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A (hopefully) serious discussion about adult content on the Nexus


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When you've put a lot of time into playing Oblivion with mods, you tend to want make it your personal fantasy world. Love is something people might want to enrich their characters, and naturally, sex follows.


Exactly! :smile: Kudos

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Forgive me for any sarcasm, I just love it. I'm willing to retake any words. If they are perceived wrongly. I warn you about any contains you don't like. If you read on and find something you don't like...avert your eyes and move on ..a good adult decision, if you looked at it anyway I say that's an adult decision.

...(edit- I love quote limits) and yes, Yamcakes has a good statement.


==Web 2.0//Internet 2.0

People use their voice and so did others..I'm not sure why this would be wrong..


==]What about non adult people circumventing the adult controll by simply indicating a wrong age?

'Solve' that problem and be a billionaire. Maybe people should enter there social security number?


==Porn Show?//..what porn sites do.//porn industry//pornorized internet

First of all there is a difference between those all apart. Second, yep maybe we should shut down google images?

As people 'obviously' can't circumvent the filter there.


===indicating a wrong age

People could get banned because of that.


===because I assume adult people would only download and play it once for the fun of it

Nope, I can't say I include one of those people... But I know they don't download it for fun, maybe in general as 'mods are fun', the primary reason is roleplay and adding realism.

Yes, things could be referred back to Slof after having said that, but I do hope this discussion was about 'more' than just a few singled out mods.


====tagged non adult/~Music Piracy

There is a beautiful button named 'Report'.


gay porn//

Hm, you seem to know that Slof is a woman. Sorry but that doesn't convince me the further collaboration on that subject and how that would fit to the first part again.


Art? Maybe, the author usually thinks so... another might not be. Yep, that defines art. I can't say all is art, but those two things are pretty much intertwined.

The words disgusting/ horrible/ugly and a few others often fell when you walk at museums or art galleries...at least the movies say so. or Web 2.0? I dono...


one that convinces me to think what your doing is right

Maybe, maybe not. Whats the expectation and what is what is wanted.


Why is it that the different Nexus sites are considered "family" sites (I'm sure I've heard that from a moderator on here), but they get to have disgusting mods? Anyone can lie about their age. Some adult content shouldn't even be allowed to be uploaded, like this mod.

I couldn't really say, I had the adult content filter enabled.

General understanding of family site: Age 13-82

My understanding of the Adult Content Filter: Enables all Adult-based mods or mods that should be only viewed by adults...as they can make the right decision whether they do want or not want to view it. Non-adults are offered a protection so they won't be 'harmed'. When I view a file it usually 'warns' me about its further content if it's to be perceived 'tasteless' by others. STILL people watch, well that was a personal made adult decision. Another decision would be to avert the eyes and never look a single moment again and move on. To get a tiny bit offtopic, ..wow...so with huge world-problems we can...but now we cannot?


If people like it they should get it. No problems with that.

Yep, there seem to seem some disagreements about that however.


Now I actually barely gave my true opinion on all, maybe an interpretation on a few and an obvious direction. I didn't provide a true statement either. Others did that well enough already.

I view it as that, others might not...I try to keep it friendly as apparently we're on a family site. (double-sided? Maybe..maybe not.)

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Nothing offends me on this site. I've seen things on the internet that will be burned into my brain for my entire life, things that make me hate humanity. A few penis rings and bondage gear is nothing.


Slof, you're awesome. I don't use your mods but I'm happy somebody had the balls to make them. They're only inappropriate from the perspective that there's something wrong with these ideas in the first place.



Take, for example, Burning Man. Kids are allowed to attend. They will see things there that may confuse and traumatize them. Is it wrong that they saw an old man in a pink dress and combat boots and no underwear?


No, it isn't. It's wrong if the parents can't do damage control in their child's mind to help them understand why it's actually okay in that context. (If you don't agree, that's a separate debate. At Burning Man, it's okay.) Some parents wouldn't be good enough parents to do that. This applies to this thread because Oblivion mods can potentially contain just as bizarre stuff. I also wanted to point out the existence of a counter culture that supports ideas considered morally wrong in other context.



Another point I want to make is, these things exist in the real world, therefore they are fair game for modding, and people should direct their delicate sensibilities elsewhere if they are offended by something. A modder is merely the messenger.


