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Broken Borders


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Reed and Pelosi set a precedent that has changed the face of American politics. With all of their back-door dealing, changing statutes that have stood for years that apply to congressional balance, total denial of the opposing party proposals.....Reid is currently sitting on over 140 republican and some bi-partisan proposals that he won't even put up for a senate vote....This sort of partisan hack crap is indicative of the democrat party and it's absolute and insatiable lust for power and control. The republicans are not much better, though they are often misrepresented by the American MSM....Term limits in congress!!!

We Americans can start in this years mid-terms....at least we can put a bit of a collar on Obama. Vote these self-righteous, puffed up know it all elitist (who never actually walk their lofty talk) out of t he mix... Get the split between the executive branch and the legislative....

Remember, one of the of the constitutional duties of the United States house of representatives is executive branch over watch.

The IRS included!!


Oh...what the hell is the sense of passing an immigration bill before you secure your borders?? Do you paint the boards before you nail them to the barn?

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Reed and Pelosi set a precedent that has changed the face of American politics. With all of their back-door dealing, changing statutes that have stood for years that apply to congressional balance, total denial of the opposing party proposals.....Reid is currently sitting on over 140 republican and some bi-partisan proposals that he won't even put up for a senate vote....This sort of partisan hack crap is indicative of the democrat party and it's absolute and insatiable lust for power and control. The republicans are not much better, though they are often misrepresented by the American MSM....Term limits in congress!!!


We Americans can start in this years mid-terms....at least we can put a bit of a collar on Obama. Vote these self-righteous, puffed up know it all elitist (who never actually walk their lofty talk) out of t he mix... Get the split between the executive branch and the legislative....


Remember, one of the of the constitutional duties of the United States house of representatives is executive branch over watch.


The IRS included!!


Oh...what the hell is the sense of passing an immigration bill before you secure your borders?? Do you paint the boards before you nail them to the barn?

Oh please. Seriously? Have a look at all the exact same stuff that is happening in the House. Just switch the party names. What you seem to be missing is, it ISN'T just one party, or the other, its ALL OF THEM. Our government is broken. And we have the Supreme Court to thank for it.

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Oh please. Seriously? Have a look at all the exact same stuff that is happening in the House. Just switch the party names. What you seem to be missing is, it ISN'T just one party, or the other, its ALL OF THEM. Our government is broken. And we have the Supreme Court to thank for it.


Never said it was just one party. I said that Pelosi and Reed set a precedent during their combined reign over both legislative bodies from 2007 thru 2009. Both parties are guilty of putting/playing partisan politics over the overall good of America. One was to start remedying this is to place term limits on both senators and representatives.


i firmly believe that the democrats are worse than the republicans when it comes to patisan gamesmanship....they are also better at it.

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Term limits would be a start, but, campaign finance reform is also necessary. Limiting campaign contributions to 5000.00 per year, per INDIVIDUAL. Corporations are NOT people, and get no voice. (neither do unions.)


You singled out the dems in your post, implying that they were the major obstacle here. In your second posting, you admit the repubbies are culpable as well. Personally, I don't think one party is any worse than the other, I think they BOTH suck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to nit-pick, but, in my original post, I stated "the Republicans aren't much better". My intent was to include both parties into guilt, but, also to show that one is a bit more responsible for the 'escalation ' of the partisan divide that the other.

i stand by that statement. The dems ARE the major obstacle here. If for no other reason, then the fact the they hold all (Or most since 2010) of the face cards, and have since 2007, and have based their execution of said cards on political terms.....Make the other side look like the bad guy....along with a culpable media.

Some of their methods include; painting the republicans as racist, invoking that 'war on woman' nonsense, care about corporations over the people (they are right on that one, only thing is that the dems do that exact same thing, just with different corporations) Thow all of that in with Obama's "my way or the highway" atty and....

All of that crap is decisive....It detracts from the dialogue. It pits one side against the other instead of focusing on common ground and moving forward on whats best for America.

google the quotes.....Mitch McConnell/ John Boehner vs. Harry Reid / Nancy Pelosi. Even the MSM cannot distort them. It becomes blatantly obvious.

Edited by edgeburner
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I don't see one party being worse than the other. I see them both as equally as bad. Don't forget that a fair bit of legislation did NOT pass, simply because the dems proposed it, and the republicans outright refuse to let anything pass that might make the dems 'look good'..... even if it IS good legislation. They didn't get 'the party of "no"' name for nothin'.


The "war on women" does have some merit..... with their 'no-choice' attitude on abortion, and 'some forms of birth control'.......


