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Guards Forgive Hits - No Arrow Collecting - More Aggressive AI


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I've been looking for some time but haven't found mods that do the following:


Guards Forgive Hits During Combat

It's really annoying to be fighting vampires, dragons, or other enemies and accidentally hit a guard and have every guard in the area aggro and attack me. This is very unrealistic and foolish. Friendly fire is a common part of battle. Frequently guards will step into a player attack when the attack is already fully committed and there is nothing that can be done.


No Arrow Collecting

It is highly annoying for my character and followers to have arrows added to their inventories after being shot with multiple arrows. This is unrealistic and foolish.


More Aggressive AI & Larger Aggro Radius

Currently there aren't any mods that really address this issue head on. There are several that attempt to accomplish this through improved combat styles such as Improved Enemy AI and Revenge of the Enemies. Combat mods such as Dual Combat Realism, Deadly Combat, and Ultimate Combat don't address the issue directly either. I'm tired of enemies almost starring me in the face before they aggro on me. Many enemies such as draugrs, skeletons, and bandits almost seem completely unaware of the dragonborn until entering point blank range.


If you know of any mods that accomplish the exact requests above please let me know or take on the project and fix these annoyances!

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there is a mod that makes guards far more forgiving. I don't use it because I don't miss and I need the mod space. actually in realistic terms pulling an arrow out of ones self and using it is not unrealistic. surviving a dozen arrows in the gut on the other hand is not realistic. also your exaggerations are over exaggerated.

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Just want to say, as far as arrows appearing in your inventory after getting shot, I'm pretty sure its related to the same mechanics that allow you to recover arrows from your kills, so disabling one will most likely disable the other. Not that I would know how to go about doing that anyway, sadly, as there doesn't seem to be anything in the CK I can find related to arrow recovery.

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there is. the topic was discussed at length a while ago... than the author got this bright idea to bump the thing after it had laid dormant after about a month or two with his only new comment being "bump" and I think it got removed... not sure how moderators deal with bumping exactly

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No Arrow Collecting

It is highly annoying for my character and followers to have arrows added to their inventories after being shot with multiple arrows. This is unrealistic and foolish.

Wrye Bash has a tweak setting when building the bashed patch

Arrow: Recovery from Actor


You can try setting that to 0 and seeing what happens.

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