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You made my blood boil


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I don't think this is the right place to post this, but this whole website outrages me. Why must a modder force my hand to download some sh*tty software just to mod my bl**dy games? I thought modding was meant to be about free software, and not some stupid 4th person trying to get money out of me by trying to sell me a 50 pound premium account for something that doesn't even work (I'm trying to download a helmet toggle mod).


All it takes is to attach a readme file about WHERE to put those files I can perfectly download manually. If that was done, I would be playing already. Instead, I have to waste my time registering, validating, downloading this modmanager whatever thingy, and than, when it's finally there it won't even download the f*ing mod.


I'm a perfectly competent person with PCs, modding and whatnot, and if this sh*itty website wouldn't force my hand to use their software for modding, I wouldn't.


This is an evil conspiracy and you should all go to hell.

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What in the world are you talking about?


There is no requirement to buy anything anywhere on this site. The only requests for money that exist at all on this site are a) optional Premium server access via donations to the site and b) optional requests for donations by individual modders. Both 100% optional. You are fully able to download and use anything on this site without donating a single cent.


All of the mod tools recommended on this site are free, this includes Nexus Mod Manager, Mod Organizer, BOSS, LOOT, TES5Edit, SKSE, ENB and anything else I might have missed.


If you are having trouble getting things to work, then it's perfectly acceptable to ask for help, but this nonsenical rant against a conspiracy that does not exist is not going to make anyone want to waste any of their personal time helping you with your problem, whatever it actually is. It certainly isn't the site, since thousands of people use it daily without flying into fits of nerd rage.

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I know it's optional, even though you may doubt my intellectual capabilities, I can actually read.


When I want to get a mod, this is how it happens:


-Google mod.

-Download mod.

-Unzip into instructed folder

-Maybe run an exe

-Done! Play game with mod



-Google mod

-Try to download mod

-Find out that I need to download a manager

-Find out that I need to register


-Download software

-Try to download mod with software

-Rage about software not being able to download the mod (which is BTW already on my PC, but there doesn't seem to be a way to simply add mods that I have manually downloaded) I am running as administrator and I did change my download location to Europe.


I've been staring at my screen for half an hour trying to hide my f*ing helmet. In any other game, this would be long done, instead, I have to try and figure out why this completely unnecessary software isn't working. If I need to go to the forums and plead for help for help because the most basic function is not working, than that's not only an unnecessary software, but also badly built.


About the conspiracy: I was being sarcastic.

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The Wiki says that this thing was meant to speed the process up and make my life easier...and than there is about an hours worth of videos to be watched just to get the thing running (I've now managed to download and activate the mod, but now it's not available in my in-game menu.)


You can't possibly claim that it's easier, quicker or more convinient than just downloading some .dll files and unzipping them into my game folder.


Waste of my nerd unlife.


Oh, and your forum is also useless. It makes me look like someone who can't use "enter" to make my posts more readable. Also, teh "post" button under quick reply does nothing.

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How come you don't want the Nexus Mod Manager? Just go to a different website if you can't handle one simple application to apply and remove your mods...


The NMM is the most useful software I've had for mods, it safely adds, removes, and downloads mods, it also keeps track of them so that I never mess up my client by forgetting any masters. You can just click the "Download (manual)" button if you want to download the file without the manager!


NMM is actually a very lightweight handy tool and it is the preferred method for almost all modders, so it's either you learn how to use a computer or just don't bother with mods if you come with a stubborn preference for the old and tedious... Just sayin' dude. Nothing personal. All you had to do in the first place was download NMM, run it, click Skyrim (duh) and you were set.

Edited by cera9
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I'm a perfectly competent person


Quoting for posterity.


You don't need NMM to mod, hence why there's a "manual download" option on all mods. No where on the site does it say you have to or need to use NMM in order to get mods to work, either here or elsewhere.

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Without NMM I would be really screwed. It speeds up installing mods by so much and makes things much easier. To make an account and install all the requirements needed for most mods took me less than 10 minutes. That includes NMM, BOSS, TESVEDIT, SKSE, Uncapper and SkyUI. NMM is invaluable and this website makes it so much easier to find and install mods.


I now have over 150 installed.

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There is absolutely no requirement to pay for anything to download and use ANY mod on the nexus. And that includes the NMM tool ( which is not only absolutely FREE, but not even required to use mods ) - NMM is a program to help you use mods NOT a requirement to use mods. If you don't like NMM, then don't use it. There is no penalty for that at all. In fact there are even other mod managers available for download on the nexus for those that prefer them. We ALLOW that here because there is no reason not to.


It's FREE, that means the site gets NO income from NMM. The mods are FREE that means the site gets NO income from mods. The cost of running the site is far more than most people realize - try pricing just one dedicated server - now multiply that by 20. We really do have 20 fully dedicated servers in several countries. And they are currently saturated. Then the other expenses from running the site - now, where does the money come from? Obviously not from cheapskates like you that want the world handed to them for nothing. The income to run the sites comes from 2 main sources - advertising, just like every other free site. And the completely optional premium memberships - as a reward for buying a premium membership - you don't see any advertising as well as some other perks. So we don't get you twice. Now try to find another site that does this.

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