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Thank you Trandoshan! :thumbsup: You do realize we whupped Retribution's arse so bad he had to commit sideways as my Dad used to say, lol VICTORY!!


Omeletter, I would get you for poisoning those cute (um...but harmless babies Maharg, lol) babies' bottles! BUT, that explosion/nuke gif was awesome! So you get a pass this time Mortal!!



Now as for those cutsey lil dogs, apocolyptic baby skellies, flying monkeys, dogs, emo guys, jar jar binks et. al. You gets a big dose of this...




followed, of course by this....




Ha! How ya like me now, eh? :ninja:

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I ALREADY got a piece of you Push!


I have no problem adding your name to one of the these right here.... :happy:




What it all comes down to is this-


Now shoo fly! Your lil fight bores me (lol)!



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Secret vampires are going to find you with your scent




(These vampire movies are much better than the 'new' ones)




Beware the power of superheros Netwit... they have the tendency to switch sides at the last minute





Also beware of 'it' (Warning if you have coulrophobia then do not press the spoiler button.)






I shall be silent for now...



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Awwww, those vamps are too cute to scare me, lol I taught LeStat everything he knows, muhahahaha!



I DO smell good though, most royalty does, vampire or not. hehe


I know one thing.....YOU my dear----->


Vampire cats..... boring! Spiderman..... Boring! Hidden Killer Klown.... amusing AND BORING!!!


You'll be silent alright, because I'll rip out your tongue and eat it with some farva beans and a niiiiiice chianti!! rofl




Still wanna play? Just follow the red brick road.......

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Whatsa matter with the rest of you so-called warriors....hmmmm???


Don't be wussies!! :laugh:


if you dare.....

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Too bad I was going to bring out the big guns




I going to give you a very good 'hug'




My little pet is going to make quick work mate




Behold my secret weapon!




Beware of the evilness within me. I will destroy your planet



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Deadly above and even deadlier below!



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:verymad: DRATS!! My snarl and the threat of impending doom will have to do until my image posting limits reset (if they do, does anyone know about this to advise?) For now, the board will not accept any pics from me, but rest assured....


I WILL RISE AGAIN TO WREAK HAVOC and MAYHEM as soon as I'm able!!!



Enjoy your reprieve while you can mortals!! :ninja:

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