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Israel, and Gaza.


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These comments make me chuckle.... some of you guys have justified Israel's leveling of a densely populated civilian area....and then you act surprised and shocked that the Palestinians continually resist Israeli aggression. They're shooting fireworks into Israel! It's like another Holocaust!I can't speak for the others but I've seen too many


I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one look at the situation from the begining to the end. Not edit it to fit a separate narrative. You can try to diminish to rockets as much as you will. The fact that their use ensured reprisals and the fact that these Palestinians fired them inside a populated area knowing that these areas would be hit is cowardly and shows a complete disregaurd for those people living in that area.


I suggest those who think they are fireworks go over there light one of these sparklers and stand infront of a camera, so we can see what damage fireworks can do to a body.

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And now..... for your listening pleasure.... we bring you: "Israel to expropriate another 1000 acres of land in the west bank." (actually, I think it's 'only' 998.... but, you get the idea.) So, war didn't work to accomplish anything for the palestinians, and, it would seem that peace doesn't either. War brings them expanded fishing zones, peace brings them.... loss of yet more land.


In all reality, I think Israel is it's own worst enemy.

No, pressure from the world community who sides with the Palestinians, as a matter of course. The media played it's part in setting up the narrative, which it has from the beginning. It seems the person who is wrong is always the bigger of the two, because the imagery is there to be exploted by those who wish to promote this narretive. It sells more papers and turns more heads, which is what these news services are after.


This will soon pass and the media will quickly flash over to someone else they can depict as victims, so they can capitalize on some other blood bath they can pick their davids and their Goliath's. Rinse and repeat.


Your aren't seriously defending the Israelis stealing yet more land are you?

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And now..... for your listening pleasure.... we bring you: "Israel to expropriate another 1000 acres of land in the west bank." (actually, I think it's 'only' 998.... but, you get the idea.) So, war didn't work to accomplish anything for the palestinians, and, it would seem that peace doesn't either. War brings them expanded fishing zones, peace brings them.... loss of yet more land.


In all reality, I think Israel is it's own worst enemy.

No, pressure from the world community who sides with the Palestinians, as a matter of course. The media played it's part in setting up the narrative, which it has from the beginning. It seems the person who is wrong is always the bigger of the two, because the imagery is there to be exploted by those who wish to promote this narretive. It sells more papers and turns more heads, which is what these news services are after.


This will soon pass and the media will quickly flash over to someone else they can depict as victims, so they can capitalize on some other blood bath they can pick their davids and their Goliath's. Rinse and repeat.


Your aren't seriously defending the Israelis stealing yet more land are you?


I'm not defending anything, but the making of hostilities bring a price if you don't win. The Palestinians knew what they were getting into and yet did so willing and with gusto. I don't defend steeling and I don't defend foolhardiness either.

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And now..... for your listening pleasure.... we bring you: "Israel to expropriate another 1000 acres of land in the west bank." (actually, I think it's 'only' 998.... but, you get the idea.) So, war didn't work to accomplish anything for the palestinians, and, it would seem that peace doesn't either. War brings them expanded fishing zones, peace brings them.... loss of yet more land.


In all reality, I think Israel is it's own worst enemy.

No, pressure from the world community who sides with the Palestinians, as a matter of course. The media played it's part in setting up the narrative, which it has from the beginning. It seems the person who is wrong is always the bigger of the two, because the imagery is there to be exploted by those who wish to promote this narretive. It sells more papers and turns more heads, which is what these news services are after.


This will soon pass and the media will quickly flash over to someone else they can depict as victims, so they can capitalize on some other blood bath they can pick their davids and their Goliath's. Rinse and repeat.


Your aren't seriously defending the Israelis stealing yet more land are you?


I'm not defending anything, but the making of hostilities bring a price if you don't win. The Palestinians knew what they were getting into and yet did so willing and with gusto. I don't defend steeling and I don't defend foolhardiness either.


But, looking over the past history of the region, is it foolhardiness, or desperation? Seems nothing they have tried has changed the situation overmuch, aside from them losing yet more land. (either via settlements, or war....) I can understand where they are coming from, but, I do not agree with their methods. Not like they have a lot of folks on their side though, that can actually exert any influence on events..... They are stuck between a rock, and a hard place. Maybe they would be better off if they just let Israel annex the entirety of Gaza, and became Israeli citizens.......

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one look at the situation from the begining to the end. Not edit it to fit a separate narrative. You can try to diminish to rockets as much as you will. The fact that their use ensured reprisals and the fact that these Palestinians fired them inside a populated area knowing that these areas would be hit is cowardly and shows a complete disregaurd for those people living in that area.


I suggest those who think they are fireworks go over there light one of these sparklers and stand infront of a camera, so we can see what damage fireworks can do to a body.



This point always gets repeated: that Hamas et al are morally reprehensible because they launch rocket salvos from populated areas. Have any of the people who've said this ever taken a look at Gaza? Even a youtube video tour? There is nowhere you can fire a rocket out of Gaza that isn't in close proximity to civilians. The place is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. They live on-top of each other like rats and they're pissed off at the generational humiliation they receive from Israel. If I were Gazan, you bet I'd want to take revenge on Israel. Even if it means firing a roman candle across the border, or mooning my ass at a border guard; they would have to kill me before I give up.

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And now..... for your listening pleasure.... we bring you: "Israel to expropriate another 1000 acres of land in the west bank." (actually, I think it's 'only' 998.... but, you get the idea.) So, war didn't work to accomplish anything for the palestinians, and, it would seem that peace doesn't either. War brings them expanded fishing zones, peace brings them.... loss of yet more land.


