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Excessive use of the F word across the Wasteland


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Well swearing doesnt really offend me and I feel like it adds to the situation. If I was living in the wasteland and having to see my friends get killed by raiders and super mutants I wouldnt go "Oh poppycock, My best friend is dead now, oh fiddle sticks!"


I actually think the swearing is appropriate in the context of the game. Oh well, matter of opinion I guess.

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"Seems normal to me, it's common vocabulary. Some characters like Mcgreedy are meant to be excessively rude, obviously, and with most others you barely notice it."


Was going to comment, but what they said sums it up.

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I still can't think of a named NPC off the top of my head that drops F-bombs much. Among generic NPCs, only raiders come to mind. :unsure:


Help me out here. Who in the game drops F-bombs left and right?


Desmond in Point Lookout swears in practically every conversation you have with him!

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Actually, its funny mentioning Moriarty . . . one of his lines includes the following: Stay the F*** out of me business!


Jericho: What the F*** man, I've been waitin' here foreva!


Threedog: But Threedog, the selling of live human beings is totally f***ed up! Yes it is children . . .


It happens more often than you'd think. With this game, it tends to fade into the background from time to time. I must admit, there is an abundance of SH and F, but a lesser ratio of other cursewords, but hey . . . not much you can do about it.

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Does not bother me, when I was younger my father siad the F word 24/7, and it's not like the characters say Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkk..., meaning they dont say the same word for more than 3 second's at a time, it's just a quick "F"


Actually what bothers me more than anything is when they say "GD", That's taking god's name in vien, especially when Gustavo think's your Roy Philup's and he say's "So get your GD ugly gould *** off mister Tenpenny's private property!" and he really stretches the GD...

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Does not bother me, when I was younger my father siad the F word 24/7, and it's not like the characters say Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkk..., meaning they dont say the same word for more than 3 second's at a time, it's just a quick "F"


Actually what bothers me more than anything is when they say "GD", That's taking god's name in vien, especially when Gustavo think's your Roy Philup's and he say's "So get your GD ugly gould *** off mister Tenpenny's private property!" and he really stretches the GD...

Interesting philosophy.


I don't mind it so much, but it is noticeable by it's use. Neither I nor my wife or immediate family swear at all although I have a friend who swears like a fiend. I've learned to gloss over such lapses. I could have done without it in the game, though.




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If the English language bothers so many of you, then might I suggest learning a new one?


It is a part of it. Even to the point of it being in the "Collin's Concise English Dictionary".


Some swear some don't, but do not assume it is through a lack of intelligence or of deductive reasoning that people do, because that phallacy simply isn't true. :rolleyes:


Some do swear excessively, and I do not agree with that either, though that is because the words then tend to lose their impact and emphasis through continual (mis-)use. Although with that said, a piece of dialogue with a multitude of swearing within it, is not the same as someone who enjoys swearing just for the sake of it.


Used correctly it is simply a way of impressing upon your listener the emotional reaction you have to something.


For example, if you are unfortunate enough to have stepped in something nasty you can say you stepped in s--- or you can say you stepped in feces. Someone's motto in life may be, "If it moves, f--- it," which expresses much more contempt than if his motto is, "If it moves, sleep with it."


Swearing in its proper context is used to show and emphasise emotion and humor, something plain language distinctly lacks. A great example of this in fallout 3 is Desmond. :thumbsup:

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