StarMystyk Posted March 13, 2010 Share Posted March 13, 2010 I don't mind the MQ from the Presidential Metro stage, it's just everything before that, especially the finding Dad part. I either avoid the MQ for as long as possible, or rush to release the Enclave. The fun starts when they're around :) True to my nature I started another tonight. A guy. But started right from the original start. I wanted to do the Vault from another point of view. I don't know how long he'll last. I'll try to not abandon him at Level 4 :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tertisentar Posted March 13, 2010 Share Posted March 13, 2010 Star, have you ever played some sort of alternate start location mod? Works wonders when trying to do new stuff :P And aren't molotov's included in FOOK2? If not, I better start finding out which mod has added the couple I'm carrying with me :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bethjunkie Posted March 14, 2010 Share Posted March 14, 2010 If I send you my new characters can you play them up to Level 10, then send them back? :lol:Mine usually suffer from a horrid condition in that they can't get past Level 5. Not due to bugs or crashes or anything like that, it's just after a few levels I get bored with them and start another one. I suppose I could level up a couple for you. Just lemme know what, if any quests you want done, karma, and what kind of Alt. Start/FWE/etcetcetc stuff you want. I'll send them back with lots of loot too. :) Offtopic: I think this one is my fave here: :sorcerer: It's much better than that weird Titanic smiley at the eye-bleeding site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyr2011 Posted March 14, 2010 Share Posted March 14, 2010 I start new characters like I start fires at work with a magnifying glass when I'm not teaching a class (I work at a Scout Summer Camp). I probly have STARTED over 50 I usually try new concepts with each one after ten hours or so I usually scrap them (probly 75%) a few others get scrapped before that but the others if I like the concept I d/l some new mods to fit the concept better and add more depth (a few I even start over for better depth I've done that with the char that's my namesake Zephyr about a dozen times haha) and spend more hours on them I've currently got 4 characters that I play atleast once every 10 ten times I start up fallout 3 (usually I go a couple of hours with one then come back a couple days and play that one then play another) they're as follows: Cadeus: My bounty hunter/merc/rogue conceptLvl: 17 (third start)Tags: Big Guns (O), Small guns (O), Explosives (O), Sneak (4)Armor: Black Dragonskin TacticalWeapons: Barret M1somethingrather Black, AK 107 (customized a lil in the GECK), Sig Sauer 14mm pistol, Some Shotgun from FOOK2 the one that's modern and just better than the SPAS-12, Combat knife (customized a lil in the GECK)Main Quest disabled with GNR fixed (lil pluggy I made for a character concept that didn't come from the vault and shows up after the main quest) Marc: Merchant/caravaner conceptlvl: 11 (doesn't do much fighting just quests)Tags: Barter, Speech, Energy WepsArmor: Some outfit from a mod I don't remember which looks like a caravener type outfit with a little more protectionWeapons: Ion Rifle, Ion PistolHas a town made via RTS it's not really big but so far it's the best way for the merchant/caravener concept to work that I've found finished GNR section of main quest Antony: BoS soldier concpetlvl: 6 (rather knew one I just restarted him to further the concpet last one got to 14 before I decided to expand on it)Tags: Big Guns (purely for the FOOK2 sniper rifles), sneak, repairArmor: Standard BoS power armorWeapons: AW50 (I think that's the right name for the rifle I don't remember I haen't played FO3 in awhile), somegermannamedgunthatstartswithan"M" 34Finished Broken Steel Questline (and therefore the main quest as well) Zephyr: read the character sheet for him for Fallout Rejects rp or my fanfic "West Wind's Cry" (not complete)lvl: deleted the last one at lvl 34 haven't started the new one yet trying to find the right mods and learn how to model so I can make a SABR (Sniper Assaulter Battle Rifle, it's made by LWRC)Tags: Repair, Small Guns, Sneak, Big Guns(would've been lockpick but I'd boosted it so much by then there wasn't a point)Armor: Vaired (another thing I've got to either make or find. Something with a trenchcoat that looks like it has deathclaw hide and leather armor with hellfire armor pieces)Weapons: .44 magnum (customized HEAVILY in the GECK. detachable scope and silencer trying to work out how to get it to shoot any of 7 different bullets without making 7 different guns that swap around :wallbash: )Main Quest to vault 87. Point lookout