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Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


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I'm assuming you don't believe in anything else that you can't see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. Because if the scope of human belief rests on five senses, then there's no need to contemplate anything beyond the scope of our natural physiology. There should be no belief in God, for instance. There should be no belief in anything abstract, like time, or thought, love, politics, morality, and your beliefs. I cannot see, touch, taste, smell, or hear these things so they must not exist, right? And because they don't exist, they don't influence human civilization, right?


"Our senses are to confirm, not to know." -ancient Egyptian proverb


First a little correction; I can indeed feel love, :sweat: thus believing in it, just like time and morale, though these are harder to explane. I also believe in the air I breeth every day, yet I cannot see, touch, smell it (except big cities). I also believe microwaves, electricity, bla,bla,bla. :woot:

I even believe in some kind of life outside this planet. Of cause. Universe is eternal, possibilies for other live most too be eternal. Why should we be the only ones? However what I do have a little difficulties to believe in is, that other should have had effect on our evolution. The change is one out of nearly an eternity. :yes:

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Nothing can affect us except those that does. Beliefs are neat but can't make reality.


For myself the senses are the more easily fooled attributes we have, second only by our conceptions and interpretations.


There are those who are lead to believe there are at least two infinites, one in each edge of a rule and conveniently called minus and plus infinites. The same rule that fools many people to think zero is just there, nearby the ones from each it's sides.


Those preconceptions hamper the comprehension infinite is not something far away instead being the whole, the omnipresent UNO. the same preconceptions that prevents the understanding that zero is not a point, instead it is all the infinitely repeated points the lays the infinite in all and every dimension, the absolute MULTIPLICITY. Both equally alien to the universe itself and both, sine quae non, the cause of the interval every quantized value is possible.


Are yet the misconceptions and addiction to models that prevents seeing each finite value is aways equidistant it's formants zero-infinite components, the quantum representative in the amorphous continuum. Something that is mathematically represented by "any base elevated to zero is the unity" and can be 'viewed' by another dangerously misleading rule that have that (base^0) in it's center and equal exponents, positives and negatives in each side respectively, such rule shows clearly the unity is indeed the center of the infinite rule, for each and any unity, and more, the zero and infinite are indeed the infinite rule 'edges'. Just remember that is a gross projection and reduction... that rule actually is a continuum where the unity is the only individual and finite value, a quantity, a quantum. Since it becomes finite we can have sets, elements and repetitions.


PS: A perceptive reader will notice than "unity" actually represents each and all possibles finites values, not even limited to the natural one. Unities are every thing we can use as a base to represent individuals and repeatable elements.

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I'm assuming you don't believe in anything else that you can't see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. Because if the scope of human belief rests on five senses, then there's no need to contemplate anything beyond the scope of our natural physiology. There should be no belief in God, for instance. There should be no belief in anything abstract, like time, or thought, love, politics, morality, and your beliefs. I cannot see, touch, taste, smell, or hear these things so they must not exist, right? And because they don't exist, they don't influence human civilization, right?


"Our senses are to confirm, not to know." -ancient Egyptian proverb


First a little correction; I can indeed feel love, :sweat: thus believing in it, just like time and morale, though these are harder to explane. I also believe in the air I breeth every day, yet I cannot see, touch, smell it (except big cities). I also believe microwaves, electricity, bla,bla,bla. :woot:

I even believe in some kind of life outside this planet. Of cause. Universe is eternal, possibilies for other live most too be eternal. Why should we be the only ones? However what I do have a little difficulties to believe in is, that other should have had effect on our evolution. The change is one out of nearly an eternity. :yes:


I agree. That last bit from my post was meant to be read as a question, not as a statement of my belief. I probably should have cleared that up better.


I've read posts that insinuate alien life couldn't influence human civilization because they're seen as a fabrication of the human mind. That could be true. But the same can said be said of other things, like those articles I posted above. The love that you feel for instance, is relative. It may or may not exist. And even if it does, it might not be the same for everyone. We can argue it's existence because it's not a tangible object, like holding an apple.


But with such a relatively young understanding of the universe, I wouldn't exclude any reasonable possibility. If I lived about two hundred years ago, I'd probably argue against the possibility of aliens influencing our civilization. I'm too modernized to believe otherwise. The effects are undeniable. Whether through pop culture, or by some intangible means, aliens affect and shape our culture.

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Beliefs are neat but can't make reality.



What do you mean by this?


I think this statement is really generalizing all beliefs.




