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what do you have installed on your OS


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Windows XP Pro 64...not very much really...Oblivion is my biggest folder (19 GB and growing haha) :biggrin: But I have Morrowind, Diablo II, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld, The Orange Box...only have Portal, TF2, and HL2 installed. Stellarium to look at the stars and planets..uhm GIMP, DOSBox, FRAPS, and various other utilites (CCleaner, Defrag, OpenOffice). Out of my 190GB partition (split 50GB for backup drive), I've only used 80GB lol...not bad I guess :tongue:


Rather not post my desktop, very bland compared to you guys haha...just plain old silver taskbar with a black background...in the midst of finding a wallpaper

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Nothing much at the moment. Two wathes telling me the time in Pacific East and West, and just som misc. And thes it´s Win7 64 of cause. So smoothe, that I think XP is slow now. Screensize 1920x1200
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That's only like a fifth of all my programs...


Oh, and isn't Felicia Day amazing... :wub:

Lol I see my chat window there. I am too lazy to take a screenie so i will just list it



Google Sketch up

Google Chrome

Google Earth

Lego Digital Designer


Grand Theft Auto 1. (my laptop can't handle any new onse)

On my PC:

Mass Effect


Google Chrome

(I need nothing else to survive)

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well i changed my windows theme that i had since installed win 7 to a robert patterson look.


i really love him to bits so here he is also moved my icons around and installed dead space



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