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nOOb whants to learn


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TO MODD!!!!!


i dont know if this is the right section to ask


but ive bin playing FO sinds i tryd a demo and got hooked


tho i play a long time i dont know how to mod :unsure:


if there is anyone that can give me tha NUBS guide for modding :happy: i would be gratefull

tho im not really a sience wiz a programmer :tongue: ill try to learn fast :blush:


anyways ty for reading and i hope u guys can help


greets naggarond :thumbsup:

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Follow the first Link to the Getting started Bethsoft Tutorials


Start with the "My First Vault" Tutorial series, don't miss too many steps, even if you think you already know that. Get the basics, lots to read but there are some nice videos as well.



good luck and welcome to the community btw :tongue:

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There are lots of great Tutorials here that you can start with...Ive never modded in my life before FO3 came out, but i picked up the GECK, couple tutorials and with a bit of time and patience ive created my own vault home, and my own custom companions based off a series of books im reading. :thumbsup:
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TO MODD!!!!!


i dont know if this is the right section to ask


this would most deffinatly be the wrong section to ask, since this is deffinatly not a Modification Request and this forum is called Fallout 3 Modification Requests...


I don't want to sound rude, but I am seriously very curious. What part of


Fallout 3 Modification Requests

Got an idea for a killer modification that hasn't been made yet? Outline your ideas here and discuss it with others. Who knows, it might get created!


made you think this would be the right forum?



But anyways, good luck with your modding, the links above should deffinatly help. Once you go through the Bethesda vault tutorial you will have a better idea of what the process of modding actually is and then you can figure out which specific areas you want to work with.

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man im screwed, this is much tougher then i thoughd


i cant even find the missing pieces from the tutorial pics :wacko:

any tips guys cuzz this is craking my brains






p.s. can a mod move this topic to the correct thread


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