I do believe that a meal can nourish my body, and it does.

I do believe that a car can make me travel faster in land, and it does.

I do believe that I breath oxygen (as Balagor stated earlier), and it does.

I do believe that my cousin has a father even if we did not see him. Surely he has.

I do believe in (I just can’t mention it here due to forum rules). And invoking “beliefs are neat but can’t make reality” would certainly hurt me and many others with this belief I’m referring to.

And I do believe that if this is the case = “Beliefs are neat but can't make reality” then all our dreams in life, which is very much connected to what we believe that we can do, are all void. :sad:

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Beliefs are neat but can't make reality.



What do you mean by this?


I think this statement is really generalizing all beliefs.




I do believe that a meal can nourish my body, and it does.

I do believe that a car can make me travel faster in land, and it does.

I do believe that I breath oxygen (as Balagor stated earlier), and it does.

I do believe that my cousin has a father even if we did not see him. Surely he has.

I do believe in (I just can’t mention it here due to forum rules). And invoking “beliefs are neat but can’t make reality” would certainly hurt me and many others with this belief I’m referring to.

And I do believe that if this is the case = “Beliefs are neat but can't make reality” then all our dreams in life, which is very much connected to what we believe that we can do, are all void. :sad:

to the first: just stick to the belief and don't go after that meal...

To the second: If it is not stopped in a huge traffic jam...

just kidding :smile:

Actually the point is: it's not those things happens because we believe them.


More important, I was not referring to theological beliefs, sorry if I was interpreted this way.


Now, beliefs are neat, although they can't make reality they can (and often does) supply the aim and point the road to realize our desires and dreams, like yourself pointed.


You may be giving me meanings I did not express. Belief does not makes something being "actually" real, but the statement does not negate it's reality too. It's about being (not)"sufficient", a very common logical (or philosophical) misunderstanding where I'm willing to assume my own part in it for being less than explicit and/or clear.


PS: I'm not native English speaker, although it may not be a good excuse it's an explanation why sometimes I fail to express correctly what I mean.

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Point taken. :smile:


But just an added note:


Yes, I agree that "it's not those things happens because we believe them"(a quote from you). It is what we do that make them real.

But most, if not all, of our doings are intrinsically geared by what we believe. :happy:

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All I can say is that we are not, nor we were ever or ever, the center of the universe. People are just going to have to accept that we are not the pinnicale of civilization, theres another species that takes that role, IF they take that role; perhaps its a group, not a single species, regardless, we are just normal beings in a normal universe, nothing more nothing less.
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I have my doubts about aliens playing a role in human civilization. What people might not understand is humans in the last 50000 years, are basically the same as we are today, they think and solve problems exactly like we do. And in many cases came together to accomplish incredible feats like building the Pyramids. They were able to solve complex problems with primitive methods and technology, and some of this isn't entirely understood as to how they did it. Which is why some people say it was impossible they could have done it. Most people today don't have the ingenuity to think on how to solve such a large problem like moving a 50-100 ton stone and stack it into place with a fit so tight you cant even put a piece of paper between it with primitive tools at their disposal, because we are so reliant on solving such problems with powerful machinery. I am certain there are many techniques and methods for doing things what we see as extraordinary, with man/animal power and hand tools, that have been lost over time.


Also modern humans have been around for about 50000 years, but it wasn't until the last 5000 years or so before we started seeing civilizations appearing? So we didn't really learn anything for close to 45000 years, and only started in the last 5000 or so? Kinda odd, but that is what science is suggesting. I think its possible there is a lost history to the human race that is lost under the waves of the sea buried under layers of sediment and sea life.

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I for one am a believer that aliens influenced our civilization, I mean the proof is all around us. The Nazca lines, for one, are very strange. How can ancient people build something like that so big, so clear, and so well made? Not only that, but these lines torn down entire mountains, its been proven, now how did they do that with simple tools, we can't even do that. Look at the Mayans, they plotted star charts centuries into the future, exactly percise, we can't do that either, we can only guess, and most of the time we're wrong. The Mayans also built the modern day calendar that records the exact amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, and months in a year, no one before them has accomplished this. The Mayans did all this in less than a century, the same century when they would vanish, so how did they do this so quick? Simple, they were helped. Now the ancients weren't idiots, but to do something this advanced suddenly in only less than a century, is impossible, the chances are next to nothing. Now I could be wrong and it could be pure chance, but something very odd is happening on this planet, and until we discover the truth, we'll be forever blind.
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