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A (hopefully) serious discussion about adult content on the Nexus


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I am a player, and a modder. If I don't like a mod or do not approve of it, I simply do not download it. I do not go onto the comment threads and bash the mod, nor do I bash the author, because bashing the author is just low. There are adult mods which I feel take it too far, but I still respect the author's work, and the site owner's decision in keeping them; I just simple do not download them and I leave the issue at that. Obviously, just as previous posters have pointed out, the site administrator, and owner, does not have a problem with the adult mods, and as such they stay. You may not agree with that, that is fine. But that does not give anyone the excuse to disrespect the author or the site owner for their decisions and their work. Right now I am posting on Dark0ne's forum, and as such I respect his rules, policies, and his decisions that are made, including the ones I may not wholly agree with.
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Saw the title to this thread, thought "Oh this could be a good thread". And then you went and pointed fingers, and named particular people - and instantly lost any credibility in my eyes. All this thread really strikes me as is someone trying to flame/troll particular people, in public, and trying to get away with it.
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Sure it's the owner of this sites decision what he allows to be downloaded and what not, I would never disagree with this nor would I try anything to prevent him or Alien Slof to exercise their rights. This whole 'rant' was merely an opinion all of this getting to exaggerated in terms of adult content. Just to make it clear, I also disagree with mods that do the same for females. I don't thing it's disgusting, I think it's inappropriate. The Nexus exists for a long time now and I think it's reputation also depends on how much is showen to the public if you know there are young people around that should not see this. It's not only the parents being responsible to their kids, but it's also this community who should keep the kids sheltered. And I think just saying 'You've been warned, if your parents can't prevent you from watching this, it's your bad', is wrong. Because this is exactly what porn sites do.


I think a line has to be drawn what is appropiate and what not. Adult content yeah, but anything related to hardcore, fetish, extreme or however you name it should at least be 'exclusive' content. And that's what I ment with making her own site. If people are interested in that work, they can get a stimulus over here with the 'normal' adult content and if they want more, they can get it on a personal website. It's pretty much the same as it works with adult sites for the Sims. Thoose sites are exclusive and separated from the public site. And sure, I have any right to point out any question as long as I try to keep it serious. And a critic of personal taste has never happened. If people like it they should get it. No problems with that.


It's dull-witted thinking like this that dismays some of the best modders of this community. 58 downloads in 20 hours. So that's 58 people already that disagree with this generalisation.


It dismays best modders? Downloads don't say anything at all. I understand that you're raising that arguments because a 'nobody' starts a discussion about something he shouldn't have an opinion on and that you think it's presumptuous. But justifying it with the amount of downloads, isn't the right way either. Doing anything for the download? I won't get any further as this on this argument.


Oblivion is a medieval themed fantasy game, which stands in absolutely no relation to porn industry, nor should games do in general. Should I think there's a serious reason why people get their kicks in a virtual sexual life, or does it also sound presumptuous? I won't get into a discussion stating how much experience I have on all adult themes, you name them, because this is no competition. The reason why I point out Slof should be obvious, shes omnipresent concerning this matter.

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Leave Slof out of this. She's a brilliant, if somewhat alternative, modder. She's also a moderator here, so doing stuff like this is not going to get you any sympathy in later times.


Anyways, as said before, OB is rated M, and previously 15. The first thing is anyone who is at that age should be able to handle this sort of content without being traumatised. The second is that many of these mods have very specific names. To use your original example, you would have to include the word "bondage" in your search to find that. This means that someone would have to be specifically searching to find that mod, as as far as I know the Nexus has no random file button.


Also, the reason the sims stuff is separated from the main site is it's not legal in some places to directly link a game lower that an M or equivalent age rating to sexual content. The sims is either PG or 12.

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There's an adult-content filter. You turn it on and you accept the risks. You turn it off and the site won't display any of this content you dislike so much. If it does then the author hasn't flagged the file for adult content properly and will be slapped accordingly. It's really quite simple. The reputation the site(s) have is my concern, and not really any of yours. This is how I have chosen to run the sites over the past 9 years and it has clearly worked well. If you really want to help the site rather than just rant then you can report any files you think are illegal for moderator review.