My example is an issue I read about that came up with another mod. Apparently there was a mod on here that added crucified corpses to Tamriel, and people started crying because it offended their religion. Well, I have news for all the people who would misread something like that as an attack on religion: Crucifixion was used a form of execution for hundreds of years after Christ. In the 300's AD, tribes native to the British Isles were at war with the Romans, and crucifixion was used by these tribes to execute innocent Roman people in towns and villages. Actually the story of that war is one of the most disgusting things I've ever read, but it does illustrate that people should not point their personal anger at the messenger.


There's a harsher reality out there than some people would like to admit. I suppose the only time a mod should be taken down is if the community is unanimous in their dislike of it. Child rape in a mod probably wouldn't go over very well, and most people would agree it should be taken down. But it does happen in the world, so is it really wrong to make something that contains it? There's where the case by case basis would come in. I wouldn't use a mod like that, but if it had a serious story that made sensitive use that sick subject matter, and didn't exploit it, then I would not hate the modder either.

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Is it wrong that they saw an old man in a pink dress and combat boots and no underwear?


Sounds like a typical night out where I'm from. :biggrin:


In all seriousness though, I think the main point of this discussion is: If you don't like it, go look at something else. In the end if you don't like it, don't go broadcasting it. That's just as bad as those militant atheists and religious fundamentalists. :rolleyes:

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Okay, go ahead and jump on my case, too. But I personally don't like mods\images of women being raped or you know, chained up and beaten while stripped naked and obviously assulted in a sexual nature.



Go ahead and show images of people playing with themselves silly or having mutually wanted sex together. Or even mods\images of people beating the crap out of people that is not in a violent sexual nature.

As for pediphilers and so forth-there are no children in the game, so how would that even exist? Don't tell me, I don't want to know. I have no doubt someone with a sick enough mind could work around that.


My point is: Is it against forum rules to have mods\images of women or men being violently sexually assulted? And if not, why? I don't understand why that would be allowed but I've seen it and tried not to get upset about it but it's just wrong and cannot be justified because of someone's fantasy. That's just sick and wrong. Have any of your female relatives ever been raped or violently sexually assulted? It's not a joke. It's not a cute little game.


I try my best to keep away from it or anything of that nature. I actually enjoy a lot of the adult content and honestly think it's funny although at one time I was a little shocked by it on a game forum. I guess I've gotten use to it.

I don't want to have to disable adult content just to keep from having to see women being sexually assulted. (Mostly women-I've yet to see any men being chained and being sexually assulted, I don't know if any mods or images exists.)


Okay, I've said my peace. If it is against the forum rules and there are actions being taken against this. I apologize. I try to stay away from them so therefore would not know any follow ups.

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Okay, go ahead and jump on my case, too. But I personally don't like mods\images of women being raped or you know, chained up and beaten while stripped naked and obviously assulted in a sexual nature.



Go ahead and show images of people playing with themselves silly or having mutually wanted sex together. Or even mods\images of people beating the crap out of people that is not in a violent sexual nature.

As for pediphilers and so forth-there are no children in the game, so how would that even exist? Don't tell me, I don't want to know. I have no doubt someone with a sick enough mind could work around that.


My point is: Is it against forum rules to have mods\images of women or men being violently sexually assulted? And if not, why? I don't understand why that would be allowed but I've seen it and tried not to get upset about it but it's just wrong and cannot be justified because of someone's fantasy. That's just sick and wrong. Have any of your female relatives ever been raped or violently sexually assulted? It's not a joke. It's not a cute little game.


I try my best to keep away from it or anything of that nature. I actually enjoy a lot of the adult content and honestly think it's funny although at one time I was a little shocked by it on a game forum. I guess I've gotten use to it.

I don't want to have to disable adult content just to keep from having to see women being sexually assulted. (Mostly women-I've yet to see any men being chained and being sexually assulted, I don't know if any mods or images exists.)


Okay, I've said my peace. If it is against the forum rules and there are actions being taken against this. I apologize. I try to stay away from them so therefore would not know any follow ups.


For the most part I agree with you. I have a cousin who was raped at gunpoint in the 80's. She is unable to conceive children because of this incident. (They have adopted, and her husband is an awesome guy who first got me into modding years ago in the form of Doom maps. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him.)


However, people do have the right to make mods that include sick content like this because they have the right to express themselves. I've been involved on forums where the site manager drew the line at certain kinds of content, and it pissed me off to no end because while I agreed with her motives, I disagreed with what she considered wrong, and there was no debate. So I just trolled the place silly until I earned the distinction of being the first person ever banned from that forum. It was also my first forum membership ever. (That was a long time ago. I won't do that here.)


