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OBSE version 18 beta 6 problems


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I would like some help with my problem. I downloaded OBSE version 18 beta 6 and have put the correct components of ot into the oblivion directory. when i click on obse_loader, it says


"This application has failed to start because 'Binkw32.Dll' was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


I re-instaled the OBSE and did the same, and the same reply came up.


Please reply with your suggestions to help.


And i tried loading oblivion, NOT through obse, and it says the same thing.

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as a quick and possibly dirty fix


you can google up a copy of Binkw32.Dl and see if it helps.

if i did this, where would i put the file?

on my computer


Binkw32 is located in my oblivion directory.

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OBSE 18 is a beta release. That means it is released for testing purposes and may have bugs. The author would probably like to know what problems you have with it.
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That is not an OBSE fault, that file is part of Oblivion's installation and responsible for video files formats used by the game. Although Bink itself is a 3rd part company that's used by many different games/developers.


The post suggest your Oblivion installation may be corrupted and there is no warranty that is the only problem you may find ahead.


The message about reinstalling the application refers to Oblivion itself and not OBSE.


Yet, some meaningful informations would help to identify the real problem, many issues related with Vista and 7 arises because the game was installed under the C:\Program Files folder (so you should avoid installing any game there, that sadly is the default path). People that learned about that issue, moved the entire game folder to another location, that fails too because the register informations becomes invalid.


The only truthful and faithful advice I can give you, with the data available, is:


reinstall the game, do it far away that C:\Program Files(x86)... something like C:\Games does the trick.


patch the game to the last version, install the UOPs (unofficial patches) - It's important it is installed now and not later, it should not be installed over a already heavily modded game)


Run the games under administrator privileges (shame on you MS, for making a "security system" that forces that)


If everything works, proceed into reinstalling the mods.


Alternatively you may just try turning out the UAC and make sure you have administrative privileges and hope that is enough.

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