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Are you smart enough?


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Nah I think you guys are smart enough to answer these, then again maybe your not. Lets see how much you know. I'm going to ask you twenty questions, the answers will follow shortly. The goal is to see if you can answer what I can throw at you without looking at the answers themselves. Are you ready?


1. What is the Arora Borealis?

2. What city today is clamied to be drowning?

3. What Civilization dominated central America during the fifteenth century?

4. What do the Latin words "Caveat emptor" mean?

5. I am alpha and omega, the begining and the end. What is the rest of this passage from the bible?

6. What is the largest living organism alive on the Earth today?

7. How much is Mount Everest growing each year?

8. How long has it been since dinosaurs walked our planet?

9. What sea creature can survive being frozen for more than 24 hours?

10.What was the Sahara like before it became a desert?


Answers for 1-10

1.The northern lights is what the Arora Borealis is. Caused when Plasma from the sun strikes gases here on Earth, these fantastic lights are known as one of Earths natural wonders.

2.Venice. Venice the city on water is clamied to be sinking into the ocean. People say it won't be long now.

3.The Aztecs. This remarkable civilization ruled central mexico for some two hundred years before a spainard, Cortez, wiped them off the face of the Earth.

4.Caveat emptor means let the buyer beware. The phrase warns those shopping to research before they pay.

5.I will give unto him that is athirst of the water of the fountain of life freely- Bible revelation 21:6

6.The great barrier reef. Large enough to see from space, this gigantic mass of coral aren't plants, they are auctually animals that been born from their ancestors that started the reef thirty million years ago.

7.Approximantly a quarter of an inch a year.

8.Dinosaurs last walked our planet 65 million years ago when a meteor crashed off the coast of the Yuckaton pinisula in modern day mexico wiped them out.


10.Before the Sahara was a desert, it was a grassland until shifting climate changes believed to be caused when the poles last fliped, occured.


Ok, ok so you answered those, but what about these. Your an Oblivion modder I assume, so lets see how much you know your game.


11.How many sons did Martins father have?

12.Who created the tower that the Septiems once lived in?

13.Who was the person that recieved the Amulet of Kings from the Fire, dragon God, Akatosh?

14.Why does Muhrunes dagon want Tamriel?

15.What race destroyed the Aylieds?

16.What is Sherogoraths favorite food?

17.What city does Sherogorath rule from?

18.What realm does Sherogorath live in?

19.Why did Sherogorath open the portal to his realm in Niben bay?

20.What one person in Oblivion can be the most annoying claimed by alot of players?


Answers for 11-20

11.Three before they were all lost, but one would save the realm.

12.The Alyieds.

13.Alessia, the first ruler of the empire, recieved the Amulet from Akatosh to close the gates of Oblivion.

14.He wants it because it was once his home before the humans took it from him and casted him with the help of Akatosh into Oblivion.

15.The humans in a vive for power.

16.Cheese. You can find it on his alters throughout his realm.

17. New sheoth

18.The Realm of Madness, better known as the Shivering Isles.

19.To get a Champion to stop the Graymarch.

20.The adoring fan, better known as the annoying fan by some players.


Well there you go twenty questions. Got any for me? Visit my profile and I'll do my best to answer.

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Well I knew only few of them (from first 10) actually or I did not know about what you were asking as I am not native English. So I for example had no idea what was Aurora Borealis which is Revontuli in my native language until I looked into it.


I actually found your answer to fifth question lacking as it has two answers. One was right but there is also another line which is actually more famous.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

-The Bible Revelation 22:13

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The Oblivion one was easy . . . if I answer them a few months ago. I forgot most of them.


Can you figure this question out ?


Who's the only member to had a topic on the category "Forum Rules and Strikes" ? A category where creating a topic, even posting in it almost not possible except for a few topics.


Me !!! http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=132354&st=20


WARNING !!! The topic is 8 months old, never and don't post in it. The link is shown only for personal pride showing facts. :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:



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