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Fallout3 Shortcomings & your ideas


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I use the RI&PN and I didn't bother keeping the timeschale at one minute equals one minute, or something. It kinda defeated the whole purpose of going to look for food and water, as you just said :P

I often have to drink from stationairy sources to keep my character refreshed, also don't have a water purifier, rad suit or rad perks with me and try to steer away from buying waters. Still, purifying is not the most important thing of the world but at least I have to take the rads into account in my game.


Radiated water is only 4/sec for me though, luckily :teehee:

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I use the RI&PN and I didn't bother keeping the timeschale at one minute equals one minute, or something. It kinda defeated the whole purpose of going to look for food and water


I like to use Immersive Timescale as well as PN (with FWE)it adjusts the timescale depending on location so in the wastes time goes much faster than in say Megaton. Bring some food and water with you, you will need it. Since I am a 'vault dweller" I get hit extra hard with rads in FWE, if I don't suit up and drop some Rad-X for some places I die real fast from rads.

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1 - The dialogues are beyond awful.

2 - Characters move unrealisticaly.

3 - Body parts that should move do not move (like hair) (Bethesda could at least imitate the much older game; Vampire Bloodlines)

4 - There is a huge bug (or a design fault) in the game. Some character can not be killed.

5 - The world is incomplete. There are no drug addicts using drugs, and there are no children stealing things.


Lets just hope New Vegas turns out to be a better game with a fixed engine (not another copy of the "dull" oblivion engine), and deserve to be the game of the year unlike Fallout3 which was chosen just because of Fallout1 and 2.


If you're once again going to make a fps, at least make it so that the physics, movement are realistic and characters have a little bit more character in them.


Play and finish Fallout1 and Fallout2 (plus mods and bug fixes) a couple of times to understand why people loved those games.


By the way I like Fallout3.


If it wasn't for mods I would never have played this game through once, as things are though I've spent hundreds of hours playing it.


The dialogue is awful, Bethesda do really need to start making an effort with it, sadly it's not a priority for them. Bioware manage it, why can't bethesda?


Agreed as well on the animations, this is another area Bethesda have a problem. They are slightly better than Oblivion and miles ahead of Morrowind but still look bad by todays standards, why they still refuse to use mocap is beyond me.


As for animated hair and clothes we need to remember the game has to run on old PC tech (consoles), we can't expect too much detail.


The unkillable characters are a sop to the brainless, I didn't like it in Oblivion and I don't like it here. Morrowind had it right, if you killed an important character you got a warning, you were free to ignore that warning.


Yes the world does feel incomplete, it also makes no sense. How are people living on 200 year old food? why is there a green hue everywhere? where does the water come from when it doesn't rain? and why hasn't nature reclaimed the city?


That said the game is a step in the right direction from the bland Oblivion and I'm more optimistic about their future efforts than I was in the wake of Oblivion. Anyway with mods the games is great fun and after all that's what's important.

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I like games that keep me motivated.

When i first played Oblivion 4 years ago, i thought, "wow one of the best games ever" (in its genre). Then i soon realised that the main quest wasnt very elaborate.


I went thru all Oblivion gates without the order to do so (i didnt know what was still to come), then some NPC came up and said, "go thru all Oblivion gates and close them". I thought, oh no not again, boooring! And i installed some mods, which kept the game interesting for another while. But i never finished the game, unlike Morrowind, which kept me motivated all along the main storyline, without any mods i played thru the whole game at least 3 times. Morrowind is still the best Bethesda game, imho.


I can compare my FO3 gaming experience to Oblivion in many ways. I first thought, "wow uber-awesome game", but then soon my feet went back to the ground.


The main quest doesnt motivate me in any way. I dont care for "Dad" and his problems. In fact he annoys me. He cannot be killed anyway, so why should i help him? Why should i protect him? Why should i clear out the Memorial for him? pointless.

I understand that having main characters essential is a good thing for casual gamers, who dont wanna reload every now and then, but there are gamers like me who want a challenge!


The main storyline doesnt seem to be important to the game world at all. Take a look at FO1, where you had 150 days to find the waterchip, if you dont succeed your village is doomed. You can actually loose the game! You cannot loose the game in FO3. It doesnt change anything if you decide to not help your dad.


