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You can't stop thinking while you exist ) so we have a paradox :biggrin:



You're certainly right.

And you've answer my second statement "Try to stop thinking.. if you can... - then perhaps you'll know the answer".


I think you've bring this matter to an end. -just joking :smile:

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Try this:


We say that time has been and will go on for all eternity.


Before I was born I did not exist, for all eternity.

When I die, I will not exist, for all eternity.


Hence I do not exist for all eternity, yet I am now

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We exist because we are aware of our existence and reflect upon each other our existence (we exist together). :thumbsup:


We feel, think, sense and so we are. :sick: :blink: :biggrin: :tongue:


We define our existance and it is defined for us by others. :pinch:


That we exist, how we exist and how we perceive our existance, all are as one. :woot:


Gosh, did I sound profound or what? :yucky:


I couldn't help it, I learned philosophy at university. :sweat:

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we live to reproduce to ensure the survival of our species, we eat those lower on the chain then us, and kill our enemies.




Mate, feed, kill.

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We exsist because we just do, because God put us here. We are ment to exsist to enjoy our life not question it. But It's not like I don't agree with you because it is strange how we play a roll in this life. Although I'm a loyal catholic, I must take your question with intrest. Are we here because God put us here, or are we here at random, or perhaps is there a bigger picture to all this?
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We exsist because we just do, because God put us here. We are ment to exsist to enjoy our life not question it. But It's not like I don't agree with you because it is strange how we play a roll in this life. Although I'm a loyal catholic, I must take your question with intrest. Are we here because God put us here, or are we here at random, or perhaps is there a bigger picture to all this?


I see little debate in this thread. There are plenty of opportunities to show opinion, but there is no shred of evidence to support any of it. Existence is unanswerable by anything by two things. Either Religion, or Darwin. That's it. I can't see this debate going any further than speculation, as there are no facts at all on the subject, and therefore no ability to counter either. That is, unless someone turns it into a religious debate. Which this thread has oddly, no succumbed to.


The Meaning of life is undebatable. I ask anyone to prove me wrong and start a true debate.

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