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Full inbox blues


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I've (again) been having trouble getting in contact with a TESnexus member because their inbox is full. To make inbox management simpler I suggest that when you log in with a full inbox a warning message pops up.



- Include "Don't show this again [ ]" checkbox

- Include "Click here to empty inbox" link

- Include "Click here to remove oldest messages" link

- Automatically clear old messages from members who don't log in for a long time.

- Give a warning when you send a PM to a member who hasn't locked in for a long time.


Being able to get hold of a mod's creator is often vital for people who want permission to further develop it, use it for modder resources, or translate it into foreign languages, so please consider this change.

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If their mailbox is full, it is quite likely they have not logged in to check them...usually due to abandoning the email address they signed up with (so they never see the notifications).


Premium member are allowed a LOT more space for messages but that doesn't change the fact that said author simply isn't checking them.


Personally, I'd rather have an option to EXPORT my PMs to a text file that I want to save and keep my inbox empty.


EDIT: I just noticed that the Archive folder allows you to export to MS Excel. Yippie!



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If their mailbox is full, it is quite likely they have not logged in to check them...usually due to abandoning the email address they signed up with (so they never see the notifications).


That would come under the category ... "Give a warning when you send a PM to a member who hasn't locked in for a long time."


However in this particular case Strategy Master commented in a thread on 4 January 2010 so I know he logged in at least that recently.

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However in this particular case Strategy Master commented in a thread on 4 January 2010 so I know he logged in at least that recently.
You can look at anyone's profile and check the "Last Seen" statistic. In your case, your profiles reads: Last Seen: Today, 11:53 AM


As for auto-purging old PMs, that would irritate me to no end! Many of the PMs I keep, especially the oldest are the most important to me. If I get hospitalized and it takes me a year to recover only to find out that when I want to get back into modding Oblivion, all my private ideas, notes and conversations being "archived" would send me into a blood rage. ;)



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This is on the list of things to do under...


Providing a more elaborate way of authors being able to choose how their contacted, if at all, and describing their role of support for the file they've just released (a way of indicating whether you'll be willing to answer PMs, only stick to replying to comments, or won't be providing support at all)


No ETA on when it will be done, but it will be done :)

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@pm purging


plz not... same as LH here, those old ones are utterly important and contain valuable info for me


@pm export


who the heck uses excel :P (kidding)

a simple text document would be more suitable for me at least ro be honest as i only own wordpad lol


@author contact


what id love would be a system that sends you emails through a shadow server, kinda like the user would sent an email by pressing an email button which then send the email to a nexus server which then fowards the email to the modders own adress.

this way the user wouldnt see the actual address for securoty reasons but only that of a huge mail server but people could still be reached


@pm box size


well once im rich ill surely buy a premium membership but wouldnt it be nice to give modders who upload a certain amount of mods some of the premium features like a doubled pm box? or like an extra few pm slots for every uploaded mod?

its imo kinda unfair that non modders have the same space in their box wich obviously wont get filled with requests, complaints and the like whereas modders have to clean their box quite frequently.

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@pm export


There are two options, Excel and HTML


I use OpenOffice so the Excel option will work perfectly for me (I'll convert it to ODS format or TXT)


I assume the HTML version would be a bit harder to manage if you wanted to delete or re-arrange (sort).


@modder vs player injustice


One has to be VERY careful if something is setup as you have described. If you reward people by offering X for Y, you tend to get a lot more Y...especially very minimum efforts just to get X. Are you sure that you want people uploading just anything to the Nexus just to get "X" benefits?



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@modder vs player injustice


One has to be VERY careful if something is setup as you have described. If you reward people by offering X for Y, you tend to get a lot more Y...especially very minimum efforts just to get X. Are you sure that you want people uploading just anything to the Nexus just to get "X" benefits?



While that might be true, there could be a number of qualifications in place to restrict abuse. Even a simple retirement of being active foe the last year and esteemed member of the community would rule out most abuse despite the possible appearances of playing to favorites. I've been there, most of those who are active in the community can often have problems keeping enough space open in their inbox without having to remove messages they believe are important. I had at one time a good 18-20 PMs sitting in my inbox constantly because they were messages granting rights to a resource, and another dozen or so which mentioned solutions and other things to various issues that I wanted to archive for when I run into them again. On days that I was asked a question though PM, or was communicating with someone about a mod, my inbox frequently was full.


I'm sure there are others who are in the same situation that I was. While export is a nice option I wasn't aware about, it wouldn't work so well in the case of those permission PMs since the text within that export could be manipulated easily and there would be no proof as to what was actually said.

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well im usually 1 or 2 pms close to the limit :/, i couldnt even store all those permissions granted or answer all of them due to that, many of my pms contain valuable technical info aswell

but ill give the export a try


i agree that this might increase spam mods but one could also use the endorsment amount or download count instead of the amount of uploaded mods as an indicator on how many pms one should be able to receive

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