If it wasnt for the dozens of side- and miniquests, i would have un-installed the game after the Waters Of Life quest, i hated all the useless running up and down the stairs. This quest annoyed me so much (and still does, i'll never play the main quest again until some genius is able to re-program the whole quest-line).


Dialog choices are a joke. Decisions dont have any impact at all. NPCs dont react any different whether you are Very Evil or Very Good. Go to RC or Megaton with a Very Evil character, they still greet you with "good to see you" instead of shooting you on sight. Having a low INT in previous FO games made you an idiot who cannot say one sentence straight. In FO3 it only affects how many skill points you receive for level-up. The few extra dialog options with a high INT are useless afaik.


Radiaton was mentioned in some posts above, it is not threatening the player at all. There's so much radaway all around, i wonder why they need a water purifier. Firefights are never threatening the player, because Stimpaks and Food are cheat items which instantly heal to 100%. (Reminds me a bit of CoD 2 and later).

All in all the game is too easy for experienced gamers. The only way to make the game a bit more challenging is set the difficulty to very hard, but the downside is your reach Level 20 even faster. Why?!?! Another game design flaw.



I dont really care about graphical or technical issues like animations and all that, but the things i said above ruined some of my gaming experiences. So i am more than happy that Bethesda released the GECK. But on the other hand, Bethesda released 5 DLCs and i dont know how many patches, they did not change any of these issues. Nearly all of the game design flaws i ranted about are adressed by modders who dedicate their free time to the game.

To make it clear, i like the game. Take all the flaws i mentioned above, and i still like it, there are still many good things to say about the game (but the thread topic is shortcomings).


I just hope Obsidian will learn from the mistakes Bethesda made.

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If it wasn't for mods I would never have played this game through once, as things are though I've spent hundreds of hours playing it.


The dialogue is awful, Bethesda do really need to start making an effort with it, sadly it's not a priority for them. Bioware manage it, why can't bethesda?

Quoted this, but then read you two played Morrowind as well, so know they weren't always like this :/ God I wish there was some sort of LgNPC project, but from what I hear you can't even mod NPC's without conflicting the hell out of your sytem :(


In agreement with both the dullness of Oblivion (Played one char to 40 or so on a free weekend, then ditched the game forever) and the game being heavily unfinished, thought it did attract me a lot more then Obv.

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As for animated hair and clothes we need to remember the game has to run on old PC tech (consoles), we can't expect too much detail.


If you can refer me to somewhere where i can buy PCs with the same performance as the PS3, for the same price as the PS3, i will be very very grateful.

Keep in mind i will not be satisfied if this increased performance on games comes with a penalty on storage space, run speed outside of games, or the like.


Note that this comes from an incarnated PC gamer.

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As for animated hair and clothes we need to remember the game has to run on old PC tech (consoles), we can't expect too much detail.


If you can refer me to somewhere where i can buy PCs with the same performance as the PS3, for the same price as the PS3, i will be very very grateful.

Keep in mind i will not be satisfied if this increased performance on games comes with a penalty on storage space, run speed outside of games, or the like.


Note that this comes from an incarnated PC gamer.


It's easily worth an extra hundred or two to not be confined by the limitations of a console.

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For those who believe they can do a better job... there's still time! ObEnt Jobs


I didn't see a position open for someone who can whine about shortcomings :wink:


I however am only about half way to where I need to be as an environmental artist to even stand a chance at such a job. I did see however that they list haveing former knowedge of the GECK as a plus when you apply.

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As I used to say to some people at other sites like the nexus, I'll say here, "If you don't like it change it! That why we have mods"


I do think that there will never be a perfect game and here's why: if there was a perfect game why buy any other game? As soon as you find 'the one game' all others are thrown out the window, accept it or not it's true. We have a unique genre. RPG's allow use to be the people, and like FO3 compared to the other Fallout games, we get a different perspective of RPG. Either good graphics and 'bad' flaws or perfect everything else and 'bad' graphics. That how it goes.


If there is anything to be happy about, it is the fact that we get another game to play, and not to repeat playing others over and over. On that note, I always set low expectations on game that I hear are awesome. New Vegas is supposed to be very good. I just hope that it is better than fallout 3, nothing grand and superb.


"Mods are the God's gifts to us, use them"


- LordWushin

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