Let's say I have a story in mind that involves a character being raped. Oblivion takes place in medieval times, so it would be just plain inaccurate not to have a story like that, frankly, especially during war. I go about making the mod, writing the quests and creating the NPC's. I get really into the story. I decide it's high time this game had some better writing than the descendant of a people that violently took over the land from those who were there before, wanting his heir to continue his bloody legacy. I haven't gotten past the part of the main quest where you first collect Martin from Kvatch, so I don't know if this background features prominently in it. If it turns out the Mythic Dawn or even the Daedra are attacking in revenge for what happened to the Aylied's a thousand years ago, rock on. I'll bet you a million septims that there was rape and pillage galore when Cyrodill was taken over. This world is not innocent. They watch people kill each other for fun in an arena.


With that in mind, I produce my mod. Also with my cousin's tragedy in mind, and various rapes I've been unfortunate enough to see online over the years. (The internet is a dark and spooky place sometimes. I can never unsee certain things.) My hypothetical mod treats this particular part of the subject with the humane respect it deserves. Perhaps another NPC is a friend or family to the victim and wants vengeance. Perhaps the victim wants it. Perhaps you're exposing a villian for what he really is and the people all lose respect for him. There are a number angles involving rape that would be quite frankly awesome mods with good stories. I would welcome more serious content in this game. It would make it feel less Saturday morning sometimes.


But then I post it and it gets deleted. Boohoo Boohoo!! No rape!! No rape!! Don't you realize how sick and perverted you must be to post this???? We're protecting those members of the site who have been abused by denying you the right to tell a good story!!!!


Thankfully, this wouldn't happen. I tip my hat to Robin for not being like the above mentioned admin of that other site long ago.


If, on the other hand, I ever come across a mod in which you can rape people to fill Soul Gems, I would not wish it to be deleted. I would simply exercise my own right to free speech and dress him down in the comments page with a persuasive enough arguement that maybe other people would agree and the mod would fade into the oblivion it deserves.

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About the whole "omg the children are going to be forever traumatized by all the adult content thing", well I'm 15, and I'm pretty sure that's considered child by a lot of you. But I am not. I know what sex is, I know why people enjoy it. I use some of the adult body replacers. And I am not scared of sex for the rest of my life or something. Children know what sex is at the age of 5, they're not very likely to be harmed by the adult content on tesnexus.
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Exactly. The world we live in today is a world where kids no younger than 5 can even illegally buy a weapon and walk around with it. You can't force people to stop posting adult things on Nexus nor should you get worked up over a mod that adds penis rings. Many people have different tastes when modding. Some call these mods distasteful while others think it adds more immersion in the world they try to create for themselves. If a younger viewer sees these adult theme mods, the only responsibility is that of him/herself to censor his view rights or simply not download the mod at all. There will always be sleezy online jerks who simply post rude and inappropiate content for the hell of it but thats the internet for you. As Dark0ne said, if you don't like what's here and how the site is run, then its time for you to move on my friend.
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Dear Nexus members, (don't laugh :turned:)


Beeing part of this community is a privilege not a right. People get so serious every time someone makes a topic like this, it's just not funny. We are ALL here becouse we ALL like these games. So we ALL have this in common. Yeah, believe it or not, you(any you) and that person you consider a freak becouse he/she made a mod that you think it's disgusting or for any other reason, share a bond, you have both joined this forums/sites mostly for the same reason. We should be happy that we are SOO MANY that have this in common and more of US join every day. Other games would love to have such a colourful community. I see new talented modders every day, I see new members every day, we should be proud and happy. We have close to 21.000 files only for TES games, close to 10.000 for Fallout3 and close to 1000 for Dragon Age. Aren't these enough to make us happy? What more could we want? The best part of this community is that we are all allowed to share what we make, ALL of us. Be it a saved game or a companion or a fancy new armour. So instead of judging others, we should find our own place among all these people and have a great time while we stay here.


Leave Slof out of this. She's a brilliant, if somewhat alternative, modder. She's also a moderator here, so doing stuff like this is not going to get you any sympathy in later times.


I don't think you are doing the right thing eather, saying that it's like intimidating him. People should be allowed to speak frealy as long as they do it politely even if they have something to say about a moderator work. :smile: While I agree it was not nice to point at her mod as he could have said what he had in mind without mentioning someone in particular, I think topics like this make people tensed.


Enjoy as much as yo can beeing a member of this community and remember, it's a privilege not a right.



Cheers to all,

Pushkatu! :thumbsup:

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