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Broken Borders


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@Granny: You have some very valid points.


In all reality, I do not expect government to solve the problem, or even mitigate to an acceptable level. If, by some miracle...... they actually managed to accomplish what you suggest, (closing the border, deporting the illegals, etc.) there might actually BE expanded opportunities for folks that are here legally. Granted, not all of those opportunities are things that folks would like to picture themselves doing, not to mention that the absence of dirt cheap, stoop-laborers (read that: manual harvesting of various crops) would have an impact all its own. (prices for some foodstuffs would go up, due to labor costs going up.) So, there would always be some bad with the good.... but, everything in life has it's compromises. I think we could learn to live with that.


Quality of education here in the states is an entirely separate issue, and deserves a thread all it's own. But, to briefly address that: We REALLY need to improve the quality of education here. We used to be number one. Now, I think, we are down to number 9, or, 35, depending on whose study you look at...... Think the first thing that needs to happen is get the federal government OUT of the education business. They seem to have the schmidas touch. (everything they touch turns to feces.) The decline of the american education system roughly coincides with the creation of the department of education......


I am also a firm believer that free trade agreements spelled the impending doom of the american middle class, that was built on the manufacturing industry. Most of our manufacturing is no longer on our shores. As those jobs went overseas, thanks to various moves by our beloved federal government...... (free trade agreements, tax breaks for 'creating jobs in developing nations', etc.) with them, went the middle class. All in the name of cheaper products. Which we didn't actually see. Corporations posted higher profits, but, americans did NOT see the lower prices promised by such moves. (why is it, a Dodge truck, made in mexico, by workers making 5 bucks an hour, costs the same as a Dodge truck made in the US, by workers making three or more times that?)


In any event..... if you will notice, there is a common theme with ALL of these problems. To wit: Our federal government...... which is pretty much directly controlled by corporate money. Which is further aided by the supreme courts various rulings that corporations are people, etc, etc, etc.


@Vagrant0: Yep, that would most certainly work, but, the liberals, and all of their assorted associations, would never let it happen. :D

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@Vagrant0: Yep, that would most certainly work, but, the liberals, and all of their assorted associations, would never let it happen. :D

I'm pretty sure it would not be just the liberals who would be against it. Slippery slope fallacies aside, it would set a legal precedent that most would not be too keen on establishing.

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@Vagrant0: Yep, that would most certainly work, but, the liberals, and all of their assorted associations, would never let it happen. :D

I'm pretty sure it would not be just the liberals who would be against it. Slippery slope fallacies aside, it would set a legal precedent that most would not be too keen on establishing.


Just so I am not jumping to conclusions, we are talking about legal Indentured worker / aliens? I thought the Civil War ended all concepts of a two tiered society.

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Hey guys, my computer just took a dive and I'm trying to type on my husband's laptop. After typing an extremely erudite and brilliant response to all of the above, I just managed to delete it in its entirety. As a result, I'm leaving you for the evening and taking to drink!!!

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Hey guys, my computer just took a dive and I'm trying to type on my husband's laptop. After typing an extremely erudite and brilliant response to all of the above, I just managed to delete it in its entirety. As a result, I'm leaving you for the evening and taking to drink!!!





One wonders why the obvious is so elusive to some. November cannot come quickly enough.

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@Vagrant0: Yep, that would most certainly work, but, the liberals, and all of their assorted associations, would never let it happen. :D

I'm pretty sure it would not be just the liberals who would be against it. Slippery slope fallacies aside, it would set a legal precedent that most would not be too keen on establishing.


Just so I am not jumping to conclusions, we are talking about legal Indentured worker / aliens? I thought the Civil War ended all concepts of a two tiered society.


And take away the good jobs of people being paid to have these positions... Surely not. What I'm talking is more akin to re-labeling people as a commodity, used for medical testing, organ harvesting, or the sorts of jobs that nobody really wants but which costs taxpayers money to pay well for. We're also not basing it on anything as silly as color of skin or nationality, but rather based on if someone is a legal citizen and has either been born from legal citizens or who has gone through the bureaucratic process of obtaining citizenship. We can't help the fact that they traveled all this way to enter the country illegally, and we cannot be pressed to ship them back to whatever country they claim to have come from, but we can ensure that the country can benefit from their contributions.

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Hey guys, my computer just took a dive and I'm trying to type on my husband's laptop. After typing an extremely erudite and brilliant response to all of the above, I just managed to delete it in its entirety. As a result, I'm leaving you for the evening and taking to drink!!!





One wonders why the obvious is so elusive to some. November cannot come quickly enough.


Common sense isn't common. Patently obvious isn't obvious.


I have come to expect nothing but stupidity from those within the beltway in DC.

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Still have no serious computer, and now cannot even resort to booze (although some of the above posts have left me sorely tempted). But I have a dentist appointment shortly and feel compelled to show up sober. Hubby is working feverishly on my computer, and I hope to have it back soon.

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Hey guys, my computer just took a dive and I'm trying to type on my husband's laptop. After typing an extremely erudite and brilliant response to all of the above, I just managed to delete it in its entirety. As a result, I'm leaving you for the evening and taking to drink!!!





One wonders why the obvious is so elusive to some. November cannot come quickly enough.


Herry Reed is a lap dog for the administration. There is a huge difference between being a liberal and being a Democrate. There is just as much of a difference between the liberals of my day and the liberals of today.


Society has shifted and have opened up a veriety of doors that have been closed for a very long time. The far left seems to have grabbed hold of that an is using a scorched Earth tactic that I don't think The American public has the appitite to support. These demonizations and going for the throat of those who speak in opposition to these social changes I think will backfire streight down the mouths of those who claim tolerance for their own issues, but grant little back to the other side.


This inability for many to scrutinize their own side as much as they scrutinize the opposition is what allows these politician the space to ignore reality and act according to whim instead of responcibility. I just wonder how these politicans would act if they weren't grandstanding infront of a camera for the benefit of the dups they claim to speak for.

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Still have no serious computer, and now cannot even resort to booze (although some of the above posts have left me sorely tempted). But I have a dentist appointment shortly and feel compelled to show up sober. Hubby is working feverishly on my computer, and I hope to have it back soon.


Next time you might want to look at that label on the side of your tower....Not Dishwasher Safe..



Go outside and note the smoke signals on the horizon....

Your local Kiowa Border Deportation unit will be at your door shortly.

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