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Weapons of Choice


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I have been using the Tactical SMG mod, PSG1 mod and an AR mod. Those are my three primaries. Right now I use a combat knife for me in close sneak kills. I also tend to carry a missile launcher and a Minigun for the extra punch. I also use a lot of frag mines and frag grenades.


The smg, sniper rifle, and the AR, all silenced versions, are right now my 3 top hotkeys. I really like to sneak and lay mines, so I need good weapons to cover myself. The smg does moderate damage, but still gets the job done while sneaking through tunnels and buildings. The AR is great for in close encounters out in the open. The sniper rifle is glorious in all applications.


What are your top 3 weapons on your hotkey list? Why do you like them?



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Playing FWE I use:


1. Hunting Rifle upgraded to Backwater Rifle eventually - good for all around wandering and general use, a good head shot takes care of most problems and both use common ammo.


2. Some kind of assault rifle, the Xuanlong Assault Rifle is my favorite in FWE - For when things get intense


3. Sniper Rifle upgraded to Gauss or one of the other uniques - Even the odds before they see you.


Of course these weapons vary based on ammo stocks. The Blackhawk is another that is usually in my inventory.


EDIT: I forgot to mention the dart gun, with a good sneak skill this weapon can create a ton of fun.

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1 Pancor Jackhammer (auto shotgun) for close quarters combat


2 Tec 9 submachine gun for close to mid range combat


3 HK G11 with scope/silencer, or, the Z-M LR300 with the M203 Grenade launcher attachment, that fires 5 different kind of shells for all my long distance needs.


4 M249 (with the alt sounds) for all Mob leveling needs. with MMM and the increased spawn mods this gun is a necesity, there is nothing like the sound of ripping off 200 rounds into 2 dozen ghouls with the sound cranked!!


Those 4 i carry all the time, but i also try other loadouts. With the classic fallout weapons, Ahztek's weapons, Ahztek's M16 pack and a bunch of Heroin Zero's guns....i got plenty of options! :thumbsup:

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Currently mostly using the AEP7 laser pistol for small game and the rifle (just found one to replace my Wattz2000) for big units like SM's, having a PKM (just switched from the M60 due to ammo issues) as my heavy back-up weapon.


Only 8 though :P But at least I don't have to resort to small guns anymore

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With FOOK2 and MMM and WMK, I am generally using 'Ol Painless scoped, supressed, and with an extended magazine, the AEP7 Laser Pistol scoped and extended magazine, the Perforator unmodified because modding it returns it to the crappier vanilla specs, a SCAR-L scoped, extended magazine, and with a laser sight. I also carry A3-21's Plasma Rifle with an extended magazine and laser sight for getting myself out of really bad trouble and rotate out a fun gun that I just want to play around with.


Right now that is the FABARM SDASS Tactical. It's fun drilling suckers as they try to close the distance on you, for most of the enemies out there they just fall like the leaves of a thousand autumns.

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Here's a very similar previous thread from way back:




Includes a couple pics with my previous character's arsenals. (Link to the preferred setup: http://webbstuff.net/evilneko/armory-laser-resized.jpg )


I'd say her top 3 were the Laser Sniper, AER9 laser rifle, and Firelance.


Don't have a pic like that for my current character, Blaze. However, given her pyrophilic tendencies, you can probably guess. ;)


Blaze's top 3 weapons:


1. Zhu-Rong (Unique chinese pistol, sets stuff on fire)


2. Slo-burn Flamer


3. Chinese assault rifle, for those times when Zhu-Rong just isn't powerful enough, and getting in close to use the flamer isn't an option.

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newjack (IAS)(IFR)..


really all i ever use.


can rip through raiders like butter..

although it still takes a few clips to fell a behemoth.

here it is in action.. although a bit overpowered here the intention is that you run MMM with the difficulty up and increased spawns.. makes for a fun game.



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