In all reality, I think Israel is it's own worst enemy.

No, pressure from the world community who sides with the Palestinians, as a matter of course. The media played it's part in setting up the narrative, which it has from the beginning. It seems the person who is wrong is always the bigger of the two, because the imagery is there to be exploted by those who wish to promote this narretive. It sells more papers and turns more heads, which is what these news services are after.


This will soon pass and the media will quickly flash over to someone else they can depict as victims, so they can capitalize on some other blood bath they can pick their davids and their Goliath's. Rinse and repeat.


Your aren't seriously defending the Israelis stealing yet more land are you?


I'm not defending anything, but the making of hostilities bring a price if you don't win. The Palestinians knew what they were getting into and yet did so willing and with gusto. I don't defend steeling and I don't defend foolhardiness either.


But, looking over the past history of the region, is it foolhardiness, or desperation? Seems nothing they have tried has changed the situation overmuch, aside from them losing yet more land. (either via settlements, or war....) I can understand where they are coming from, but, I do not agree with their methods. Not like they have a lot of folks on their side though, that can actually exert any influence on events..... They are stuck between a rock, and a hard place. Maybe they would be better off if they just let Israel annex the entirety of Gaza, and became Israeli citizens.......




Is the Palestinian Authority having the same issues? These are the same indigenous people and they are treated differently by Israel because they treat Israel differently.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one look at the situation from the begining to the end. Not edit it to fit a separate narrative. You can try to diminish to rockets as much as you will. The fact that their use ensured reprisals and the fact that these Palestinians fired them inside a populated area knowing that these areas would be hit is cowardly and shows a complete disregaurd for those people living in that area.


I suggest those who think they are fireworks go over there light one of these sparklers and stand infront of a camera, so we can see what damage fireworks can do to a body.



This point always gets repeated: that Hamas et al are morally reprehensible because they launch rocket salvos from populated areas. Have any of the people who've said this ever taken a look at Gaza? Even a youtube video tour? There is nowhere you can fire a rocket out of Gaza that isn't in close proximity to civilians. The place is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. They live on-top of each other like rats and they're pissed off at the generational humiliation they receive from Israel. If I were Gazan, you bet I'd want to take revenge on Israel. Even if it means firing a roman candle across the border, or mooning my ass at a border guard; they would have to kill me before I give up.


They get treated with the same attitude they treat their neighbors. I don't you youtube because it can be faked so easily. That choice would be yours. Do so if you wish.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one look at the situation from the begining to the end. Not edit it to fit a separate narrative. You can try to diminish to rockets as much as you will. The fact that their use ensured reprisals and the fact that these Palestinians fired them inside a populated area knowing that these areas would be hit is cowardly and shows a complete disregaurd for those people living in that area.


I suggest those who think they are fireworks go over there light one of these sparklers and stand infront of a camera, so we can see what damage fireworks can do to a body.



This point always gets repeated: that Hamas et al are morally reprehensible because they launch rocket salvos from populated areas. Have any of the people who've said this ever taken a look at Gaza? Even a youtube video tour? There is nowhere you can fire a rocket out of Gaza that isn't in close proximity to civilians. The place is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. They live on-top of each other like rats and they're pissed off at the generational humiliation they receive from Israel. If I were Gazan, you bet I'd want to take revenge on Israel. Even if it means firing a roman candle across the border, or mooning my ass at a border guard; they would have to kill me before I give up.


Yes, it is, I do believe it is in the top three.... However, there is still large areas that are agricultural/undeveloped. Doesn't matter how you try and paint it, Hamas is MAKING SURE civilians are casualties of their war.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one look at the situation from the begining to the end. Not edit it to fit a separate narrative. You can try to diminish to rockets as much as you will. The fact that their use ensured reprisals and the fact that these Palestinians fired them inside a populated area knowing that these areas would be hit is cowardly and shows a complete disregaurd for those people living in that area.


I suggest those who think they are fireworks go over there light one of these sparklers and stand infront of a camera, so we can see what damage fireworks can do to a body.



This point always gets repeated: that Hamas et al are morally reprehensible because they launch rocket salvos from populated areas. Have any of the people who've said this ever taken a look at Gaza? Even a youtube video tour? There is nowhere you can fire a rocket out of Gaza that isn't in close proximity to civilians. The place is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. They live on-top of each other like rats and they're pissed off at the generational humiliation they receive from Israel. If I were Gazan, you bet I'd want to take revenge on Israel. Even if it means firing a roman candle across the border, or mooning my ass at a border guard; they would have to kill me before I give up.



That density includes the West Bank, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have more people per square mile than Gaza. Hamas have had billions of dollars in aid, rather than spend it on housing and infrastructure they chose spend it on tunnels and rockets.

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Not even close. According to this the actual population density of Gaza is 9,713 per sq mile. Which doesn't even take into account the empty 200 meter buffer zone the Israelis have around the area. The population density of Israel is 809 per sq mile and 5,050 for Tel Aviv.


Hamas have had billions of dollars in aid, rather than spend it on housing and infrastructure they chose spend it on tunnels and rockets.


Israel is given billion of dollars in aid by the United States, rather than spend it on initiatives that promote compromise and reconciliation, they continue to slaughter the Palestinians and displace them from their homeland.


Let me reiterate that I don't give a rat's ass about the eternal grievances and blood feuds of Middle-Eastern people. It's just a disgrace that American taxpayer dollars are subsidizing the diplomatic nightmare that is Israel, and the whole world will benefit the sooner it is extinguished.

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