done. I feel like this is of sufficient size lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarMystyk Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 Star, have you ever played some sort of alternate start location mod? Works wonders when trying to do new stuff :PYes, I've used Alternate Start - Roleplayers for as long as I can remember. Now I use FWE with that included. I think I've tried all the different starts. Oh, except Ghoul :sick: @Ghouls: I was sort of half-joking :tongue: Maybe I could send you my Tribal try-hard a-hole that I recently started. I watched a discussion on another forum where the guy was deliberately choosing all the nasty replies in the game and thought I'd try that, too. Unfortunately I only got as far as telling Butch to "[self-censored] off, I'm not helping you," as his mother was eaten by radroaches. I just couldn't do it and re-loaded (as Butch's response made me guilty), leaving the Vault a Neutral character :verymad: So, I went back to Kat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunairalasce Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Only 2 - one male, and one female :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hijaxx Posted March 24, 2010 Share Posted March 24, 2010 Star, have you ever played some sort of alternate start location mod? Works wonders when trying to do new stuff :P And aren't molotov's included in FOOK2? If not, I better start finding out which mod has added the couple I'm carrying with me :/ yep, they are. AND THEY ROCK! I've never counted, but well above 10. very few actually get past level 5-6, they mostly just become boring after a while. I have a problem with my characters chronically ALWAYS boosting small guns as their favored weapon skill. Other guns just seem so rare compared to small guns, they seem like a poor choice in comparison. Explosives need a 25 for The Power of The Atom, of course, which is good enough for the occasional grenade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alixen Posted March 24, 2010 Share Posted March 24, 2010 I'm a heavy roleplayer but the problem is I played FO3 to deathon my 360 long before I got the PC version. Roleplaying (and keeping a 'diary') is really the games only draw for me now after doing EVERYTHING on my first character on the 360. It's not really enough; especially considering how many character's I have at this point due to getting bored of a certain idea. I have 15 different save folders. My most interesting saves so far are just a normal girl trying to get by as a scavenger, a Jedi who crash landed in the wasteland, and my ancestor of a Chinese operative. Problem with Fallout 3 is the world is so small and there are so few settlements that it's hard to RP in the same way that I could in Oblivion. Travelling from place to place, toggled to walking, could take a bloody long time and was good for the story. In fallout the Capital Wastleland can trekked across in two ingame days at a walk (and thats if you stop to sleep for 8-10 hours). That's TINY. A lot of things also don't make any sense in roleplay either and have to be ignored. Small buidlings that still have pre-war supplies in them, especially drink. Settlement's like Arefu that have like 4 people living there have very little meat that can be used to RP. Worst of all is that there's no depth of character to any of the NPCs. The only way my characters will ever be happily married or have any sort of 'family' life is if I use a mod to make Lucy/Amata/Sarah/ect into a companion and pretned they say more than one liners. ...I'm tempted to go play Oblivion for a while. Maybe pick up on my old thief character or maybe make an assassin >.> I'm actually in the process of making a new RP character that I will play as normal until after Broken Steel. Then i'll recruit Amata and Butch, along with Cross, and start an RP of a Brotherhood 'Squad 101'. that may hold my interest because the wold feels a lot more worthwhile after the Purifier is working and none of my RP characters (aside from the Jedi) are ever likely to go through the main quest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueDanube Posted September 15, 2010 Share Posted September 15, 2010 three times,finish 2 with all dlc and currently playing the third one.the other 2 that i've finish don't have any mod attach when i played it.those good ol time without CTD ....... ~_~its 823 hour of played if i combined all three of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azrael12078 Posted September 20, 2010 Share Posted September 20, 2010 I currently have 1,i deleted my original and my way old guy was killed in Project Purity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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