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Obama is scheduled to be interviewed on Fox today (6pm US est/12am GMT). :yes:



I wonder if they'll dare cut it short like they did the Q&A session. :D

(and then, of course, try to put words in his mouth and knock down their straw men, just like they did with the Q&A session on health care)


Some of the things said on Fox Noise--mostly by Beck and Bill-O but also by others--are just so far out there, I can't believe anyone who's not a dittohead would take them seriously. Hell, Murdoch himself called Fox an entertainment division.

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Obama is scheduled to be interviewed on Fox today (6pm US est/12am GMT). :yes:


Bah. TL;DR


or better put


Nobody really cares enough to see his Interviews. I usually learn about his interviews through fox anyways, and even MSNBC rarely covers them. When I was little, I actually believed that Fox was Democratic, because they always showed democrats, democrats, and more democrats. I later realized they were just bashing them. Or maybe they didn't bash enough in the old days of Clinton.

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I watched it. Bret kept interrupting him and he kept getting frustrated.


It wasn't an interview; it was an interrogation.


Yeah and he needed it. It was a refreshing change to see him shift his eyes to the left when he lied and dodged questions. Teleprompters in a controlled atmosphere is why his cult was what it was. Let him stumble and be human like the rest of us. I couldn't care less about that meat sack Baer, but seeing Obama squirm like a worm on a hot sidewalk made my day. I wish new ground had been covered though. Tired of the same old rehash of staged questions and stilted answers.

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I'm not an Obama worshiper, or even fan, but I think that everyone deserves at least one fair interview. It seems that, while everywhere else, he got to stack the deck fox stacked it against him, asking questions that he really had little way of knowing, questions that were often openly hostile.


Two wrongs don't make a right.

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I know it's The Sun but this is what we have to put up with over here....



I complained about the bias on their political editors blog only to have my post removed and a warning via email about making "defamatory comments".

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Yeah and he needed it. It was a refreshing change to see him shift his eyes to the left when he lied and dodged questions. Teleprompters in a controlled atmosphere is why his cult was what it was. Let him stumble and be human like the rest of us. I couldn't care less about that meat sack Baer, but seeing Obama squirm like a worm on a hot sidewalk made my day. I wish new ground had been covered though. Tired of the same old rehash of staged questions and stilted answers.


LMAO, sorry Kendo, but you become more and more scary as you continue to post. Not that I dislike seeing the fear in people's eyes under certain situation...


Meat sacks, and worms. You sir, are a formidable.

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I know it's The Sun but this is what we have to put up with over here....

And WHAT precisely is wrong with the Sun?....Kidding, man. ;) Like any rag they have their moments...page 3 for example. :yes:

Good article, BTW.



Come over for a few beers (when you're 21) and and I'll introduce you to the 'We're Gonna Make it No Matter What' club. But if someone offers you a drink from a mason jar don't spill any on your boots. It'll lift the dye right off.

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I know it's The Sun but this is what we have to put up with over here....



I complained about the bias on their political editors blog only to have my post removed and a warning via email about making "defamatory comments".


Isn't The Sun owned by 'Good Old' Rupert? That 'could' explain the bias, he he. However, their response to your comment is an obvious reaction by any news program across the board. I would ask you to post the same thing in Fox's, MSNBC's, and any others I don't know about, and I guarantee they would delete it or reply angrily to it.




Oh ho! Offering me some Texas Moonshine? Something else to fear!

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