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Ok.... I think I originally posted this in the wrong place so I'm reposting here... (gotta be the right spot now)


I know some of you boys like good romance mods and most of us girls really enjoy some good romance in our games. so far Burke is the only romance I've found.. and he's a creepy stalkerish sort... yeah.. at first it was really sweet... and I don't know if it was him or some weird bug but the last time I went in my Megaton house there was a gorgeous vase full of flowers.. and regardless of my feelings for the creep that was soooo sweet!!... if it was him...

But other than his... long distance romance by mail... there's no LOVE!!! NOWHERE!!! I'm a 19 year old vault escapee... a total cutie... but the guys around.. all they want is my caps... gawds... other than a prostitution mod... (no thanks) there's just no interested or interesting people to romance.

PLEEASE!!!!! "begs and pleads with a tear in her eyes" give us some romance mods!!!

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Sorry, but no one will write dialogue for me...


If it wern't for that small problem I would already have the whole thing done. And not just some short halfased attempt either, I'm talking about fully dynamic dialogue with multiple paths that add variety and choice to it.



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Sorry, but no one will write dialogue for me...


If it wern't for that small problem I would already have the whole thing done. And not just some short halfased attempt either, I'm talking about fully dynamic dialogue with multiple paths that add variety and choice to it.




Well I've been trying to get some one to turn Clover into a romancable companion - something along the lines of like some of these rescue/discovery romance stories. However I've had little success at getting some one to take it on. I've started thinking I may have to take my request to members on Bethesda's main forums.


[REQ] Clover/Crimson Romance TYPE 3 CALI

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Sorry, but no one will write dialogue for me...


If it wern't for that small problem I would already have the whole thing done. And not just some short halfased attempt either, I'm talking about fully dynamic dialogue with multiple paths that add variety and choice to it.



If it doesn't have to be Shakespeare quality than I could write some dialogue for you. Just let me know what you're going for first. I'll try writing some drafts already.

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If you are actually going to come through on what you say you will do and you can write on about the same level or better than this




Then PM me



To date I have had 19 people offer to do dialogue, and not ONE has writen even a single line... So if you are just fooling around, please don't waste my time. But if I can get a handfull of people who actually do something I could split the work up and make this mod a reality, but I can't get anywhere doing all of the dialogue myself, since I am not writer, I am a game designer and 3d artist...


I am not looking for perfect, just quality enough to make the mod worth playing, so no one or two line conversations.



But seriously, don't waste my time... I am very serious with that, if too many more people waste my time I will scrap the whole project and quit modding all together...

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If you are actually going to come through on what you say you will do and you can write on about the same level or better than this




Then PM me



To date I have had 19 people offer to do dialogue, and not ONE has writen even a single line... So if you are just fooling around, please don't waste my time. But if I can get a handfull of people who actually do something I could split the work up and make this mod a reality, but I can't get anywhere doing all of the dialogue myself, since I am not writer, I am a game designer and 3d artist...


I am not looking for perfect, just quality enough to make the mod worth playing, so no one or two line conversations.



But seriously, don't waste my time... I am very serious with that, if too many more people waste my time I will scrap the whole project and quit modding all together...



I'm working on a Butch and FemaleLW romance script. Not necciserily like your flowchart would like and I make no promises at all. My writing has always been an unpredictable thing. I'll either post the entire thing or it will never happen. When I post 'bits' of things I often feel too pressured and never finish.


If anyone does want to adopt it if I post it they are welcome to, as long as they give me credit.


I'd have actually have preffered to have made a Wanderer x Amata script for the Amata Follower mod, but not sure if the mods original creator would be behind that, or if you would be up to doing it.


What coupling interest you the most?

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