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Communism v. Socialism v. Capitalism v. Feudalism

Maxwell the Fool

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Which do you think is the best system? What flaws do you find with your chosen system and others in their "purest" form? Ideally, give an example of the country that you think has done it best.


Currently debated systems (make more suggestions if you can think of them, please! :) )







If there are suggestions for other systems which are mutually exclusive (in their purist forms, of course) with these I will add them. But please note that things like "Democracy" are NOT economic ideologies, they are systems of government, and not included in the scope of this thread. Oh, and be prepared to defend your opinion, if you can't respond maturely then please, don't post! My last thread was locked for flaming (admittedly somewhat on my part :( ).


Have at it!

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Fuedalism here. For the fun of it.


Keep the peasants down, and myself up. Naturally. No way to go up, no way to go down. Keeps things simple. Good social morality due to your head falling off if you don't.


Flawed due to poor economic control, and low control over the populace. Skilled labor gets perks if he works for a Noble, however.


Socialism: Poor Incentives to learn an important job (Like being a doctor), but at least you get good services.


Communism: Poor Incentives to learn an important job, but at least you have the satsifaction of making the same as a doctor who worked his ass off for 8 years to get his degree... and your a farmer! Oh, exceptions are the leaders of the government.


Capitalism: Goodness, let's churn out the same shirt 600,000,000 times. Oh, hello there little business... DIE! So, the populace wants some of this? *turns to corporations, and asks their opinion. Turns back around* Sorry, it's to0 blah, blah, blah... not enough profit. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


any questions?

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None of the above...


The best system would be one which combines the benefits of each without all the problems and conceptional baggage that has been tied with them. A free market works, but only when people follow the rules and still provide for basic services for the lower class. Socialism works, but only when you still provide a means of advancing oneself to higher status and wealth by means of education and training.

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I think the best would be a mixture like VagrantO said, but even then, there would be those who are above the laws and get rich without moving a damn finger like it always happened. The laws of nature are more evident for people than for all the rest, even if most are masked and few ever notice what's going on. The ignorance level is just incredible and people like to think they got the freedom their ancestors fought for thousands of years ago. Truth is, there are more slaves in todays world then ever before. Freedom has become a concept with many many interpretations. I hate talking about these things, as I always remember of the world we live in and I'll have to go with buddah's qoute here: Tis better to remain silent, and have the world assume you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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Bah, I tried to have fun with this one. I guess I have to get all 'serious' again....



I think the best would be a mixture like VagrantO said, but even then, there would be those who are above the laws and get rich without moving a damn finger like it always happened. The laws of nature are more evident for people than for all the rest, even if most are masked and few ever notice what's going on. The ignorance level is just incredible and people like to thing they got the freedom their ancestors fought for thousands of years ago. Truth is, there are more slaves in todays world then ever before. Freedom has become a concept with many many interpretations. I hate talking about these things, as I always remember of the world we live in and I'll have to go with buddah's qoute here: Tis better to remain silent, and have the world assume you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Both you, and Vagrant are right. All systems are flawed, and only work when there is omnipresent morals and compassion. All systems have that one catch that make them tumble to the ground. There will always be someone better than everyone, and they will remain rich and powerful for as long as they live. The only thing to do is to create another philosophy that seems good, and have it corrupted by people, or pick a side and stay with it. The choices are few.


Feudalism was great in the aspect that those in power were not hidden behind curtains. You could tell nobility, king, and priests from peasants. In the others stated in this thread, many people have no clue who the ones 'really' in power are. They think the leaders of the nations, but those people no longer have the financial power they did pre-Napoleonic Era.


I also agree with your statement on slavery. It was an issue addressed when Industrialism and Capitalism first arose. Before all of that, slaves were the most profitable investment one could have. Afterward, the assembly lines became twice as profitable, and slavery as we define it today disappeared in Europe. There were many texts on how these assembly lines were *WORSE* than slavery. Many people made less money than could buy them bread, and housing. At least as a slave, there were some laws in place that guaranteed you had food in your stomach and a roof (Albeit a bad one) over your head. Same sorta applies in America or Europe. You can't support yourself with a single minimum wage job. There weren't any labor laws till the mid 1800s (In Great Britain, known as the Factory Acts I believe).


''Tis better to remain silent, and have the world assume you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.''


If everyone on the Nexus followed this directly, there would be no need for a debate board. :confused:


This holds truth for a public figure who has something to lose, though. Anyone Remember John F Kennedy?

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universal mind works best. silence. whoever fight it must loose. only maybe some poeple dont like to loose.

they refuse to grow up.




i dont know. :blush:



ps: john kennedy! very good! hahaha.the guys he talked about are a good example of how not to do it.


evolution gonna flush this out.

if vibration even get higher by a bit this simply gonna fly out.

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Just a question, Capitalism is a government form? actually it is not even exclusive toward any the others there...look at China, say it is not among the most 'capitalist' nations nowadays.
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In its "purist" form? I say NONE OF THE ABOVE (as Vagrant said).

BUT, if those four combine in a balance and pack together in a DEMOCRATIC form of government, then ALL OF THE ABOVE. My apology (to Maxwell) if I mention Democracy here, but I don't Identify it with those four - I want it to be the "wrappings" for those four.

All four has its strength and weaknesses, but hitting the balance would be a more profound and beneficial (economic) system I think.



Just a question, Capitalism is a government form? actually it is not even exclusive toward any the others there...look at China, say it is not among the most 'capitalist' nations nowadays.

I think we are talking of economic ideologies here not form of government.

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