We draw the line at typically accepted immoral acts on a case-by-case basis. Peadophilia, for example, is generally accepted as wrong across all communities. So is slander. It's not immoral to strap yourself up with leather and play with your genitles though. Obviously we're all mature adults here so I don't need to explain how it works on a case-by-base basis because running across the hills slaying innocent people with your sword (that's not a euphemism) may be a "typically accepted immoral act" but is obviously within the rules of an allowable mod.


It dismays best modders? Downloads don't say anything at all. I understand that you're raising that arguments because a 'nobody' starts a discussion about something he shouldn't have an opinion on and that you think it's presumptuous. But justifying it with the amount of downloads, isn't the right way either. Doing anything for the download? I won't get any further as this on this argument.


Way to put words in my mouth. How do downloads "not say anything at all"? They say that people like the sound/look of a mod enough to download it that counters any "everyone dislikes these mods" generalisations.


Oblivion is a medieval themed fantasy game, which stands in absolutely no relation to porn industry, nor should games do in general.


In that same vein would you have all non-canon mods removed from the site also? Mods that add guns to the game? Mods that add sci-fi elements? Mods that add real world countries or people? Oblivion is an open-ended sandbox fantasy game. WIth mods it doesn't need to be a medieval game. It seems as though you're being very narrow minded or you're just trolling us. I'm leaning towards the former at this point but I could be mistaken.

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I may not use adult mods personally, and find many instances of adult content on this site to be rather distasteful, but at the same time I respect the RIGHT that AUTHORS have in making and sharing that content as long as that content is LEGAL. As a user of mods, you can decide for yourself to use or not use any of the mods of this site. Just because a mod exists doesn't mean you have to download or use it, and it certainly does NOT give you the right to judge those who make or use that mod. This is all there is. Complaining about adult mods, and singling out one particular author is not only an incredibly rude and conceited act, but also one which is not allowed on this family of sites as it can be seen as harassment toward that author.


Authors generally make this content for themselves, and only out of their kindness share their hard work with the users within the community. As a user, you have no right to tell an author what they should and should not do with their mod. If you are upset about there being a lack of mods which live up to your personal standards... LEARN TO MOD and solve for that lack. It is most often those who have absolutely nothing to contribute to a community who do nothing other than complain and berate the work of those who do contribute. You are entitled to your opinion, but this does not give you the freedom to express it carelessly or in a way which is only designed to create problems for those you hold an opinion against.

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This is the same arguement that drove Slof away for the longest time. Im a male and I personally enjoy Alienslof's work because its great detailed work. I don't find her mods distasteful or inappropiate because im mature enough to understand that they are not that way at all.


And if any sex, porn, or inappropiate beyond site rules goes into a mod further than innuendo then the site moderators or Dark0ne will handle it accordingly.

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When you've put a lot of time into playing Oblivion with mods, you tend to want make it your personal fantasy world. Love is something people might want to enrich their characters, and naturally, sex follows. I've even recently come across a mod with kisses! As I work on my own personal crapstorm mod that customizes everyone in the game, I even like to give characters different sexualities based on their persona. This is where mods like Slof's come in handy. (Unintentional pun) Whether or not something fits my personal tastes, it's a reminder that the world is a place so much broader that we can imagine, and I am accepting of just about everything. Adult mods are simply another genre of mod with content that appeals to particular demographics. I learned the hard way that despite the adult content filter, there will be people disgusted with what you upload, and ultimately, it is up to the site's staff what stays and goes. It would be neat if someone created a place for adult content only, not simply tight-knit closed communities scattered on other sites. I want somewhere to share my characters' sexy adventures. =(
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Nexus sites are a family of sites and the forums are kept to relative 13+ standards that might make it more family appropriate but I don't think you'll find any staff member saying that Nexus sites themselves are for all ages.


If you think the site isn't for you or don't agree with how we operate then feel free to move along.

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