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A (hopefully) serious discussion about adult content on the Nexus


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After looking at the most recent mod released by Alien Slof, here, I've felt the need to "trigger" a discussion about the distribution of adult content on the Nexus. First and foremost I want to make clear that I'm not against it nor do I want to dash on adult content. I use adult content for myself and believe that some adult content can really add to the game. I also believe that Alien Slof is one of the greatest Modders around for booth, Morrowind and Oblivion, but it's not the first time I had the thought about her exaggerating all this stuff. However, before writing walls of text without sense I come straight to the point...


...do I want to see Trannys sticking a finger inside their "best part" for joy, on a regular gaming and mod website, distributing content that's supposed to be played by people from age 12-82?


Serious guys, I don't understand what Alien Slof even trys to achieve with this. Emanzipation, Freedom of Opinion, Expression and Art? That's totally ok for me, but then please on her personal website, where all her personal "friends" show up. Or you have to take all this adult stuff into new heights and create a new tag named "gay porn". Being boothered about this is not because I'm a homophobe or a jealous modder or whatever else argument could be used to defend her position. I primarly think that dealing stuff like this on a "gaming website" is irresponsible and tasteless, not the content itself, but the distribution of the content here on this website and for a game like Oblivion. Where is the use in turning Oblivion into a Porn Show?


Please also renounce to use the sentence "don't look at it/use it if you don't like it", because that's the common Internet 2.0 used by people trying to defend their position knowing there's a community behind their back that supports them. You guys can do whatever you want, but I serious have to ask, is it necessary to do this here and with that intensity? Don't get me wrong, I think it's the same for this Sexlivion mod. What's this mod supposed to achieve on the Elder Scrolls Community? Is it that Kids of today (because I assume adult people would only download and play it once for the fun of it), got so sick of Web 2.0 and the whole pornorized internet all they can do is jump on such hilarious stuff. I mean, raping your "joystick" had different inclination when I was a kid... :tongue:


What about non adult people circumventing the adult controll by simply indicating a wrong age? I assume that the majority of people around here downloading mods, actually are non adult. Also, you see tons of mods around on the Nexus that are tagged non adult, but get bombarded by nude pictures, without the knowledge by the mod creator and normally thoose mods have to be tagged adult. Another thing that bucks me is the amount of "music mods" with copyrighted content inside. You guys said in a thread yesterday you're against piracy, but you accept it inside mods? I assume not, because you deleted the mod I've reported yesterday...but there are tons of other mods like this and I really don't have the time to spend it on denouncing people.


Please don't feel offended Slof, but I had to be honest and point the question out...are you exaggerating it? You should start to think what you're really doing here. And please don't deal me your ordinary "cat in the corner" arguments. I want to hear a serious statement and one that convinces me to think what your doing is right, if you feel to make a statement at all... :thumbsup:

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Are you sure you... um... have the right to ask that question? What content can be on the site is defined by two things - Terms of Use and site's owner's opinion. The content in question still fits the bill of "right". And with that done... no one has the right to criticize peoples' choice of taste, or the amounts. And really, it's not nice telling people that they should go elsewhere (where sun doesn't shine, as it sounded).


What of children... no, seriously, do you really think such a child can't enter an address of a popular porn-virus site, if such a silly thought comes to their mind? The system is at least fair and honest - "you have been warned that there's something you shouldn't see, if your parents can't stop you, then it's their fault".


One more thing. How do you think, how many times people that make mods with unusual content hear questions like this, from civil to rude? Isn't that... enough?

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You should start to think what you're really doing here.


Back at you, buddy.


In your long, winding rant at just about anything and everything I really failed to find a general point. Perhaps you could TL;DR your post in to a more concise conclusion of what your exact problem is?

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I think what he's essentially saying is that even though he has no stick with adult content on the nexus, he thinks some things, such as picture of a character playing with.... you know.... make the site seem a little like a porn site and are kind of disgusting for anyone of any age really.
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..and are kind of disgusting for anyone of any age really.


It's dull-witted thinking like this that dismays some of the best modders of this community. 58 downloads in 20 hours. So that's 58 people already that disagree with this generalisation.


Want to know why this becomes a touchey subject that I defend bluntly (with many rolls of my eyes)? Because there's all sorts of this kind of stuff on the Nexus; dildos, anal play, gyrating women, sex slaves, sex collars, spikes, studs, piercings, hair, lack of hair and everything in between. Stuff that's been on the site for many years and very, very few people have made a fuss about it. Why? Because the vast majority of it is focused on female characters. When someone releases something in reverse to this, focused on male characters suddenly some prudes come out of the woodwork and get themselves all hot under the collar. You've really got to look at yourself to realise why this is a problem, and not the site or the people releasing the content.


It's sick? Why is it sick? Who says so? Who cares? Why does it matter? Why do you care so much? I mean...you've got to care a lot to make a medium-sized rant about it.

