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Quick question about Japanese mods


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I would think its because of the same reasons for oblivion Japanese mods to be unavailable on this site...which was because they don't speak English they didn't like their mods uploaded to sites which they couldn't keep track of them and which they couldn't keep up/support them. Theres a thread about it somewhere under the oblivion section but it was pretty much something like that.
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I would agree completly with ecksile.


At least on the American side of things, we would have no problem putting thier mods up and playing thier mods if they wanted to post them here. But since they don't know English well they probably just don't want to spend the effort navigating out site and dealing with keeping track of how all the English websites work.


There is no rivalry at all in my opinion. I don't post my stuff on Japanese sites because I can't speak or read Japanese, and I would assume the same works the other way around.




The only time I have ever seen a Japanese mod get kicked off the site was when it was a kiddy porn mod, which I guess is ok over in Japan, but deffinatly against the Nexus rules and against what American culture finds acceptble.

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I don't think pedophilia is OK anywhere.


Now, don't shoot me for saying this, but I actually think American dislike of the Japanese may be rooted in WWII. The Japanese commited horrible atrocities then, like Pearl Harbour, and the American veterans, most of whom still live, have passed their memories of the Japanese to their children, giving them views of the Japanese which are now false.


Bit of a long explanation such such a simple question :P.

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I don't think pedophilia is OK anywhere.


Now, don't shoot me for saying this, but I actually think American dislike of the Japanese may be rooted in WWII. The Japanese commited horrible atrocities then, like Pearl Harbour, and the American veterans, most of whom still live, have passed their memories of the Japanese to their children, giving them views of the Japanese which are now false.


Bit of a long explanation such such a simple question :P.


No offence, but I don't think you could be any further from the truth... At least when it comes to people modding videogames.


I don't think anyone on any modding website anywhere on Earth is going to take Pearl Harbor into acount when modding a videogame.


The only resentment toward Japanese people I have seen are people who think all they do is anime style mods that ruin the game, nothing against Japanese people as a whole, but a hatred toward anime style art.



And pedophilia in ART is ok in Japan. Not only is it legal, but it is widely accepted in society as normal... Look it up if you don't beleive me.

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Its accepted in some 3rd world country's in prostitution/slavery/wives as well don't forget..There was also something about how Americans were stealing their work and uploading them to American sites WITHOUT any permission at all during the oblivion modding scene time I member there was a decent thread about it but that was pretty much the gist of it.
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Pearl Harbor? Not really...

Don't have a real hatered for them... more or less a lot of their mods just don't interest me that much. Different people/cultures different tastes.


If someone PM's me and wants to translate my mod into another language? By all means, they can go ahead with my approval... I just can't do it myself, because I don't know the language.


I'm sure it works the other way around. If someone contacted them and asked permission to translate a mod to English, most likely the modder would grant them the approval. However, the amount of these translated mods are tiny, a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of mods both communites make.


I don't really think there is a rivalary... if there is... I havn't seen it.

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There was also something about how Americans were stealing their work and uploading them to American sites WITHOUT any permission at all during the oblivion modding scene time I member there was a decent thread about it but that was pretty much the gist of it.

Other way around as well. early in oblivions life, Loads of mods were reupped/translated/complied/nipponized to japanese sites.

Some japanese modders don't get out much. there are sites that review like every mod, so they are kept in the loop so to speak. I've known of many mods that were to be exclusive only to japanese. apparently.


That would be weird.

Imagine inly making a mod only for germans, or whites.... sounds slighty off key to me.

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And pedophilia in ART is ok in Japan. Not only is it legal, but it is widely accepted in society as normal... Look it up if you don't beleive me.


Case in point: the manga Kodomo no Jikan. Due to its content it'll never, ever be released here in the states, but it's actually a fairly good story. It's pretty much equal parts heartwarming, disturbing, and hilarious.

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