to understand them.


A gray, head to foot clad, male spoke. "We will assist you, father!"


Sandros was not sure what surprised him more, that they were going to help him or being called 'father' by them.

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