You are quite correct about corporations though. And don't forget dem support of the unions. (or would that be union support of the dems?)


More than just our borders are broken. Our entire political system is currently broken. Nothing is getting done. I really don't want to see a dem victory in 16, but, I am not sure a republican victory would change the overall picture very much.... we would have a truly lame-duck president, and even less would get done in washington, than even what there is currently. (although, that COULD be seen as a 'good thing™". Which is really sad.....

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I disagree on the' party of no'... as well as your war on woman take.

Again, remember that Reid is sitting on over 400 house proposals (many of which are bi-partisan) that he won't even put to vote in the senate.....Why? Who's gonna get the credit if he actually puts them up for a senate vote and the blue dogs vote "yea"?

Obama is not the first president to have the house opposed to his proposals, just because they disagree doesn't mean they should be tagged with the moniker of the "party of no" . After-all, the majority of Americans are against most of the legislation proposed and/or passed, such as Obama care and unfettered amnesty for those who have entered this country illegally.

This "war on woman " is absolutely nonsensical. It has no merit whatsoever. It is akin to saying that woman are only good for child-bearing. My God. they will base the most nonsensical statements on anything for political gain....this is amongst the most absurd. Especially the part about birth control that doesn't control conception, it kills the fetus after conception and is passed off as a form of birth control.... In my opinion, The lengths we Americans go to to kill our innocent unborn is the single most disgusting aspect of our society.

On that count. ISIS has nothing on us.

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More than just our borders are broken. Our entire political system is currently broken. Nothing is getting done. I really don't want to see a dem victory in 16, but, I am not sure a republican victory would change the overall picture very much.... we would have a truly lame-duck president, and even less would get done in washington, than even what there is currently. (although, that COULD be seen as a 'good thing™". Which is really sad.....


No, it don't things would change much either, but I would like to see Obama neutered (politically, of course...I can hear the racist cries already:) ) Because he is the A-typical ideologue elitist that thinks he has all of the answers in spite of all his failures, plus, we need to separate the racial aspect from the office of president.....far to many media types are afraid to speak their minds because Obama is bi-racial with dark skin. Look no further than when he threatened to clobber Syria. Where where all of the Anti-war liberals then? According to Ed Asner(?) the leader of the hollywood liberal elitist old boy network, they kept silent because they were afraid of being perceived as racist....In America?? My God??


Sometimes I think we'd be better served by a 'continental' type of congress.....guys/ gals that weren't full time politicians, but, worked just like the rest of us stiffs and only trekked to Washington a few times a year to make laws.....Probably impossible, but, just imagine....one of 'us' actually writing and installing laws??


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Sometimes I think we'd be better served by a 'continental' type of congress.....guys/ gals that weren't full time politicians, but, worked just like the rest of us stiffs and only trekked to Washington a few times a year to make laws.....Probably impossible, but, just imagine....one of 'us' actually writing and installing laws??



Apparently you overestimate the legal understanding of most people or underestimate people's tendency towards stupidity. Sure, we'd have a more active congress, but we'd also have one that makes laws which conflict with eachother, cannot possibly be enforced, or which are highly situational. You know those listings of silly state laws? Those laws were made by people just like 'us', and give an example as to why opposite is not always better.

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Sometimes I think we'd be better served by a 'continental' type of congress.....guys/ gals that weren't full time politicians, but, worked just like the rest of us stiffs and only trekked to Washington a few times a year to make laws.....Probably impossible, but, just imagine....one of 'us' actually writing and installing laws??



Apparently you overestimate the legal understanding of most people or underestimate people's tendency towards stupidity. Sure, we'd have a more active congress, but we'd also have one that makes laws which conflict with eachother, cannot possibly be enforced, or which are highly situational. You know those listings of silly state laws? Those laws were made by people just like 'us', and give an example as to why opposite is not always better.


And this is different from the current situation how?


Personally, I don't see EITHER party as representing what is "best for america", it's all 'what is best for my major campaign contributors'. The more money you have to toss around, the more political influence you have. This leaves joe average, you know, 85% of the population of the US, out in the cold. We have no say in politics, or, the direction our country is going. A recent poll found that only 26% of people thought america was 'headed in the right direction'...... a quarter of the population...... Sure, I can vote, but, who do I get to vote for? Who picks who runs? The folks with the money, that's who. We are playing against a stacked deck, and the 'authorities' are the ones that made sure it was stacked in their favor. Nothing will change, things will only get worse.

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