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People all have separate opinions about what they want in their game. And the sad truth is yes, I'm sure more than a few people get their jollies off of the game. But y'know what? That's what they want in their game.


That being said, many modders make stuff specifically for their own game, and release it with the notion that other people with similar tastes will enjoy it too. Most of the time, they're right.


Slof has gotten more than enough flames for her works. I, being a typical straight male, have no interest in wrapping a male character in leather straps and rooster rings. But I'm okay knowing that it has been made for the individuals that will enjoy it.


I've seen more than a few mods here that have bothered me due to an extreme conflict in personal taste, usually involving severe gore or torture. I just don't download them.


It seems you'd like a more family-friendly site. There are places that only upload sexual mods, perhaps because they won't get the flame treatment they get on more open-ended sites here.


I guess my final note here is that this is a site with adult content. Despite your previous statements not to say it, if you don't like it, don't click on it. If you're worried about a child viewing something inappropriate, block the site. Change personal preferences. Changing this site in such a way as to eliminate the extremely gray area of mods considered too extreme would be neigh impossible. And even if it was accomplished, it would also diminish people's access to these mods that may enjoy them. It may even cause modders not to bother posting material because the only place they'd be able to would be obscure corners of the internet few know about.


I don't find the distribution of mods containing sexual content to be irresponsible and tasteless. I find complaining about it to be.


And I'm disappointed that you would try to bring Slof herself into this discussion. Your third paragraph makes me feel sicker than I have witnessing any of the content on this site. The last thing she needs to do is defend herself again; she's done it more times than she needs to. What she does doesn't have to be "right;" she can do or make whatever she pleases to for this game and shouldn't have to worry about people whining about it. Sadly, that seems to be impossible.


I think it's in your best interest to discontinue this thread before it gets out of control.

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each their own i guess :P

imo do what you want, its a game, its supposed to be fun


its not like you get slapped in the face with boobies or dongs while browsing this site actually... if you search for somin kinky youll find it but comparing this page to a porn page is waaaaay off lol... not enough pink fonts actually :P


its a place for everything and doesnt need watchful eyes restricting everything that might be culturally dispisable in your area, there are topics that are globally accepted as moral standards like not screwing with children and such but a piercing or a dude in leather straps are nothing which would harm mankind in any way, well aliens might think we have freaky clothing guidelines if they see it one day but thats not really of any matter to me lol

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As to your question of "what's the point of these mods?" look at it this way:


After paying for Oblivion we can get the CS, nifskope, blender, GIMP, and basically any other tools we need to create our own virtual world for free. After modding for awhile it becomes addictive to some, but mostly it becomes an outlet for creative expression. Ask any of the more prolific modders out there if they spend more time modding or playing. It becomes less about Oblivion and more about what we can create, and in turn share with others of similar interests. If someone wants to make a brothel complete with strapons and fetishwear it's a hell of a lot easier to make a mod than to write your own game from scratch.


Secondly, so long as the content is acceptable to the site admin (which it clearly is) there should be no problems.


Third, I think it's grossly unfair to single out Slof and require her to somehow justify her actions and work. She and I like to see things that are the complete opposite of one another in our games, but I will absolutely defend her right to create and share anything she pleases on this site.


You don't want to see the content but you don't want people telling you not to click on it. I'd suggest you buy an X-box. No questionable mods there.



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Really, why do you care? If you don't like it, don't look at it...it's a pretty good point to give for these kind of things.


The point of these mods are that people all have different tastes....so Slof likes to make sexual things for males? Big deal. That's what she likes to make. I'm here to tell you, that there are people that like to look at that. If the admin allows adult content on the site, then there will be adult content. It's a friggan video game...people have a choice on what they want in their game and what they don't want in their game. How can you say this is turning into a porn site? Have you ever been on one? This is a fantasy game and people play out different fantasies, sexual or not. Personally, I don't like some of the sexual mods that are about...I'm just not into chains and bondage and the like, but I don't go off and write a pointless contradicting rant about how I hate it and it's tasteless and disgusting and shouldn't be available to anyone.


Oblivion is rated Mature...so technically people under 18 should not be playing the game or getting mods for it. But, parents let their underage children play the game because maybe they trust their children enough to know right from wrong and not to look at things that they are not old enough to understand.(atleast that's how my parents were...I was playing Resident Evil and the like at age 12.) If they don't, they shouldn't let their child play the game in the first place or even have a computer in their room...one missing letter, a .org instead of a .com...we all know what can pop up when that happens. It's the parent's responsibility to see what their child is doing on the Internet.


People seriously need to get off their high horse about this stuff...stop whining and complaining, don't look at it if you don't approve of it. Don't make Slof and other people feel ashamed or insulted because you don't like it. Everyone's different and you gotta respect that. Personally, I am female, and I use some of the sexual mods. Why? Because I roleplay...and sex is a part of life. She falls in love with someone and they make love...what's so wrong with that?

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