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Random "You" facts!


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I just spied a real live gal the other day while driving around. A real beauty in my thinking, and bam! Work recalled my attention and made me go back to the camp before I pursue her any further. I hope I see her again some day. I have the champagne, chocolate, and will pick up some fresh flowers when I have time off from the driving force that keeps room and board, utilities, clothing on my back and some game time on my computer to play.


Ah! Woman! That one is so...Got to get back to cleaning up the slop around the place.

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Random Fact: If im laying in bed & I see a drawer or the closet open, Imust close it before I can sleep.

If I dont it can be extremely irritating.

Have you seen anyone about that? That actually sounds like OCD to me. I have friend that has OCD messes with his life big time.

I can say the same, I spend 5 minutes checking if everything is correct, e.g. door is shut, I have everything I need for school. How can I stop that? Any suggestions?

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Random Fact: If im laying in bed & I see a drawer or the closet open, Imust close it before I can sleep.

If I dont it can be extremely irritating.

Have you seen anyone about that? That actually sounds like OCD to me. I have friend that has OCD messes with his life big time.

I can say the same, I spend 5 minutes checking if everything is correct, e.g. door is shut, I have everything I need for school. How can I stop that? Any suggestions?

Well you can always try hit yourself hard when you try check that everything is correct but that is rather painful way... :sweat: Well you can always try therapy or something.


Random Fact about me: I was born at 12th hour of 12th day of December.

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random fact: i am tired long days work, sigh.


Fact 2: as i type this i will also stop typing this fact, its a fact i am going to stop typing, also i will at least edit this fact at least once.

Edited by Thor.
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fact: i'm a hard-core brütal metal head but today i realized i like a part of a song by Fallout boys. ( i hate them)

fact2: i should really be studying now but i'm to lazy.

fact3: i'm to lazy to remove my sig. I really cose it's been 3 moths now since i made it.

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